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WD-52531 Picture "Blinks" To Black every few secon

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:04 pm
by HomerGator
The other day, I turned on my WD-52531. I thought everything was fine until I noticed the picture continually cutting out. It was as if you were blinking your eyes every several seconds. The picture would go to black for a half a second, then back fine. The sound was not affected, and I tried other inputs and had the same issue, so it's not a cable or the devices, it has to be the television.

There is no change in color to the LEDs status lights. No lamp warning. I opened up the lamp portal, and nothing seemed amiss in there. I removed the lamp, removed any dust, and replaced it.

The problem persists. A new lamp is 90 bucks. I don't want to buy a new one only to have it turn out to be an issue that ISN'T the lamp. Anyone have any issues like this?


Re: WD-52531 Picture "Blinks" To Black every few secon

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:38 pm
by grayfox

If you want to trouble shoot price and time wise, I would recommend changing the lamp first, especially if this flickering started more than 6 to 12 months into the lamps lifetime. The only other part I could think of that give you this flickering is the lamp ballast (very common) or your TV is not supporting the input you are giving it, (say 1080 HD)...

Hope this helps