Enclosure RCA 265866 Carcasa RCA 265866 Enclosure RCA 265866, Cable connector, Lamp Vents, Lamp Carrier and PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 Lamp Carcasa RCA 265866, Cable conector, Rejilla de Ventilacion, Portalamparas y Lampara PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 Top of Lamp PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 and Cable Connector Parte Superior de Lampara PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 y Cable Conector Side of the Lamp PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 and Cable Connector Costado de la Lampara PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 y Cable Conector Lamp Vents and Bottom of Lamp PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 Rejillas de Ventilacion y Parte Inferior Lampara PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 Lamp Carrier and PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 Bulb Portalamparas y Bulbo PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0 Bulb Bulbo PHILIPS E22 UHP 100W/120W 1.0