When to change your Sanyo POA-LLB02 and POA-LMP39 lamp

Sanyo PLC-XF30NL Projector, Sanyo POA-LMP39 service part no 610 292 4848Your Sanyo PLC-EF30/PLC-EF31/PLC-XF30/PLC-XF31 series projector lamps have between 2,000 to 3,000 hours before they need to be replaced. This may be less if your filters are not cleaned on a regular basis. When it’s time to change your PLC-EF30/PLC-EF31/PLC-XF30/PLC-XF31 series lamp you’ll notice a flashing light on the either the Lamp Indicator.

Be sure to use the same type of projector lamp bought from a verified source that has been manufactured to meet the specifications. See below for the correct POA-LLB02 / POA-LMP39 (service part no 610 292 4848) lamp to use with your particular model and links for step-by-step instructions for replacing the lamps in all Sanyo PLC-EF30/PLC-EF31/PLC-XF30/PLC-XF31 projectors.

Resist the temptation to buy a cheaper counterfeit model as this can damage the sensitive mechanisms in your Sanyo PLC-EF30/PLC-EF31/PLC-XF30/PLC-XF31 projectors. Check your model to see if you’ll need two replacement lamps for your projector.

Lamp Indicator Sanyo PLC-XF30/ PLC-XF30NL/PLC-XF31 projector, Sanyo PLC-XF30NL Projector, Sanyo POA-LMP39 service part no 610 292 4848Sanyo Lamp Replace Indicator

As the lamp reaches its end of life, the Lamp Replace indicator lights turns yellow indicating it’s time for a new POA-LLB02 / POA-LMP39 (610-292-4848) as the current lamp is nearing end of life. If the POA-LLB02 / POA-LMP39 (service part no 610 292 4848)9 light does  burn out, then the indicator light will be flashing. If your projector has more than one lamps, check the number of the lamp shown on screen as Lamp Status Display on the Sanyo PLC-EF30/PLC-EF31/PLC-XF30/PLC-XF31 projectors so you can determine which lamp needs to be replaced.

On Screen Indicators

Lamp Indicator Sanyo PLC-XF30/ PLC-XF30NL/PLC-XF31 projector, Sanyo PLC-XF30NL Projector, Sanyo POA-LMP39 service part no 610 292 4848

The Lamp Status Display appears on screen showing the status of each lamp. This will be the same menu for  all Sanyo PLC-EF30/PLC-EF31/PLC-XF30/PLC-XF31 projectors.


Lamp Indicator Sanyo PLC-XF30/ PLC-XF30NL/PLC-XF31 projector, Sanyo PLC-XF30NL Projector, Sanyo POA-LMP39 service part no 610 292 4848Yellow Lamp: Lamp lights normally and is ON

Dim Lamp: Projection Lamp is turned off.


Lamp Indicator Sanyo PLC-XF30/ PLC-XF30NL/PLC-XF31 projector, Sanyo PLC-XF30NL Projector, Sanyo POA-LMP39 service part no 610 292 4848Red Lamp: Projections Lamp is nearing its end. When image becomes darker replace lamp. The LAMP REPLACE indicator will be flashing yellow.


Lamp Indicator Sanyo PLC-XF30/ PLC-XF30NL/PLC-XF31 projector, Sanyo PLC-XF30NL Projector, Sanyo POA-LMP39 service part no 610 292 4848X mark on Lamp: Projection lamp is defective or fails to be turned on. Restart the projector and if the X still appears, replace the lamp marked with the X.

Sanyo Lamp Mode Changeover

When a lamp is no longer working, the Lamp Management Function (Lamp Mode) automatically changes the combination of lighting from either two lamps to one lamp being used.

The Sanyo PLC-EF30/PLC-EF31/PLC-XF30/PLC-XF31 projectors series gives you the option of extending your lamp life by manually changing the Lamp Mode to use only one lamp. To do this:

  1. Press Menu button to get to the On-Screen Menu.
  2. Press Point left/right buttons to select Setting and press Select button. Setting dialog box appears.
  3. Press Point Down button to move a red frame pointer to Lamp Mode.
  4. Set the 2 Lamp Mode to 1 Lamp Mode lamp mode by pressing Point left/right buttons.
  5. When you switch the Lamp Mode from using 2 lamps to using 1 lamp the image becomes a little darker.
  6. When you switch the Lamp Modefrom using 1 lamp to using 2 lamps, the image becomes a little brighter gradually.

You must wait for 90 seconds after changing Lamp Mode before you can access this option again.

Click on your Sanyo Projector for step-by-step instructions on how to replace your lamp.

Lamp series: POA-LLB02/POA-LLB02 / POA-LMP39 (610 292 4848)

Sanyo PLC-EF30, Sanyo POA-LMP39 service part no 610 292 4848

Sanyo PLC-EF30

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the  PLC-EF30 lamp.


Sanyo PLC-EF31/ PLC-EF31NL / PLC-EF31N/ PLC-EF32 Projector, Sanyo POA-LMP39 service part no 610 292 4848

Sanyo PLC-EF31/ PLC-EF31NL / PLC-EF31N/ PLC-EF32

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the PLC-EF31/EF32 series lamp


Sanyo PLC-XF31 Projector, Sanyo POA-LMP39 service part no 610 292 4848

Sanyo PLC-XF31

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the PLC XF31 series lamp.


Sanyo PLC-XF30/PLC-XF31 Projector, Sanyo POA-LMP39 service part no 610 292 4848

Sanyo PLC-XF30/ XF30NL

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change PLC-XF30 series lamp.


The green alternative

Replace_Bulb_Keep_CageIf you are looking an option that is more eco-friendly and can save you some money, consider replacing only the lamp and re-using the original lamp cage. Watch our step-by-step tutorial to show you what is needed.

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