HLR5067W will not turn on

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HLR5067W will not turn on

Postby jjmak » Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:40 pm

My HLR5067W will not turn on.

Symptoms began when the TV would sporadically not turn on. But, after a few tries ... it would. As time went on, the problem started happening a bit more frequently, until the TV would not turn on at all.

The "lamp" light flashes on the front. But, I can see the lamp is lit if I look at the back of the TV where the lamp is located.

Also, when attempting to power on, I hear a light click and I hear light, high pitched whine ... but nothing happens. Again, when I look at the back of the TV I can see that the lamp is lit.

Research I have performed tells me the problem is either the lamp, color wheel, or ballast. Is there a way to zero in on the problem without going trrough trial and error with each part?

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Re: HLR5067W will not turn on

Postby Jason1976 » Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:52 pm

It's the digital board. check out this link http://www.hometheatershack.com/forums/ ... post216927 you should be able to send the board in to have it reflowed.

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Re: HLR5067W will not turn on

Postby jjmak » Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:37 pm


Thanks for the reply. I did much more reading since my post ... and I read much of the information on hometheatershack.com. At this point, I wanted to confirm that this is in fact the problem (since there seem to be many different symptoms reported).

I have everything apart and am trying to find something to put the "right" pressure on the chip without applying too much. Would you agree that I should still try this "patch" before trying to get the board repaired (to confirm this is the problem)? Or, are you certain this is the problem?

Thank you for your help.

TV Repair Ninja
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Re: HLR5067W will not turn on

Postby Jason1976 » Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:25 pm

I'm 99.9% sure it's the issue and the pressure doesn't last forever. i used foil the first time i did the pressure and my tv turned on after doing that but about a week later it started to mess up again. but you have to make sure it's not shorting anything on the board. to risky. I would just skip it and contact the reflow guy from his web page and see if you can just send it to him and skip ebay. people are saying if you send it right to him from his web page it's a total of like 40 dollars and it's 75 if you go threw his ebay listing. he was offering it to us for 40 before he posted it on ebay.

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