Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

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Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby V8stangster » Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:25 pm

I found the color wheel on DM ( ... rwheel.htm) but I'm confused.

How do I really know which one I need? Why are the two of them not compatible or interchangeable? Obviously I'm not going to tear apart my TV and pull out the color wheel just to find out if it's "GOLD" or "SILVER" There's got to be a better way of identifying the two.

Also, while I'm venting (hehe), what's the difference between air and ball bearings...which is better and why

I hope someone can help. I just want to get the bp96-00674a color wheel installed and be done with it, this whining noise is driving me crazy

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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby tripleb52 » Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:20 pm

I just installed this very same colorwheel in my samsung dlp hlp5063w. Very easy to do for me, had no problems. The color wheel i put in was silver and the one I took out was silver as well. the jumper wire was not on my machine and i did not need to put one on either. I talked to a TV repair man and he advised me that if the sound got too bad to just turn off the tv and leave it off because at the speed the color wheel is turning it can cause more damage if it actually blows apart. So I would replace it as soon as possible. The total time it took me to replace it was about 40 minutes. I watched the 5 part video on you tube a couple days before i actually did it so i knew what i was getting in to. Hope this info helps...good luck.

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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby stuart » Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:22 pm

Not sure about the part but if you order the wrong one from them they will not take it back.

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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby gunner722 » Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:10 pm

I just replaced my color wheel in my Vivitek DLP.Took about 45min to an hour and was very easy. Before ordering I chatted with customer service from the company I was ordering from and told them my model#. They were able to tell me which part was for me. Once I opened the tv it was obvious to see where I had to go and how to get there.When I took the new wheel out of it's static-bag,it was covered with some dust or debris.I used an air-can to blow the stuff off and of course some of the liquid came out onto the wheel.I figured now I have nothing to lose and got a Q-tip and squirted some windex on it and wiped the whole wheel and dried it with the dry end.
I crossed my fingers and put it in and got the tv back together and gave it about 10 minutes to kind of get settled in there and then turned it on with an HD DVD waiting in the HD player and it was so quiet I didn't even here it start and the humming noise I used to hear no longer was there.It sounds and looks great!

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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby ovadoggvo » Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:54 pm

Thanks for posting that great news! Some times it takes a users experience posted on here to convice people that they can change a color wheel at home!

I'm glad it worked out for you.

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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby Displaydr » Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:32 pm

I had same exact problem. I Ordered the Color Wheel from since everyone else had it on backorder. I finally received it yesterday. In my excitement to get it installed I didnt look at the colorwheel closely. It looked the same as the original in size and installed without a hitch. However when I installed it the TV turned on fine but everything was an odd Blue color. The Part I ordered was BP96-00674A. Upon closer examination I received a Color Wheel with a Silver Center and the original is Gold and the colorwheels didnt appear to be the same. The new one had some cross ections in the colorwheel where the original does not. According to this is the correct replacement for my Television (Samsung HLP5063W). I not sure now if this is the correct Colorwheel. Anyone have any ideas?

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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby ovadoggvo » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:35 am

The new color wheel your received is an FAB Bearing (SILVER) Colorwheel you will need to install a jumper ("Shorted") on the DMD Board (Jumper CN810). By shorted, this means ON... You will need to buy a jumper and install it on the DMD board for fix this problem.

The reason for this is that the TV's DMD board will adjust the RPM's for the color wheel for the appropriate colorwheel.

More information about the Jumber is available here: ... p96-00674a

Also, here: ... rwheel.htm

Let us know how it goes.

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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby Displaydr » Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:25 pm


Thanks the jumper was the issue. My DMD board had the Jumper already installed, once I removed it the Colorwheel worked fine.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.

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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby ovadoggvo » Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:25 am

I'm glad I could help. Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby champa » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:53 am


These forums are great help and I've tried most of the advice but still have issue with my TV.

I have a HLP 4663W which shut down 2 months ago due to shattered color wheel. I ordered the right part (silver one) with the assembly from the partstore and it arrive last friday after 6 week national backorder. Now when I replaced the wheel and turn on the tv, it spins for 6-8 seconds and then spins down. It goes into this cycle of spin up and spin down three times and then turns off. I've tried replacing the bulb as well but no change. When I put the broken color wheel back in, the buzzing sound is there and the wheel continues to spin... And when I put the older wheel, it spins for 25-30 seconds but cannot turn on the tv or the lamp.

could it be the new color wheel or somthing I did wrong?
Could it be the ballast but the older wheel spins fine..although without lamp or turning on the tv?

any pointers will be apprecited..


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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby ovadoggvo » Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:12 am

look here:

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Re: Samsung BP96-00674A Color Wheel dilemna

Postby rick » Sat May 09, 2009 4:35 pm

Update on my Samsung. I received the color wheel from and my wife and me replaced it this morning. Turned on the TV and it worked (so far) believe, it or not. Thanks to everyone for their help

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