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HLT6176SX/XAA a bit out of focus...

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:29 am
by timothy0921
Hi! I recently (within the past few months) bought a 61" Sammy DLP, model#: HLT6176SX/XAA for a great price ($600), and the TV was in really good shape.

The only issues I could see were; less than normal brightness, so I replaced the lamp and the picture is nice and bright now, also, there was a slight bowing at the bottom of the screen, so I adjusted it out with the adjustment screws on the rear of the set and it's much better now too.

The other issue was that the picture seemed a little blurry, and I assumed that this was a simple focus issue.

The first thing I tried was a factory reset through the service menu, but this did not fix it.

I then tried to adjust it using the focus wheel that's located behind the DMD heatsink, while my girlfriend watched the screen, however, she noticed absolutely no difference whatsoever, even as I turned the wheel either way, as far as it would go.

Sooo my picture is still, just a little blurry.

Why didn't the focus wheel have any effect???

Is there something I did wrong?

Perhaps something I was supposed to do first, like unscrew something, and THEN adjust the focus wheel?

Is there another method by which to make adjustments to the picture focus?

I am by NO MEANS an expert when it comes to these DLP sets, but I am mechanically, and technically inclined, and can perform most maintainance m'self, so if any of you folks know where I went wrong, or what it is I can do to remedy my little focus problem, please let me know.