Replacing the Acer X1130 projector lamp

Acer X1130_projector_Lamp_Acer_EC_J9000-001Replace the Acer X1130 projector lamp using this easy guide.

The projector will detect the lamp life for the Acer X1130 projector lamp and show the warning message: Lamp is approaching the end of its useful life in full power operation. Replacement Suggested!”

Be prepared with an authentic projector lamp

Your Acer X1130 needs an authentic lamp in order to keep working properly.  Cheap knock-offs will damage the sensitive optics in your Acer X1130 projector and have a much shorter life span. These knock off projector lamps are also created with toxic materials that pose a health threat. Authentic OEM are less likely to explode and come with a money-back guarantee as well as keeping your warranty intact. Protect yourself from buying counterfeit lamps.

Buy this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Replacing the Acer EC.J9000.001 projector lamp

Before installation follow these important safety steps:

  • Turn off the Acer X1130 projector and unplug the AC cord.
  • These projectors operate under high temperatures and there is a risk of burning if the projector has not cooled enough. Allow the Acer X1130 to cool for one hour. It should be cool to the touch.


1. Remove the two screws from the cover. Lift the cover off the projector and place it to one side.

2.  Remove the two screws holding the Acer X1130 projector lamp in place. screw from the cover.

3. Lift the wire handle on the Acer EC.J9000.001 bulb and gently pull the lamp up to remove it.

Don’t throw the old Acer EC.J9000.001 projector lamp projector lamp into regular garbage as it contains mercury — send it to a local recycling program.

4. Take the new Acer EC.J9000.001 projector lamp projector lamp using the wire handle. Avoid touching the bare bulb; the oil on your finger can leave a black mark on the lamp affecting the projected image. Tighten the screws on the new Acer EC.J9000.001 projector lamp.

Put the lid back onto the projector. Tighten the screw holding the lid in place. Plug the AC cables back into the projector. Turn the project on so you can reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the projector lamp timer

It’s important to always reset the lamp timer after replacing the projector lamp in your Acer X1130 projector. You want the projector to track how many hours the lamp has been used and send out warning messages when the Acer EC.J9000.001 reaches end of life.



Acer-X1130_projector_Lamp_Acer_EC_J9000-001_reset_lamp_timerTo reset the Projector Lamp timer:

  • Open the MAIN MENU. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to the MANAGEMENT menu. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to the Lamp Hour reset option.
  • Press the right arrow.
  • The lamp will be reset to zero.

Extending the projector lamp life

Learn more tips for extending lamp life.


A green alternative



The Acer X1130 projector has the option of also just replacing the actual bulb and re-use the plastic cage. This reduces waste and is a great way to green your projector.

Watch our training video to learn more.

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