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Sanyo PLC-WL2501 projector

How to install a new Sanyo PLC-WL2501 projector lamp

Invest in authentic

When it’s time to replace the Sanyo PLC-WL2501 projector lamp the replacement Icon will appear on screen and the LAMP REPLACE indicator lights up yellow.

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by:


End of life warning signs

There is a Lamp Replace Indicator at top of the Sanyo PLC-WL2501 projector. Other indicators of the lamp reaching end of life include distorted color and poor light.

Installing a new projector lamp

Before replacing any lamps follow these safety steps:


  • Turn off the PLC-WL2501 projector.
  • Unplug the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 45 minutes. It should be cool to the touch. The Sanyo PLC-WL2501 operates under extremely high temperatures and you can seriously burn yourself if you don’t give the projector time to cool.


To install the lamps:

  • Remove the screw holding Sanyo PLC-WL2501 lamp cover in place. Put the cover to one side.
  • Loosen the three screws holding the Sanyo POA-LMP141. projector lamp in place.
  • Grasp the wire handle and gently pull out the defective Sanyo POA-LMP141 lamp. Place to one side. Note: Be sure to properly recycle projector lamp. Don’t throw this projector lamp into the regular garbage as it contains mercury.
  • Take the new Sanyo POA-LMP141 projector lamp by the handle and gently guide it into place.
  • Tighten the three screws holding the Sanyo POA-LMP141 projector lamp assembly in place.
  • Replace the Sanyo PLC-WL2501 Lamp Cover and tighten the screw to hold the lamp cover in place. Reset the Lamp Counter.

Reset the projector lamp counter

Each time you install a new Sanyo POA-LMP141 projector lamp, you’ll need to reset the lamp counter in order that the lamp life can be properly tracked.


  • Turn the PLC-WL2501projector on.
  • Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen Menu. Press enter.
  • Scroll down to the Setting option. Press Select.
  • Scroll over to select the Lamp Counter Reset
  • Sanyo_projector_PLC-WL2501_reset_Sanyo_POA-LMP_140_lamp_timer-2The Lamp Reset message appears.
  • Select YES to continue.
  • The Lamp replacement counter reset option will appear.
  • Click on YES.
  • Another confirmation dialog box appears.
  • Select YES to reset the lamp counter back to zero.

Extend the lamp life

Extend the life of your newly installed Sanyo POA-LMP141 projector lamp by following these helpful tips:

  • Don’t operate the projector continuously without letting it stand for at least one hour turned off every 24 hours.
  • Cleaning the air filter regularly will also prolong the life of the Sanyo POA-LMP141 projector lamp and prevent the PLC-WL2500 projector from overheating.

Read more Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

Shop for this lamp on Amazon:

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This guide shows how to replace the Hitachi ED-X30 projector lamp

Keep track o so you’ll know when to replace its time to replace the f the Hitachi ED-X30 projector lamp. Watch for these signs that indicated the projector lamp is reaching its end of life:

  • The Power and Lamp Indicators will begin blinking.
  • Color tone on the screen may also appear weak or washed out.
  • Picture has poor color quality.

Find this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Install the replacement projector lamp

Before installing the replacement follow these important safety tips:

  • Turn off the Hitachi ED-X30 projector.
  • Unplug the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool for at least 45 minutes. It should be cool to the touch. This projector works using high heat and there is danger you can be burned.
  • NOTE: If the projector is mounted on the ceiling, don’t stand underneath the projector while opening the cover.


  • Loosen the screw (marked by arrow) of the lamp cover and then slide the lamp cover to the side to remove it.
  • Loosen the 2 screws (marked by arrow) of the projector lamp, and slowly pick up the lamp by the handles. Be careful not to bang the lamp.

NOTE: The Hitachi DT0084 projector lamp contains mercury and must be recycled properly. Don’t place in regular garbage.

  • Insert the new lamp, taking care not to touch the actual bulb. Oil in your fingers will cause a dark spot on the lamp when it heats up.
  • Tighten the 2 screws of the Hitachi DT0084 projector lamp that were loosened to remove the old projector lamp.
  • Slide the lamp cover back in place and firmly fasten the screw of the lamp cover.
  • Turn on the projector and set the lamp timer

To reset the projector lamp timer:

Reset the projector lamp time only when you have replaced the lamp so the Hitachi ED-X30 projector can properly track the lamp life. Otherwise you run the risk of using the lamp beyond its lamp life.

  • Press the MENU button
  • Scroll down to the GO TO ADVANCED MENU option. Press ENTER
  • Scroll down to the OPTION menu in the left column and press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to LAMP TIME. Press ENTER To make a dialogue field appear
  • Scroll up to the RESET option on the dialogue box.
  • The lamp setting will be set to zero.

Why avoid buying counterfeits

Despite their bargain prices, counterfeits have a number of major problems:

Green your projector

Hitachi_ED-X30_projector_lamp_DT00841 -video

Recycle your lamp housing by only replacing the Hitachi ED-X30 bulb. Our training video shows you how to do it. It’s easy!

Shop for this lamp on Amazon:

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3M X26i projectorThis guide shows how to install a new 3M X26i projector lamp

When it’s time to change the 3M X26i projector lamp you may notice the colors on screen are faded or distorted. Invest in authentic

Invest in an authentic and look for the seal of approval before buying your projector lamp. Scroll down for more information on why you should avoid counterfeit lamps.

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by:

Replacing the projector lamp

Your 3M X26i projector uses the 3M 78-6972-0106-5 projector lamp. Be sure to follow these important safety steps before installing a new projector lamp:

  • Step 1: Unplug the projector.
  • Step 2: Wait until the projector is cool to the touch before removing the lamp. This projector works at a high temperatures and you can get badly burned if you try to replace the lamp before the cool down.

3M 78-6972-0106-5_replace

  • Step 3: Loosen the lamp cover screw (marked by an arrow on the side or the projector).  Remove the cover. Place it to one side.
  • Step 4: Unscrew the two projector lamp screws (marked by arrows) . Grab the lamp handle. projector lamp or it may break. Learn how to do a proper clean up if the lamp breaks or explodes.
  • NOTE: The 3M 78-6972-0106-5 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle this lamp.
  • Insert the new 3M 78-6972-0106 projector lamp. Tighten the two screws on the new projector lamp. Being careful not to touch the actual bulb as the oil from your fingers will burn black marks when the lamp heats up.
  • 3M X26i_projector_lamp_3M 78-6972-0106-5_replace_doorRe-install the 3M X26i projector lamp cover. Tighten the lamp cover screw. You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Reset the lamp timer

After changing the 3M 78-6972-0106- projector lamp you need to reset the lamp timer so the 3M X26i projector will turn back on. To reset:

  • Turn the projector on.
  • Use the LAMP TIME option on the OPTION menu.
  • Press the MENU button.
  • Scroll down to the ADVANCED MENU. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll over the the OPTION menu. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll over to the OPTION menu. Press ENTER.
  • A dialogue field will appear asking to reset the lamp timer.
  • Scroll over and choose OK. The lamp timer is now reset to zero.

Extend the 3M X26i projector lamp life

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the 3M X26i projector projector projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life

Why avoid counterfeits

One of the best things you can do to keep your 3M X26i projector is to install an OEM projector lamp. Counterfeit lamps can create a number of problems:

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BenQ MX819ST_projectorReplace the BenQ MX819ST projector lamp

This step-by-step guide shows how to install a replacement BenQ MX819ST projector lamp. Start off on the right foot with an authentic projector lamp. Counterfeit prices are tempting but they end up more problems including:

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by:

Check lamp hours

When the projector is in operation, lamp life is automatically calculated by the built-in timer. To obtain the lamp hour information:

  • Press MENU/EXIT and then press the side arrow keys to move to the SYSTEM SETUP: Advanced Menu.
  • Press to highlight Lamp Settings and press MODE/ENTER. The Lamp Settings page is displayed.
  • You will see the Equivalent Lamp Hour information appearing on the menu.
  • To leave the menu, press MENU/EXIT.
  • You can also get the lamp hour information on the INFORMATION menu.
  • Press MODE/ENTER to dismiss the message

End of life warning

BENQ_Projector_MX819ST_Lamp_5J.J9A05.001_replacementA flashing red light BenQ MX819ST projector lamp is reaching end of life. You’ll see four warning screens on the projector screen. You may also notice the image deteriorating or the color looking off. Change the projector lamp immediately when the final warning screen “Out of Lamp Usage Time” appears or the projector will simply shut down.

Replacing the BenQ MX819ST projector lamp

Your BenQ MX819ST projector uses the BenQ 5J.J9A05.001 lamp.

Before changing the lamp:

  • Reduce the risk of electrical shock by disconnecting the power cord on the BenQ MX819ST projector.
  • Reduce the risk of severe burns by allowing the projector to cool for at least 45 minutes.

To replace the projector lamp









Loosen the screw that secures the BenQ MX819ST lamp cover on the side of the projector until the lamp cover loosens. Remove the BenQ MX819ST lamp cover from the projector. Disconnect the BenQ MX819ST lamp connector. Loosen the screw that secures the lamp in place.




Slowly and gently pull the BenQ 5J.J9A05.001 projector lamp out of the projector. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The BenQ 5J.J9A05.001 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. It needs to be properly recycled. Insert the new lamp.


Make sure the handle is fully locked. Re-install the lamp connectors. Tighten the projector lamp screw. If the screw is too loose or too tight, the projector may not turn on. Replace the lamp cover. You are now reacy to reset the lamp timer.

Reset the projector lamp counter

When the BenQ 5J.J9A05.001 projector lamp in the BenQ MX819ST projector has been changed the projector lamp timer must be reset to zero. To reset the lamp timer:

  • Turn on the BenQ MX819ST projector.
  • After the startup logo, open the On-Screen Display (OSD) menu.
  • Go to the SYSTEM SETUP.
  • Scroll over to Advanced > Lamp Settings menu.
  • Press MODE/ENTER to display Lamp Settings page is displayed.
  • Highlight Reset lamp timer. A warning message is displayed asking if you want to reset the lamp timer.
  • Highlight Reset and press MODE/ENTER. The lamp time will be reset to “0”.

How to extend the life of the BenQ MX819ST projector lamp:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Use the Lamp Power option on the BenQ MX819ST projector lamp and set to Economic Mode to reduce the amount of power used but extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.ows you how step-by-step.
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Change the BenQ DX819ST projector lamp

This guide shows how to install a replacement BenQ DX819ST projector lamp.

Check lamp hours

When the projector is in operation, lamp life is automatically calculated by the built-in timer. To obtain the lamp hour information:
  • Press MENU/EXIT and then press the side arrow keys to move to the SYSTEM SETUP: Advanced Menu.
  • Press to highlight Lamp Settings and press MODE/ENTER. The Lamp Settings page is displayed.
  • You will see the Equivalent Lamp Hour information appearing on the menu.
  • To leave the menu, press MENU/EXIT.
  • You can also get the lamp hour information on the INFORMATION menu.
  • Press MODE/ENTER to dismiss the message

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by:

End of life warning

BENQ_Projector_DX819ST_Lamp_5J.J9A05.001A flashing red light BenQ DX819ST projector lamp is reaching end of life. You’ll see four warning screens on the projector screen. You may also notice the image deteriorating or the color looking off. Change the projector lamp immediately when the final warning screen “Out of Lamp Usage Time” appears or the projector will simply shut down.

Be sure to buy an authentic projector lamp. Counterfeit prices are tempting but they end up more problems. (Scroll down to find out more.)

Replacing the BenQ DX819ST projector lamp

Your BenQ DX819ST projector uses the BenQ 5J.J9A05.001 lamp.

Before changing the lamp:

  • Reduce the risk of electrical shock by disconnecting the power cord on the BenQ DX819ST projector.
  • Reduce the risk of severe burns by allowing the projector to cool for at least 45 minutes.

To replace the projector lamp









Loosen the screw that secures the BenQ DX819ST lamp cover on the side of the projector until the lamp cover loosens. Remove the BenQ DX819ST lamp cover from the projector. Disconnect the BenQ DX819ST lamp connector. Loosen the screw that secures the lamp in place




Slowly and gently pull the BenQ 5J.J9A05.001 projector lamp out of the projector. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The BenQ 5J.J9A05.001 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. It needs to be properly recycled.  Insert the new lamp.


Make sure the handle is fully locked. Re-install the lamp connectors. Tighten the projector lamp screw. If the screw is too loose or too tight, the projector may not turn on. Replace the lamp cover. You are now reacy to reset the lamp timer.

Reset the projector lamp counter

When the BenQ 5J.J9A05.001 projector lamp in the BenQ DX819ST projector has been changed the projector lamp timer must be reset to zero. To reset the lamp timer:

  • Turn on the BenQ DX819ST projector.
  • After the startup logo, open the On-Screen Display (OSD) menu.
  • Go to the SYSTEM SETUP.
  • Scroll over to Advanced > Lamp Settings menu.
  • Press MODE/ENTER to display Lamp Settings page is displayed.
  • Highlight Reset lamp timer. A warning message is displayed asking if you want to reset the lamp timer.
  • Highlight Reset and press MODE/ENTER. The lamp time will be reset to “0”.

How to extend the life of the BenQ DX819ST projector lamp:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Use the Lamp Power option on the BenQ DX819ST projector lamp and set to Economic Mode to reduce the amount of power used but extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.ows you how step-by-step.

Why buy authentic

Start off on the right foot with an authentic projector lamp. Counterfeit prices are tempting but they end up more problems including:

Protect your health and keep your BenQ DX819ST projector by investing in an authentic projector lamp.

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jvc-rs40_projectorReplace the JVC DLA-RS40 projector lamp

When it’s time to replace the JVC DLA-RS40 projector lamp follow this guide.

Warning signs for end of lamp life

When the JVC DLA-RS40 projector lamp has reached end of life the LAMP indicator will start flashing. Replace the lamp immediately. Other indications of end of lamp life can also be a poor picture, flicker lights darker light or strange colors.

Lamp life is approximately 3000 hours but may vary depending on maintenance and usage.

Find this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:


Buy authentic

Be sure to invest in an authentic lamp for your JVC DLA-RS40 projector lamp. This projector uses the JVC PK-L2210UP projector lamp. Be sure to invest in an authentic lamp.

Why avoid counterfeit projector lamps:

Projector lamp replacement

BEFORE replacing the lamp:

  • Turn off the projector and unplug the AC cord.
  • Allow the JVC DLA-RS40 projector lamp to cool for at least one hour. Don’t open the projector until it is cool to the touch. These projectors operate under high temperatures and you can run the risk of burning yourself.


  • Loosen the screw holding the projector lamp cover into the projector. Place the cover to one side.
  • Loosen the two screws keeping the JVC PK-L221 projector lamp in place. Grab wire handle and gently pull the lamp out taking care not to hit the lamp.

  • Take the JVC PK-L2210UP projector lamp by the wire handle and gently pull it from the projector. NOTE: This lamp contain mercury and can’t be placed into regular garbage. Recycle this lamp.
  • Place the replacement JVC PK-L2210UP into the JVC DLA-RS40 projector. Avoid touching the glass or the bulb since the oil from your fingers may cause black spots on the bulb when the projector heats up.
  • Tighten the two screws on the new JVC PK-L2210UP lamp.
  • Replace the JVC DLA-HD1 projector lamp cover. You’ll need to reset the Lamp Counter.

Resetting the projector lamp timer

Each time you replace the JVC DLA-RS40 projector lamp you need to reset the lamp timer to zero. Not resetting the lamp timer will result in your projector not turning back on because it thinks the old lamp has not been replaced.

To reset the lamp:

  • Display the Main Menu screen. Scroll over to select the FUNCTION option
  • Scroll down to the LAMP RESET option
  • Press the Enter button
  • A second option screen will open asking toe Reset Lamp Timer
  • Scroll down to select YES
  • The lamp timer will be reset to zero.

Tips for longer projector lamp life:

  • Avoid frequent on and offs to avoid power surges.
  • Don’t let the JVC DLA-RS40 projector overheat as this puts stress on the lamp. Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Let the projector stand unused for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Keep the air filters clean and free of dust so it can do its job and keep the projector lamp for overheating.

Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.



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Sony VPL-HW15_projectorInstalling the Sony VPL-HW15 projector lamp

Our guide shows you how to install a replacement Sony VPL-HW15 projector lamp with easy step-by-step instructions.

Buy authentic

Don’t settle for anything but the best for your Sony VPL-HW15 projector and install an authentic projector lamp. Don’t get caught with a counterfeit lamp. Keep your projector working properly and invest in an authentic projector lamp.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following verified manufacturers:

When to replace?

When the this Sony VPL-HW15 projector lamp projector lamp is reaching end of life, the Lamp light will flash red in 3 second intervals. The message “Please replace the Lamp/Filter” will also start flashing on screen. If the projector lamp dims change it immediately. Sony recommends replacing the air filter at the same as replacing the lamp.

Replacing the Sony VPL-HW15 Lamp and Air Filter

Sony_VPL-HW15_Sony_LMP-H201_projector_lampBefore installations preparations:

  • Unplug the AC power cord on the Sony VPL-HW15 projector.
  • Your Sony VPL-HW15 projector uses the Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp. Before installing the lamp, let the projector cool for at least 40 minutes. It should be cool to the touch. Don’t rush the cooling as these projectors operate using extremely high temperatures and you run the risk of a serious burn.
  • The projector lamp cover is on the bottom of the projector so you will need to turn it over. Put down a soft cloth on a flat surface to prevent the projector getting scratched. Turn the projector over gently. Don’t lean on the projector and make sure the surface is flat and stable.
  • Using a Philips screwdriver, loosen the screw holding the projector lamp cover in place. Slide the projector lamp cover. Put it to one side.


Sony_VPL-HW15_Sony_LMP-H201_remove_projector_lamp_screwLoosen the 3 screws on the Sony LMP-H201 lamp using a Phillips screwdriver. Grab the wire handle on the Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp and gently pull the lamp straight out. Take care not to bang the lamp as you can cause the bulb to break.

NOTE: The Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle this lamp!


To finish the projector lamp installation:

  • Remove the packaging from the new Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp.
  • Lift up the handle and slowly lower the Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp into the projector.Sony_VPL-HW15_insert_Sony_LMP-H201_projector_lamp
  • Push it in securely until it reaches the end.
  • Tighten the three screws on the lamp.
  • Also don’t touch the actual bulb in the new lamp as oily fingerprints can burn a black spot on the lamp when it heats up. Sony_VPL-HW15_Sony_LMP-H201_remove_projector_lamp_screw
  • Slide the lamp cover back onto the Sony VPL-GH10 projector.
  • Close the projector lamp cover and tighten the screws.
    Remember to install the lamp cover properly as the projector will not turn on if the cover is loose or not installed correctly.

Replacing the Sony VPL-HW15 air filter


  • Remove the filter holder. The air filter will be inside the holder. Don’t touch the fan inside as this can damage the projector.
  • Remove the old Sony Sony VPL-HW15 filter and put it to one side. Attach the new air filter so that is fits into the 10 claws properly on the holder.Sony_VPL-HW15_Sony_LMP-H201_remove_projector_lamp_cover
  • Aligning the air filter with the shape of the filter holder will make it easier to install.
  • Be sure to put the air filter holder back into the projector aligned up properly. If not, the projector will not turn back on!
  • Wipe off any dust from the ventilation intake holes using a soft cloth. Put the projector back in its original position

Resetting the Sony VPL-HW15 projector lamp timer


  • To reset the projector lamp timer, plug the AC power cord back into Sony VPL-HW15 projector.
  • Using the remote, scroll down to the Setup Menu.
  • Press Enter.



  • A Lamp Setting message will appear asking you if the projector lamp has been replaced.
  • Click on Yes.
  • You will see a confirmation message and the Projector Lamp Timer will be automatically reset to zero.
  • See the number of hours left on your lamp by going to the Information Menu

You can extend the life of the Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp by always making sure the filter is clean and there is enough airflow around the projector. Learn how to get a longer projector lamp life with top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

4 reasons to avoid counterfeit lamps:


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NEC LT180_projector_lamp_NEC LH02LPUse our guide to install a replacement NEC LT180 projector lamp

End of life warnings

You can expect up to 4000 hours of use with your NEC LT180 projector lamp. When the lamp is reaching end of life you’ll see the following warning signs:

  • The projected image gets darker or starts to deteriorate.
  • The projector’s lamp light flashes orange or red at half-second intervals.
  • The message Replace the lamp appears on the screen when you start projecting.
 Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Invest in authentic lamps

The best type of projector lamp for your NEC LT180 projector is an OEM authentic lamp. You’ll need model NEC LH02LP replacement projector lamp.

While counterfeits appear of be a bargain they often end up costing more in the long run since they are prone to explosions and have a much shorter lamp life. The other concerns are the lack of proper safety guards for your eyesight and damaging the sensitive electronics in your NEC LT180 projector.

Changing the projector lamp

Follow these important safety instructions before installing the new NEC LH02LP projector lamp

  • turn off the NEC NP1000 projector.
  • unplug the projector from its power source.
  • unplug the power cable.
  • wait until the projector is cool to the touch to avoid getting burned.
NEC LT180_projector_lamp_NEC LH02LP_guide

Step 1

Step 1: Be sure to insert the included spacer between the rear foot and the projector’s bottom to prevent the projector
from accidentally tilting when inserting the NEC LH02LP lamp house.

Step 2

Step 2: Loosen the lamp cover screw until the screwdriver goes into a freewheeling condition and remove the lamp cover. The lamp cover screw is not removable.

NEC LT180_projector_lamp_NEC LH02LP_remove_lamp

Step 3

Step 3: Loosen the two screws securing the NEC LH02LP lamp housing until the screwdriver loosens. The two screws are not removable. Remove the lamp housing by holding it by the edges. NOTE: The NEC LH02LP lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into the garbage. Please recycle this lamp properly.

NEC LT180_projector_lamp_NEC LH02LP_insert_new

Step 4

Step 4: Insert a new NEC LH02LP lamp housing until the lamp housing is plugged into the socket. Secure it in place with the two screws. Be sure to tighten the screws. Align the lamp housing with the guide rail. Make sure the lamp housing plug goes to the socket correctly. If both screws are not tightened securely, an image may not be displayed correctly.

NEC LT180_projector_lamp_NEC LH02LP_rep

Step 5

Step 5: Reattach the lamp cover. Tighten the lamp cover screw. Be sure to tighten the screw. You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Reset the lamp timer

NEC LT180_projector_lamp_NEC LH02LP_reset_lamp_timerOnce the NEC LH021LP projector lamp has been replaced you’ll need to reset the timer back to zero so the NEC LT180 projector can accurately track the lamp life. To reset:
  • Open the menu
  • Scroll down to the RESET option. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to Clear Lamp Hour Meter. Press ENTER.
  • The lamp timer will be set to zero.

Extend lamp life

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Don’t operate the projector continuously without letting it stand for at least one hour turned off every 24 hours
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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Epson-PowerLite-Pro-Cinema-6010Follow our guide for installing a new Epson PowerLite Pro 6010 projector lamp

You can expect up to 4000 hours with your projector lamp. When it’s time to replace the Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 6010 projector lamp, you’ll notice the following warning signs:

  • The projector lamp indicator flashes orange or intervals of red.
  • The message “Lamp Replace” appears on the screen
  • The images gets darker or starts to deteriorates.

Find this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Keep your projector working

A genuine Epson ELPLP69 projector lamp is the only lamp that will keep your Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 6010 projector lamp working at its optimum levels. OEM authentic Epson ELPLP69 lamps have been manufactured to meet the specifications of the Epson PowerLite 6010 projector.

Counterfeit projector lamps can damage the sensitive and expensive mechanisms in your Epson PowerLite 6010 projector and actually have a much shorter lamp life. They are also more prone to explosions due to the inferior materials used during their production.

Look for the seal of approval and buy from an authentic manufacturer. Learn how to protect yourself from counterfeit manufacturers.

Installing Epson ELPLP69 projector lamp


1. Turn off the projector power and wait for the cool-down period which is about two minutes. Disconnect the power cord after the two minutes is over.

2. Wait at least 30 minutes to one hour for the Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 6010 projector lamp projector to cool internally before opening it up. It should be cool to the touch.

NOTE: Do not operate the projector while the projector lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.
Use the screwdriver provided loosen the screw holding the Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 6010 projector lamp cover in place.

Slide the Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 5010 projector lamp cover off and place it to one side.

Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP69 projector lamp in place.

PowerLite_Home_Cinema_6010_install_Epson_ELPLP69_replace_projector_lampLift up the wire handle on the Epson ELPLP69 projector lamp and gently pull the projector lamp out of the Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 6010 projector lamp. Don’t knock the actual bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

PowerLite_Home_Cinema_6010_Epson_ELPLP69_projector_lampNOTE: The Epson ELPLP69 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost (another reason to buy authentic lamps).

Slowly insert the Epson ELPLP69 projector lamp until it clicks into place. Be sure not to touch the actual bulb as the oil from your skin will case blackouts.

Tighten the screws on the newly installed Epson ELPLP69 projector lamp. Replace the lid on the Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 6010 projector lamp projector. Tighten the screw on the projector lamp cover. Reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the lamp timer

The projector lamp timer will need to be reset after replacing the Epson ELPLP69. This timer helps the Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 6010 projector lamp proiector to properly track the lamp life. Only reset the timer when a new Epson ELPLP69 lamp has been installed, otherwise the projector will NOT know when it’s time to replace the lamp. You run the risk of damaging your projector.

  • Press the MENU button on the remote control. The Lamp Reset Menu will appear.
  • Scroll down to the RESET. Press ENTER.
  • Click on RESET ALL.
  • A prompt appears asking if you want to replace the lamp.
  • Select YES and press ENTER.
  • Press MENU to exit.

The lamp hours will be reset to zero. The lamp usage timer shows 0H until you’ve used the lamp for at least 10 hours.

How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP69 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP69 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 6010 projector lamp projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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VPL-HW10_projectorsReplace the Sony VPL-HW10 projector lamp using this guide

Don’t settle for anything but the best for your Sony VPL-HW10 projector and install an authentic projector lamp. Don’t get caught with a counterfeit lamp. Keep your projector working properly and invest in an authentic projector lamp.

4 reasons to avoid counterfeit lamps:

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following verified manufacturers:

When to replace?

When the this Sony VPL-HW10 projector lamp projector lamp is reaching end of life, the Lamp light will flash red in 3 second intervals. The message “Please replace the Lamp/Filter” will also start flashing on screen. If the projector lamp dims change it immediately. Sony recommends replacing the air filter at the same as replacing the lamp.

Replacing the Sony VPL-HW10 Lamp and Air Filter

Sony_VPL-HW10_Sony_LMP-H201_projector_lampBefore installations preparations:

  • Unplug the AC power cord on the Sony VPL-HW10 projector.
  • Your Sony VPL-HW10 projector uses the Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp. Before installing the lamp, let the projector cool for at least 40 minutes. It should be cool to the touch. Don’t rush the cooling as these projectors operate using extremely high temperatures and you run the risk of a serious burn.
  • The projector lamp cover is on the bottom of the projector so you will need to turn it over. Put down a soft cloth on a flat surface to prevent the projector getting scratched. Turn the projector over gently. Don’t lean on the projector and make sure the surface is flat and stable.
  • Using a Philips screwdriver, loosen the screw holding the projector lamp cover in place. Slide the projector lamp cover. Put it to one side.


Sony_VPL-HW10_Sony_LMP-H201_remove_projector_lamp_screwLoosen the 3 screws on the Sony LMP-H201 lamp using a Phillips screwdriver. Grab the wire handle on the Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp and gently pull the lamp straight out. Take care not to bang the lamp as you can cause the bulb to break.

NOTE: The Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle this lamp!


To finish the projector lamp installation:

  • Remove the packaging from the new Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp.
  • Lift up the handle and slowly lower the Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp into the projector.Sony_VPL-HW10_insert_Sony_LMP-H201_projector_lamp
  • Push it in securely until it reaches the end.
  • Tighten the three screws on the lamp.
  • Also don’t touch the actual bulb in the new lamp as oily fingerprints can burn a black spot on the lamp when it heats up. Sony_VPL-HW10_insert_Sony_LMP-H201_replace_projector_lamp
  • Slide the lamp cover back onto the Sony VPL-GH10 projector.
  • Close the projector lamp cover and tighten the screws. Remember to install the lamp cover properly as the projector will not turn on if the cover is loose or not installed correctly.

Replacing the Sony VPL-GH10 air filter


  • Remove the filter holder. The air filter will be inside the holder. Don’t touch the fan inside as this can damage the projector.
  • Remove the old Sony VPL-HW10 filter and put it to one side. Attach the new air filter so that is fits into the 10 claws properly on the holder.Sony_VPL-HW10_Sony_LMP-H201_remove_projector_lamp_cover
  • Aligning the air filter with the shape of the filter holder will make it easier to install.
  • Be sure to put the air filter holder back into the projector aligned up properly. If not, the projector will not turn back on!
  • Wipe off any dust from the ventilation intake holes using a soft cloth. Put the projector back in its original position

Resetting the Sony VPL-GH10 projector lamp timer


  • To reset the projector lamp timer, plug the AC power cord back into the Sony VPL-HW10 projector.
  • Using the remote, scroll down to the Setup Menu.
  • Press Enter.



  • A Lamp Setting message will appear asking you if the projector lamp has been replaced.
  • Click on Yes.
  • You will see a confirmation message and the Projector Lamp Timer will be automatically reset to zero.
  • You can see the number of hours left on your lamp by going to the Information Menu.

You can extend the life of the Sony LMP-H201 projector lamp by always making sure the filter is clean and there is enough airflow around the projector. Learn how to get a longer projector lamp life with top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


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