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from one green lamp light to all three blinking?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 5:53 pm
by Brandon
Ok I turn on my tv and it has the lamp light blinking. It cycles three times and then all three lights blink. It sounds like my Color wheel is making a humming noise and everything that I have read is leading me to beleive that this is the problem. Any more Ideas on the subject? My tv model is HLM437w Type is DL43L2 I did put the old lamp that was a year old back in it. When I took it out it was still good just bought a new one instead. But using both lamps even the one that is 5 months old it still has the same problem. Im thinking color wheel?

Please help

Re: from one green lamp light to all three blinking?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:18 pm
by ChubbsTech
Hello Brandon.
From the sound of things it’s either two things that are probably making your TV to not turn on. The first one and most probable is the color wheel as you mention, the second is a fan that is not working properly or is getting clogged. My recommendation is that you open up your TV, clean the inside completely and check al fans so they are working appropriately if one is not working or stops working you will need to replace. Second, physically inspect the color wheel, see if it’s shattered or broken, if so you’ll need to replace it.
Here is a post on how to clean the inside of the TV: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=988
And if you don’t know where the color wheel is located, here is a small reference guide.
Keep me posted, good luck.

Re: from one green lamp light to all three blinking?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:03 am
by Brandon
Ok after taking the color wheel out I took a look at it and it does not seem broken except for a little chip in the wheel. Now stupid question did they put the chip in it so that it is ballanced or is that chip creating the problem. You can see the chip from the front as if looking from bulb. It is on the outside of the wheel and the chiped part is actually on the other side from the bulb but visible from the buld side. Hope im not being confusing anyway please let me know.

Thank you

Re: from one green lamp light to all three blinking?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:25 pm
by ChubbsTech
Hello again Brandon.
Ok, if the small circuit chip is broken then the color wheel is definitely bad. You see the color wheel has a sensor chip that detects a small black strip (on the wheel) at how many RPM it’s spinning. This information is relayed back to the DMD board. So if the chip doesn’t work the DMD board will think the color wheel is dead thus shutting off the TV for security reasons.
Here is an old post that describes this in more detail.
Good luck.

Re: from one green lamp light to all three blinking?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:35 am
by Brandon
Ok got the color wheel installed it sounds alot better when it trys to come on, one problem......the lamp light just blinks. I can hear the color wheel start up and fans come on but nothing else happens? Any clue.