Choose the make and model of your TV

In case that your TV doesn´t turn on, follow the next steps:

  • Check if the power cord is plugged in.
    Sometimes we forget that we unplugged it.
  • Check if the lamp door is completely close.
    Your TV has a switch at the door. If you don’t close the door correctly the TV won’t turn on.
  • Check if the enclosure is properly installed
    In some TVs there is a sensor in the area where we put the enclosure. Try to install the enclosure properly, if it didn’t work the first time, take it out and try again.
  • Reset lamp timer.
    If your TV needs to reset manually the lamp timer. Follow the instructions provided by your owner’s manual.

After completing the steps, please click one of the next options:
That solved my problem.
Those steps didn´t solved my problem.

I hear a grinding, whirling, spining or buzzing sound

If you are hearing a grinding, whirling, spinning or buzzing sound, that’s your color wheel.
The reason for that is because your Color Wheel spins at 5000 rpms (revolution per minute) and something that modifies the balance of the disc can cause different things. Unfortunately in order to check if you color wheel is working properly you have to open your TV and check it out physically.

Grinding = Most probably the COLOR DISC is broken and you need to replace it.

Spinning/Buzzing = The bearing of the wheel is loose and its loosing its balance, eventually it will brake.

The best thing to do is to take out the color wheel and spin it, if you feel that the disc kind of wobbles or doesn´t spin smoothly you have to replace it.

What is a color wheel

A color wheel is disk-shaped and divided equally into 12 sections, each displaying a different color according to its "pigment" values.

All colors arise from the three primary colors: red, blue and yellow. These colors are primary because you cannot make them by mixing other colors together. They are represented on the color wheel at equidistant positions, forming a triangle.

Mixing equal values of any two primary colors together creates the secondary colors of violet, orange and green.

A color wheel is extremely handy when putting together a color scheme, or series of colors that will compliment each other to create an overall pleasing affect.

A color wheel based on RGB (red, green, blue) or RGV (red, green, violet) additive primaries has cyan, magenta, and yellow secondary.

Most color wheels are based on three primary colors, three secondary colors, and the six intermediates formed by mixing a primary with a secondary, known as tertiary colors, for a total of 12 main divisions.

I hear a constant clicking noise

This is a symptom indicating that your ballast is not working properly. If you notice a constant clicking, that’s an indicator of weak ballast that is trying to turn on the lamp. If you hear an intermittent buzzing sound, that means that most probably you didn´t connect the housing correctly and its losing voltage; try to take out the enclosure and slide it in again.

What is a ballast?

A ballast is a small circuit board that regulates the power to the lamp. It's the device intended to limit the amount of current that gets into the lamp.

I don´t hear any noises

When you press power, you are going to be able to hear the fans turn on, If you dont hear it, the problem is with the power supply.

Power supply is a reference to a source of electrical power. A device or system that supplies electrical or other types of energy to an output load or group of loads is called a power supply unit or PSU.

If you´re having a problem with a power supply and you feel handy, you can check the readings with a stardard voltmeter.

I have audio in my screen but no picture

  • Check the fans and air vents just to make sure there´s no dust on the fans and also check that they´re working properly. They usually get clogged, also fans have a lifespan. This could cause overheating.

  • If your TV is 2-3 years old. Most probably the problem is going to be with the lamp. They usually have a lifespan up to 6000 hours of usage, that´s like 2-3 years avarage.

  • If you just install a new lamp in your set and you still have the same problem, most probable the problem is with your ballast. The ballast also has a lifespan of 3-4 years, they also wear off.

  • There is also a small chance that the problem is the color wheel. It can be that the color wheel bearing doesn´t work and doesn´t keep the disc stable. Another reason is that the colors from the disc are broken or discolored.

I have picture in my screen but no audio

  • In Case that you have a sound system, make sure everything is plugged
    in correctly. Also these systems have a mute or settings to turn off the sound system, check that you don´t have those options enable.
  • You might have a problem with the speakers. It could be that the speakers blew up, cables from speakers need to be replaced.
  • This is not a common case, but it happens, Analog board is not giving signal for the output. You need to replace your analog board, check the connections, that everything is properly connected.

I have patterns and distortions on my screen

Try the following:

  • Display the TV menu. Which one of the next cases do you have?

    • The TV menu is also affected by the patterns / distortions: When this happens the problem is that the DMD board is malfunctioning.

    • The TV menu is not affected by the patterns / distortions: If the menu displays correctly then the problem is in the source of the video signal (analog or digital board). Try changing between analog and digital inputs, if the problem is always present then the digital board is the cause, but if this issue just occurs when an analog source is selected then you need a new analog board.

What is a DMD Board?

A digital micromirror device, or DMD, is an optical semiconductor that is the core of DLP projection technology.

A DMD chip has on its surface several hundred thousand microscopic mirrors arranged in a rectangular array which correspond to the pixels in the image to be displayed. The mirrors can be individually rotated to an on or off state. In the on state, light from the projector bulb is reflected into the lens making the pixel appear bright on the screen. In the off state, the light is directed elsewhere, making the pixel appear dark.

The number of mirrors corresponds to the resolution of the projected. 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x720, and 1920x1080 matrices are some common DMD sizes. These mirrors can be repositioned rapidly to reflect light either through the lens or on to a heat sink.

To produce grayscales, the mirror is toggled on and off very quickly, and the ratio of on time to off time determines the shade produced.

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