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strange issue: not able to pull out the DLP lamp

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:49 am
by nautilus11
i read many posts here about 3 lights flashing issue. I have the same problem but i am stuck with a different issue. I replaced the lamp because of 3 leds flashing problem on my HLS5086W but the problem still continues. The pictures comes on fine but TV shuts off in a minute. Now i was trying to get the new lamp out and put it back again just to check and it doesnt move even a millimeter. Tried really hard with the wire handle (yes, i have removed the single screw!) but it just doesnt move. bought it with casing from D-M. I dont know if there is another lock or anything. I had removed and replaced the original lamp multiple times before trying the new lamp. can someone please suggest 2 things
- how the heck i get the lamp out to check
- the problem still continues. The lamp comes on and then shuts off, then i hear clicking sound as if the TV is starting and the warm up light in front is flashing. the TV does not turn on and the fan and everything stops.
- I also hear tiny whinning sound, but not always. it comes and goes.

Re: strange issue: not able to pull out the DLP lamp

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:35 pm
by nautilus11
spent a hour on the phone with DM tech. he could not figure out either why the lamp is not coming out. I spend 160 bucks on new lamp, the problem still exists and the new lamp is stuck!!!!!!!!!! this is really frustrating
please someone give me any suggestions..

Re: strange issue: not able to pull out the DLP la

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:02 pm
by Angel
I see two possibilities:

1. Color wheel. You can check this physically so you can be sure it's not working before spend more money. For instructions on how to take it out use this replacement guide: , you have to check if the color wheel has any damaged or cannot spin freely.

2. Ballast. If the color wheel is in good conditions and spins freely, then most probably you have a ballast issue.

Other things to check:
- Check if the ballast and the bulb have the same wattage.
- Reset the lamp timer, instructions here: .

Hope this helps.

Re: strange issue: not able to pull out the DLP lamp

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:16 pm
by nautilus11
thanks NEhelp.. couple of questions,
- do i have to take the color wheel out completely to check, or can i slide the main board out (which i did) and still view the wheel from outside?
- Any ideas about my other issue of not being able to pull out the lamp?

Re: strange issue: not able to pull out the DLP la

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:52 pm
by Angel

Re: strange issue: not able to pull out the DLP la

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:00 pm
by nautilus11

Re: strange issue: not able to pull out the DLP lamp

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:18 pm
by traveler
I'm sure you have solved the "stuck light" problem by now. I had the same problem with my Samsung HLS4266WXXAA. The lamp cartridge is jammed in there a bit crooked or maybe the cartridge is a bit oversized and is pressed in when you tightened the screw. You have to remove the light engine and pop the lamp cartridge out by looking for spots you can insert a screwdriver and pry the cartridge out. It will "pop" and the cartridge will be free. This worked for me after many frustrating tries to pull it out with the wire. Maybe this will help someone one else who has had the problem. How did you get your lamp out?

Oh yes, my original problem with the tv was not the lamp, it was the color wheel! Lights blinking as if it was the lamp!