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Newbe Problem

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:50 am
by rgilf
Came home after a power outage (possible lightening storm) and when I put the TV on (Samsung HL-S4266 , 5+ years old, Color Wheel replace 3 years ago, lamp replaced 9 monthes ago) the screen said " No signal" which changed to "Mode not supported. Trouble shot by taking the AV Receiver out of the loop, and then changing the Cable Box. No change in. Returned to regular set up and used a LCD Samsung which worked fine.

Would like further guidence on trouble shooting the HL-S4266.


Re: Newbe Problem

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:28 pm
by BYO
:mrgreen: Hi rgilf,

Welcome to the forum :lol:, :idea: If you have a power surge protector bypass it.
Do you hear any kind of sounds when you try to turn it ON :?:
Is there any lights lid on the front of the set :?:

Re: Newbe Problem

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:21 pm
by rgilf
Thank you for the welcome.
Let me add that I am using a HDMI cable. Alos tried a different cable.

No lights or indications on front panel.
I am hearing a distinct hum comming from the unit.
Still same screen " Not Supported Mode"

Re: Newbe Problem

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:42 pm
by rgilf
Still trying to figure out the problem.
This time I connected component cables to a working cable box then to the TV- Reports "No Signal".

Hooked up a DVD player, swithched TV to AVI and picture and sound were FINE.

Does anyone know which board would cause a failure to pick up a cable signal?