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Samsung HLP5063W color wheel?

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:23 am
by BrotherRob
I just picked up a Samsung HLP5063W from a friend. He says that the lamp was replaced about a year ago, but he believes the color wheel is going out. I tried powering it up. It tries to start, but but I get the whining sound and ultimately, the three blinking lights. From what I've read, if the color wheel is completely gone, the lamp won't light, so that appears to be the problem. I'm itching to open this thing up, clean it out and inspect the components, but I'm pretty much flying blind. Any pointers for what I should look for? :?:

Re: Samsung HLP5063W color wheel?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:47 pm
by Koziov82
Hi there !

Regarding your issue, it seems that the problem will be the color wheel. When you hear a whining sound, that is a symptom of the color wheel going bad.

Also, i can recommend you to clean up your TV frequently, because dust can affect parts inside of your television.

Re: Samsung HLP5063W color wheel?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 6:34 am
by BrotherRob
Thanks for the tip. My first thought was to clean it out thoroughly, there's plenty of dust on the outside, so I'm sure it's a mess inside. Is there a good place to obtain repair manuals or good instructions? Also, Discount Merchant shows both model number BP96-00674A and BP96-01103A as the correct color wheels for this model. Samsung lists only BP96-00674A. Is one preferable?