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ASK Proxima DP-8200X projector, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012Follow our guide to a new ASK Proxima DP-8200X projector lamp

ASK Proxima DP-8200X About Menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012The ASK Proxima DP-8200X projector lamp has approximately 2000 hours of lamp life. The time may vary depending on use and the amount of regular maintenance done. When the ASK Proxima DP-8200X projector lamp needs to be replaced, you’ll see a Lamp Replacement message on screen and the LED ALARM indicator will light up red.

To track the number of hours left, select the ABOUT option on the MAIN menu.

Step 1: Finding the correct lamp

Avoid the many problems associated with counterfeit generic lamps and buy authentic ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamps. These “compatible” have been created using toxic materials including Krypton-85, a carcinogenic substance known to cause cancer in humans. You’ll be getting a product created with inferior materials and poor workmanship that has a shorter lamp life and is prone to explosions.

Keep your projector warranty intact while protecting your health. Buy authentic and avoid all the hassles. When you buy an ASK Proxima LAMP-012 from an recognized dealer you get technical support plus a lamp manufactured to work properly with your ASK Proxima DP-8200X projector. Learn the 7 Ways to spot a counterfeit lamp.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

STEP 2 Installing the new lamp

ASK Proxima C410 lamp cover, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-0121. Turn off the ASK Proxima DP-8200X projector and unplug the power cable.
2. Wait 60 minutes to allow the ASK Proxima DP-8200X projector to cool thoroughly. These projectors operate at high heat and there is a risk of burning yourself seriously is you don’t wait until the projector has cooled.
3. The lamp cover is found on the bottom of the ASK Proxima DP-8200X projector. Removing the two screws holding the lamp in place.
4. Slide the lamp door tabs out of the two tab bays.


ASK Proxima C410 lamp cage, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012
5. Loosen the 3 screws on the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamp module.
6. Grasp the meal wire handle and pull the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamp out of the projector.

NOTE: Be sure to properly recycle your used ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamps. These lamps contain mercury so can’t be placed into regular garbage.

ASK Proxima C410 replacing ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012

7. Put the new ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamp into the AASK Proxima DP-8200X projector. Make sure it has been fitted properly and tighten the two screes on the new lamp.
8. Replace the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamp door into the tab bays. Tighten the two screws.
9. Plug in the power cable and turn the ASK Proxima DP-8200X projector back on.
10. Reset the Lamp Hour Timer.


STEP 3: Reset the Lamp Hour Timer

In order for the ASK Proxima DP-8200X to properly track the lamp life for the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 properly, you need to reset the Lamp Hour timer every time your change the lamp.

To reset the Lamp Hour Timer:

ASK Proxima C410 Setting Menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012

ASK Proxima C410 Service Menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012

  • Scroll down to the SETTINGS menu. Press the SELECT button.
  • Scroll down to the SERVICE option. Press SELECT button.
  • Scroll down to LAMP RESET option. Press the SELECT button.
  • The lamp hour will be reset back to zero.

Green your projector

Replace_lamp_keep_plastic_cageLooking for an enviro-friendly option that is also less expensive? Consider just replacing the bulb instead of the whole lamp housing. For more info and a how-to guide watch our step-by-step video on replacing only the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 bulb.

Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

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ASK Proxima C420 projector, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012Follow this guide to replace the ASK Proxima C420 projector

When ithe ASK Proxima C420 projector lamp  reaches 1800 hours of use, a “Replace Lamp” message appears  on screen. The LED light will also start blinking red. Replace the ASK Proxima C420 projector lamp immediately.

ASK Proxima C420 About menu ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012

To check the number of hours left, consult the ABOUT option found on the MAIN menu.

 Finding the correct lamp

Protect your investment and buy an authentic ASK Proxima LAMP-012 projector lamp. Avoid the temptation to purchase a cheaper knockoff version  as these lamps are counterfeit models created with less durable parts that can damage the sensitive mechanisms in your ASK Proxima C420 projector.

Copy-cat maufacturers also don’t have the right materials and often resort to using toxic substitutes such as carcinogenic Krypton-85 (known to cause cancer in humans) to obtain the same results. Since these lamps are prone to explosions, you run the risk of being exposed to these poisonous materials. Learn the 7 Ways to spot a counterfeit lamp.

Buy your authentic lamp from an authorized dealer selling the OEM ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp. You’ll be getting guarantee on the lamp, technological support but more importantly protecting your health and safety as well as the guarantee on your ASK Proxima C420 projector.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Installing the new lamp

ASK Proxima C420 lamp cover, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-0121. Turn off the ASK Proxima C420 projector and unplug the power cble on the
2. Wait 60 minutes to allow the ASK Proxima C420 projector to cool thoroughly. These projectors operate at high heat and there is a risk of burning yourself seriously is you don’t wait until the projector has cooled.
3. The lamp cover is found on the bottom of the ASK Proxima C420 projector. Removing the two screws holding the lamp in place.
4. Slide the lamp door tabs out of the two tab bays.

ASK Proxima C420 lamp cage, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012
5. Loosen the 3 screws on the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamp module.
6. Grasp the meal wire handle and pull the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamp out of the projector. Be sure to properly recycle your used ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamps. These lamps contain mercury so can’t be placed into regular garbage.

ASK Proxima C420 replacing ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-0127. Put the new ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamp into the ASK Proxima C420 projector. Make sure it has been fitted properly and tighten the two screes on the new lamp.
8. Replace the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamp door into the tab bays. Tighten the two screws.
9. Plug in the power cable and turn the ASK Proxima C410 projector back on.
10. Reset the Lamp Hour Timer.

STEP 3: Reset the Lamp Hour Timer

In order for the ASK Proxima C420 to properly track the lamp life for the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 properly, you need to reset the Lamp Hour timer every time your change the lamp.

ASK Proxima C420 Setting Menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012ASK Proxima C420 Service Menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012To reset the Lamp Hour Timer:

  • Scroll down to the SETTINGS menu. Press the SELECT button.
  • Scroll down to the SERVICE option. Press SELECT button.
  • Scroll down to LAMP RESET option. Press the SELECT button.
  • The lamp hour will be reset back to zero.

Green your projector

Replace_lamp_keep_plastic_cageLooking for an enviro-friendly option that is also less expensive? Consider just replacing the bulb instead of the whole lamp housing. For more info and a how-to guide watch our step-by-step video on replacing only the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 bulb.

Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

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ASK Proxima C410 projector, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012

ASK Proxima C410 projector

Replacement guide for the ASK Proxima C410 projector lamp

ASK Proxima C410 projector lamp runs for approximately 2000 hours before needing to be replaced. When it’s time to replace the ASK Proxima C410 projector lamp  a Lamp Replacement message appears on screen. The ALARM indicator will light up red. Replace with an authentic lamp.

Step 1: Finding the correct lamp

Go with an authentic ASK Proxima LAMP-012 and avoid counterfeit generic lamps. You get what you pay for and the low prices of counterfeit lamps means you are getting a product created with inferior materials and poor workmanship. These so-called “compatible” lamps are prone to explosion and have been created using toxic materials such as the carcinogenic substance Krypton-85. Keep your warranty while protecting both your health and the projector. Learn the 7 Ways to spot a counterfeit lamp so you can buy authentic.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

STEP 2: Installing the projector lamp

ASK Proxima C410 lamp cover, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-0121. Turn off the ASK Proxima C410 projector and unplug the power cable on the
2. Wait 60 minutes to allow the ASK Proxima C410 projector to cool thoroughly. These projectors operate at high heat and there is a risk of burning yourself seriously is you don’t wait until the projector has cooled.
3. The projector lamp cover is found on the bottom of the ASK Proxima C410 projector. Removing the two screws holding the projector lamp in place.
4 Slide the lamp door tabs out of the two tab bays.

ASK Proxima C410 lamp cage, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012
5. Loosen the 3 screws on the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 projector lamp module.
6. Grasp the meal wire handle and pull the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 projector lamp out of the projector. Be sure to properly recycle your used ASK Proxima LAMP-012 lamps. These lamps contain mercury so can’t be placed into regular garbage.

ASK Proxima C420 replacing ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012

7. Put the new ASK Proxima LAMP-012 projector lamp into the ASK Proxima C410 projector. Make sure it has been fitted properly and tighten the two screes on the new lamp.
8. Replace the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 projector lamp door into the tab bays. Tighten the two screws.
9. Plug in the power cable and turn the ASK Proxima C410 projector back on.
10. Reset the Lamp Hour Timer.

STEP 3: Reset the Lamp Hour Timer

In order for the ASK Proxima C410 to properly track the projector lamp life for the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 properly, you need to reset the Lamp Hour timer every time your change the projector lamp.

ASK Proxima C410 Setting Menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012ASK Proxima C410 Service Menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012To reset the Lamp Hour Timer:

  • Scroll down to the SETTINGS menu. Press the SELECT button.
  • Scroll down to the SERVICE option. Press SELECT button.
  • Scroll down to LAMP RESET option. Press the SELECT button.
  • The lamp hour will be reset back to zero.

ASK Proxima C410 About Manu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-012To track the number of hours left, select the ABOUT option on the MAIN menu.

 Go Green

Replace_lamp_keep_plastic_cageLooking for an enviro-friendly option that is also less expensive? Consider just replacing the bulb instead of the whole lamp housing. For more info and a how-to video guide watch our step-by-step video on replacing only the ASK Proxima LAMP-012 bulb.

Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

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ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008

Installing a new ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lamp

The ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 has a lamp life of approximately 1,500 hours before it needs to be replaced.  The length may vary depending on usage and maintenance. When the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 lamp time reaches the 1,500 hour mark the Alarm LED on the projector will light red. Replace the lamp immediately. To find out how much time is left on the lamp you can also check the ABOUT screen found on the MAIN Menu. It will list the number of hours used.

Be sure to install a genuine ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 from a recognized OEM manufacturer. Installing a generic lamp also voids your warranty for your ASK Proxima projectors.

Generic or “compatible” lamps can damage the sensitive (and expensive) mechanisms in your projector. Due to their substandard materials and poor workmanshup, these counterfeit lamps give off poor illumination and are prone to explosions. Counterfeit lamps may also be filled with toxic substances such as the carcinogenic substance Krypton-85. Learn the 7 Ways to spot a counterfeit lamp and go with an authentic ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

The ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 is compatible with the following projectors:

For step-by-step instructions on replacing your ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lamp, click on your projector listed below:

ASK Proxima C300HB projector, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008

ASK Proxima C300HB projector

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lamp for the ASK Proxima C300HB projector.


ASK Proxima DP-8000 projector, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008

ASK Proxima DP-8000 projector

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lamp for the ASK DP8000HB projector.



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Extend the life of your RPTV projector lamp with these maintenance tips

You don’t have to spend money and keep replacing the RPTV projector lamp. Follow these tips and make your lamp last longer.

  1. Turn off the TV. When you’ve finished watching your shows, turn off the your RPTV. Leaving it on for background noise just reduces lamp life as well as adding to your electricity bill.
  2. Attach a UPS battery. Your RPTV needs two minutes of cool down time with the fan running before it shuts down completely. Avoid plugging it into a cable box, satellite receiver or shared AC Surge Suppressor. Should the electricity suddenly shut or there be a spike in electricity (usually from something being plugged into the surge suppressor) the additional blast of electricity can cause the lamp to blow because it hasn’t had sufficient time to cool off.
  3. Let it flow. Make sure your RPTV is in the best location and there is a small gap between the wall and actual TV to allow air to flow. Overheating will reduced the life of your machine as well as your lamp.
  4. Keep it clean. Clean your air filters every month. If you have pets then you may have to clean them more often. The air filter are an important component for keeping your RPTV from overheating.
  5. Cool it. Extremely warm or humid temperatures are also hard on your RPTV. Keep the room cooler and use a humidifier to keep the air dry.
  6. Reduce the lamp brightness.  Your RPTV comes with the factory-setting of maximum brightness. You don’t need the brightest setting so choose the medium to low settings, sometimes called the ECONO or ECO setting. This is automatically extend the lamp life.
  7. Buy authentic replacement lamps. When it comes time to replace the lamp in your RPTV, be sure to go with a recognized dealer selling authentic RPTV lamps. Generic “compatible” lamps are sold at a cheaper prices but don’t last as long, are prone to exploding and are not properly calibrated to work with the sophisticated components in your RPTV. Avoid generics and go with authentic projector lamps.


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ASK Proxima C300HB projector, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008_projector_lamp

ASK Proxima C300HB projector

How to replace the ASK Proxima C300HB projector lamp

The ASK Proxima C300HB projector lamp has   approximately 1,500 hours depending on usage and maintenance. When the SK Proxima C300HB projector lamp reaches end of life the Alarm LED on the projector will light red. Replace the lamp immediately.

ASK Proxima C300HB About Menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008_projector_lampTo find out how much time is left on the lamp you can also check the ABOUT screen found on the MAIN Menu. It will list the number of hours used.

Follow our 3-step guide for help in replacing the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008


STEP 1: Finding the right projector lamp

There are so many choices on the Internet for a ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lampthat finding the correct lamp can be overwhelming. Go with authentic OEM lamps and ignore the sites offering generic “compatible” projector lamps even though the prices seems to be a bargain.

This generic lamps are made with counterfeit materials and are prone to explosions, offer poor picture quality and actually have a shorter lamp life than authentic projector lamps. Installing generic lamps into your ASK Proxima C300HB projector will void the warranty leaving you unprotected should any of the sensitive components inside be damaged due to the inferior workings of these lamps. More importantly, these “compatible” lamps are often made with toxic materials such as the carcinogenic Krypton-85.

Protect your investment and your health. Reduce hassles and problems. Buy an authentic ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lamp.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

STEP 2: Installing the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lamp

ASK Proxima C300HB, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008_projector_lamp1. The lamp cover will be found at the back of the ASK Proxima C300HB projector. Loosen the two screws holding the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lamp cover in place. Remove and place to one side.
ASK Proxima C300HB, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008_projector_lamp2. Loosen the two screws holding the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector Lamp Assembly in place.
3. Grab onto the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lamp handle and pull the lamp from the projector. Place to one side. Be sure to dispose of the used lamp through a local recycling program. Don’t throw this lamp into the regular garbage as it contains mercury.

The ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!

ASK Proxima C300HB replace lamp, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-001_projector_lamp 4. Place the new ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 projector lamp into the socket being careful not to touch the bare lamp (this can form black spots on the bulb that will ruin the projected image).
5. Tighten the two screws holding the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008 Lamp Assembly in place.
6. Put the ASK Proxima C300HB cover back in place and tighten the two screws.
7. Put the power cord back into the projector and turn it on. You are now ready to Reset the Lamp Replace Counter.

STEP 3: Resetting the projector lamp timer

It’s important to reset the projector lamp timer of the ASK Proxima C300HB in order to properly track lamp life. Failure to reset the timer may result in the projector not knowing when the lamp is finished and shutting down suddenly.

To reset the projector lamp timer:

ASK Proxima C300HB service menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008_projector_lamp

  • Open the MAIN menu.
  • Scroll down to SETUP menu. Press SELECT button.
  • Scroll down to SERVICE. Press SELECT button.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP TIMER. Press SELECT button.
  • The LAMP CHANGE icon will appear on screen. Press SELECT to reset the timer.
  • ASK Proxima C300HB reset time, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-008_projector_lamp

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ASK Proxima SP-Lamp-007

ASK Proxima SP-Lamp-007

Which projectors are compatible with the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp

The ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp will last up to 2000 hours before needing to be replaced. You will notice a  “Change Lamp” message on screen when you start up the projector’s and the LED light on the front panel will light up red. Be sure to install a genuine ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp from a recognized OEM manufacturer. Installing a generic lamp also voids your warranty for your ASK Proxima projectors.

Generic or “compatible” lamps can damage the sensitive (and expensive) mechanisms in your projector. Due to their substandard materials and poor workmanshup, these counterfeit lamps give off poor illumination and are prone to explosions. Counterfeit lamps may also be filled with toxic substances such as the carcinogenic substance Krypton-85. Learn the 7 Ways to spot a counterfeit lamp and go with an authentic ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Compatible Projectors

The ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp is compatible with the following projectors


ASK Proxima DP-2000s

ASK Proxima DP-2000x

For step-by-step instructions on replacing your ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 projector lamp, click on your projector listed below:

ASK C50 projector, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007

ASK C50 projector

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 projector lamp for the ASK C50 projector.

ASK Proxima DP-2000X projector, ASK Proxima SP-Lamp-007

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 projector lamp for the ASK Proxima DP-2000s projector.

ASK Proxima DP-2000X, ASK Proxima SP-Lamp-007

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 projector lamp for the ASK Proxima DP-2000x projector.

Green projector

Replace_lamp_keep_plastic_cageLooking for a less expensive but more environmentally friendly option? Want more information? Watch our step-by-step video on replacing just the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 bulb instead of the entire lamp housing.



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10 Tips for projector lifeFollow these simple tips for projector care to extend the life of your projector and projector lamp.

Your projector represents a major investment so want to keep it happy and working for you.

The following projector care tips are easy to follow and will extend the life of your projector lamp as well as your projector.


  1. Let it cool. Don’t shut down your projector too fast but let the fans run for at least two minutes. These machines operate under high temperatures and the fans are designed cool down any super hot elements. Shutting down too quickly your projector’s components.
  2. Chill out. Packing up your projector while it’s still hot may cause lamp filaments and other wires to break. Let the lamp cool down before packing up.
  3. Keep it clean. Your projector’s filters allow airflow throughout the projector and prevent overheating. Clogged air filters means decreased ventilation, which means increased temperatures, which means a possible lamp meltdown or explosion. Dust and dirt also affect the image quality. Check your air filters every few weeks and keep them clear.
  4. Keep it flowing. If your projector has a permanent mounting, make sure the mounting plates don’t block the fan vent and there is enough airflow around the projector to keep it from overheating.
  5. Watch the on/off switch. Don’t be trigger-happy. Turning your projector constantly on and off creates a power surge that will make your projector wear out faster. If you do leave your projector running, make sure that it gets a two-hour rest every 24 hours.
  6. Hands off. Never, ever touch a hot lamp. You can end up with one nasty burn. Never touch a cool lamp bulb either since the oil from your skin leaves a residue on the lamp. Once the lamp heats up the oil residue will burn, creating a black spot on the lamp that shows up on the screen. A large enough oil spot can cause the lamp to shatter.
  7. Watch the lamp life. Be sure the lamp timer has been properly set so the projector will accurately track the lamp life and give you a status update in time for you to replace the projector lamp. You don’t want to be caught off guard with a projector suddenly shutting down because the lamp has run out of time.
  8. Buy genuine OEM lamps. Don’t be cheap. We all like to save money but generic, “compatible” lamps should be avoided because of their inferior materials and workmanship. The few bucks you save can end up costing you much more in the long run when these counterfeit lamps damage your projector and compromise your health. Read 7 tips for spotting counterfeits to learn more.
  9. Go green. Try using the power saver or econo mode on your projector. The only time you’ll really need full brightness is when you are presenting outdoors. Indoor settings, particularly if the room is darker will be fine with the econo mode. You’ll reduce the heat used, lengthen the life of your lamp, reduce wear and tear on the projector and helping the environment.
  10. Read the manual. Ok—so it’s not the most exciting read but at least glance through the manual so you have a working knowledge of your projector. For quick, easy instructions on replacing your lamp projector, check out this website.


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ASK Proxima DP-2000s projector

Installing a replacement ASK Proxima DP-2000s projector lamp

The ASK Proxima DP-2000s projector lamp needs replacing when the LED light is blinking red. Shortly afterwards a “Change Lamp” message appears on screen. You should also check the ABOUT menu and see the lamp hours used is hitting close to 2000 hours–the maximum life span of your ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp. It’s time for a new lamp.

STEP 1: Buy the correct lamp

Finding the right lamp for your ASK Proxima DP-2000s projector can be a daunting. The market has been flooded with counterfeit lamps being advertised as “compatible.” They are tempting because of the cheaper price tag but they come with a hidden cost.

These lamps have been created with inferior and often toxic parts, such as the carcinogenic Krypton-85 (known to cause cancer in humans). Their poor workmanship means these generic lamps are also not going to work properly with the sophisticated components in your projector. You run the risk of damaging your projector which will no longer be under warranty once a generic lamp has been installed.

Buy your authentic lamp from an authorized dealer selling the OEM ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp. You’ll be getting guarantee on the lamp, technological support but more importantly protecting your health and safety.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

STEP 2: Installing the new lamp

1. Turn off the ASK Proxima DP-2000s projector and unplug the power cord. NEVER operate the projector with the lamp door removed and this will cause the projector to overheat and the lamp to break. Wait 60 minutes for the ASK Proxima DP-2000s projector to cool thoroughly. The projector operates at a high temperature and there is a danger of burning if the projector is not cool enough.

ASK Proxima DP-2000X, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007
2. Turn the ASK Proxima DP-2000s projector upside down. Remove the lamp cover by pressing the tab forward towards the lens.

ASK Proxima DP-2000X remove lamp, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp

3. Loosen the three screws holding the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp in place.

ASK Proxima DP-2000X, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007


4. Grab the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp by the two indents and carefully lift it out of the projector. Place it to one side.

NOTE: Be sure to properly recycle your used ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamps. These lamps contain mercury so can’t be placed into regular garbage

5. Tighten the three screws on the newly installed ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007.
6. Slide the lamp cover back into the tabs. Plug the power cord in and press the POWER button to turn the ASK Proxima DP-2000s projector back on. You are now ready to Lamp Timer.

Step 3: Resetting the Lamp Timer

Now you’ve installed a new ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 you’ll need to reset the LAMP TIMER so the ASK Proxima DP-2000s projector can accurately track the lamp life. To reset the Lamp Timer:

ASK C50 Menu option, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007Press the MENU button on the remote or keypad.
Use the ARROW button to scroll down to the SETTINGS menu. Press SELECT button.

ASK Proxima DP-2000X projector settings menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007

ASK Proxima DP-2000X projector, Service Menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-006

Scroll down to the SERVICE option.Press the SELECT button.
Scroll down to the RESET LAMP option. Press the SELECT button.

The lamp hour will be reset to zero and track the lamp life.

Green your projector


Looking for a less expensive but more environmentally friendly option? Want more information? Watch our step-by-step video on replacing just the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 bulb instead of the entire lamp housing.


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ASK C50 projector

Install a new ASK C50 projector lamp

Iit’s time to change the ASK C50 projector lamp LED light is blinking red. You may also notice a  “Change Lamp” message on screen when you start up the ASK C50 projector.
ASK C50 ABOUT option, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007

The maximum time for the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp is 2,000 hours and when it reaches this limit the projector will shut off. Track the amount of time left by using the ABOUT menu option found on the MAIN menu.

Choose a genuine lamp

The first step towards changing your ASK C50 projector lamp is to go with an original lamp from an OEM manufactutuer. Generic compatible lamps are advertised as great bargains but in fact cost more in the long run when you factor in the shorter lamp life and various problems. Copycat manufacturers have neither the technology or the correct parts to create an ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp that will work properly with your ASK C50 projector.

Knock-off lamps susceptible to explosions and can damage the precise components in your ASK Proxima DP-6500X projector. Installing a knock-off generic lamp also voids your warranty. An additional worry are the toxic chemicals used by copy-cat manufacturers such as carcinogenic Krypton-85 to duplicate the designs they are stealing. There are a lot of generic lamps posing as real so protect yourself and learn  the 7 tips for spotting counterfeits.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Replacing the lamp

1. Turn off the ASK C50 and unplug the power cord. NEVER operate the projector with the lamp door removed and this will cause the projector to overheat and the lamp to break. Wait 60 minutes for the ASK C50 to cool thoroughly. The projector operates at a high temperature and there is a danger of burning if the projector is not cool enough.

ASK C50 lamp cover, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007
2. Turn the C50 projector upside down. Remove the lamp cover by pressing the tab forward towards the lens. ASK CO 50 remove lamp, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp

3.  Loosen the three screws holding the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp in place.

ASK C50 remove lamp, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007

4. Grab the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamp by the two indents and carefully lift it out of the projector. Place it to one side.

NOTE: Be sure to properly recycle your used ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 lamps. These lamps contain mercury so can’t be placed into regular garbage.

5.  Tighten the three screws on the newly installed ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007.
6.  Slide the lamp cover back into the tabs. Plug the power cord in and press the POWER button to turn the projector back on. You are now ready to Lamp Timer.

Step 3: Resetting the Lamp Timer

Now you’ve installed a new ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 you’ll need to reset the LAMP TIMER so the ASK C50 projector can accurately track the lamp life. To reset the Lamp Timer:

ASK C50 Menu option, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007Press the MENU button on the remote or keypad.
Use the ARROW button to scroll down to the SETTINGS menu. Press SELECT button.

ASK C50 settings menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007

ASK Proxima DP-6500X Service Menu, ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-006

Scroll down to the SERVICE option.Press the SELECT button.
Scroll down to the RESET LAMP option. Press the SELECT button.

The lamp hour will be reset to zero and track the lamp life.

Green your projector


Looking for a less expensive but more environmentally friendly option? Want more information? Watch our step-by-step video on replacing just the ASK Proxima SP-LAMP-007 bulb instead of the entire lamp housing.

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