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Samsung DLP HN507W1/XAA won't start up

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:11 pm
by philbertdlp

After working nearly perfectly for several years, our DLP tv seems to have croaked...

While watching, the fan noise seemed to be louder than usual, maybe like a bearing failing? A while later, we smelled a burning smell, so we shut the TV off. The fan made a funny noise, like it screeched to a halt. Today, the TV won't start up. It just cycles, seemingly trying to start up the fan? The fan LED lamp blinks on and off. I have to unplug it to get it to power off and stop trying.

Seems like the fan may have failed and then the unit heated up. Is this a typical problem? We've never replaced the lamp and have had no problems with the tv up to now. I don't know how many hours it has, but it is probably below average.

Hopefully it can be fixed, since the picture is really great...better than the current LCD's that I've seen.

Re: Samsung DLP HN507W1/XAA won't start up

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:08 pm
by philbertdlp
Before this happened, some weird things did occur...

The TV seemed to lose the display on the DVI port (which I have connected to the cable box). Just had a fuzzy screen. I thought it was the cable box, so I powered that down and maybe the TV as well. Then, some even more unusual things happened...the display on the TV appeared up-side-down and mostly green in color. I again assumed it was the cable box, but did note that when I had powered off the cable box, the blank "no signal" screen still appeared on the TV, still up-side-down and mostly green! So, I think it was the TV. After powering off both the TV and the cable box again, it seemed to get back to normal, but then an hour or so later, the fan noise was noted and the hot smell.

Thanks for your help!

Re: Samsung DLP HN507W1/XAA won't start up

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:38 pm
by kjpinth
Newbie to the forum and found that I have a very similar situation that happened earlier this week to my HLP 5063W. I believe that's the correct model # but I'm not at home to check it. Picture came on and then there was a 'popping' sound according to my daughters. No picture from that point forward. When trying to turn the unit on after the 'popping' incident, it would 'screech' while cycling itself on and off, finally turning itself off for good. Opened up the back and pulled the lamp housing out of the TV. Bulb had blown, w/pieces of loose glass in it. It was the vented bulb, so pieces were falling out when I extracted it.

I've ordered a replacement lamp, but is it possible that there's more to this problem? This TV is 4 1/2 yrs old and quite frankly I don't want to get nickeled and dimed on this. In other words, is it really worth putting in a new bulb? I've read literally dozens of posts on this site from Sammy owners saying that "I put in the bulb and it works great," only to see, "It's back on the blink after 2 days of working fine... will try the color wheel," yada yada yada... a bulb here, a color wheel there, followed by a ballast and a DMB (or whatever the term is), and a person has spent 3 weeks and hundreds of dollars on an old TV that could fail in some other fashion at any time.

Not trying to be a smarta$$ but just trying to look at this from a different angle. I've seen 55" LCDs w/1080p (mine's a 720p) advertised for less than what I paid for this TV back in '05. Just wondering if it's better to bite the bullet and move on to bigger and better technology?? Or where is that financial 'line' where it no longer makes sense to try to fix it? Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.

Re: Samsung DLP HN507W1/XAA won't start up

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:58 pm
by Angel
Hi kjpinth.

Well, your problem seems to be just the lamp, so replacing it should solve the problem. However (as you can see on this forum), Samsung DLPs have all kind of problems, just compare the number of posts here with the number of posts on any other brand forum. So there is no way to assure your problems are going to finish after replacing the lamp, it's possible that tomorrow, next month, maybe next year, another problem appears. This doesn't mean your TV is bad, maybe you are lucky and have a well functioning TV, however the lamp has a life span, so at least you'll need to replace it every 6 months or so, depending on how much you use the TV.

Re: Samsung DLP HN507W1/XAA won't start up

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:31 pm
by kjpinth

Thanks. I did notice (unfortunately :x ) that Samsung has the lion's share of problems posted on this site. I guess that's why I posed the question in the first place... realizing that it is indeed when the TV fails again, not if. It reminds me of a self-propelled mower that I fixed 3 yrs ago. I ended up with 3 different repairs in 6 mos, but at the time they were smaller repairs. I fixed throttle cables, the gears for the self-propelled wheels and something else (can't remember). After all was said and done I had dropped $150 in an old mower that finally gave out anyway, after the engine blew up.

I guess I'll go w/the bulb and hope for the best but I'll have to re-evaluate if more problems pop up. I hope that the bulb lasts longer than the 6 mos that you've predicted. This was my original bulb from 4 1/2 yrs ago. If I have to spend $130 every 6 mos from here on out I'll definitely be moving on to a different technology.