Replace the Acer H5360BD projector lamp

Acer H5360BD-projector_ECK-0700-001_projector_lampInstall a new Acer H5360BD projector lamp by following this guide.

Using the correct lamp

Your Acer H5360 projector uses the Acer EC.K0700.001 projector lamp. Be sure to buy your Acer H5360BD projector lamp from an authorized dealer to keep your projector working properly. Cheap knock-offs will damage the sensitive mechanisms in your Acer H5360BD projector and  have a much shorter life span due to their inferior materials and worksmanship. They are prone to explosions and contain cancer-causing materials, such as Krypton 85. Installing a knock-off projector lamp into your Acer H5360BD projector will also void your warranty. Protect your health and keep your projector working properly — install an authentic Acer EC.K0700.001!

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by the following authorized sellers:

Replacing the Acer EC.K0700.001 projector lamp

There are some telltale signs that are warnings your Acer H5360HD projector lamp is coming to its end of life. You may notice the colours on screen are faded or look off. When lamp usage is approaching 2000 hours, you will see warning message appear on screen:


If the Power lamp indicator quickly flashes blue followed by a steady red light, the projector lamp has failed and needs to be replaced immediately.

Step-by-step instructions

Before installing the new projector lamp follow these important safety rules:

  • Turn off the projector and unplug the AC cord. These projectors operate under high temperatures and there is a risk of burning if the projector has not cooled enough. Allow the Acer H5360 to cool for one hour. It should be cool to the touch.
  • Don’t throw this old Acer EC.K0700.001 projector lamp into the regular garbage as it contains mercury — send it to a local recycling program where it can be disposed of properly.

Acer-H5360BD_projector_ECK-0700-001_change_projector_lamp 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the two screws from the cover. Lift the cover off the projector. 2. Use a screwdriver to remove the two screws holding the lamp in place. screw from the cover. 3. Lift the wire handle on the Acer EC.K0700.001 bulb and gently pull the lamp up to remove it. 4. Take the new Acer EC.K0700.001 lamp. Avoid touching the bare bulb; the oil on your finger can leave a black mark on the lamp affecting the projected image. Once the light is safely in the projector, you can proceed to finish the installation:

  • Tighten the screws on the new Acer EC.K0700.001 projector lamp.
  • Put the lid back onto the projector. Tighten the screw holding the lid in place.
  • Plug the AC cables back into the projector. Turn the projector on so you can reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Lamptimer

It’s important to always reset the lamp timer after replacing the lamp in your Acer H5360HD projector. You want the projector to track how many hours the lamp has been used and send out warning messages when the Acer EC.K0700.001 reaches end of life. To reset the Lamptimer: Acer-H5360BD_projector_ECK-0700-001_lamp_timer_reset

  • Open the MAIN MENU. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to the MANAGEMENT menu. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to the Lamp Hour reset option.
  • Press the right arrow.
  • The lamp will be reset to zero.

Extend the life of your Acer EC.K0700.001

Choose ECO Mode to lower power consumption. It will dim the projector lamp thereby extending lamp life as well as lowering power. Learn more tips for extending lamp life.

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