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Samsung 6187 HD signal problem

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:44 pm
by southernlightning
I have a Samsung 6187S LED DLP. It started to act strange a while back. it would go black like it was the red led problem. I ordered and replaced the LED and still had the same problem. Once it went to black it would not come up unless I pulled all the inputs and restarted it. After some troubleshooting I figured out that if I leave it on and don't shut it off it will stay working. The problem seems to be it doesn't like HD signals. If it goes to black on an HD signal I have to shut it off and bring it up on an SD channel and leave it there for a while before I can go to an HD channel. Same thing with my Blu Ray player. If it is warmed up it seems to work fine although it has real problems with high action scenes and will dump to the black screen of death and I have to go through the same process to get it back up again. I was thinking input board but there is a digital and analog board and I can get both type inputs to work. What board does it have in common that would cause this? Once it is working it works great! It seems to be only on the signal input side. The component is what I am using now but it shows the same issues with HDMI.

Thanks guys!