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Our guide helps you replace the Optoma EW536 projector lamp.

When to replace the projector lamp

Your Optoma EW536 projector uses the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp. When the Optoma EW536 projector lamp is approaching end of life, you may notice the Lamp-LED light flashing red or the picture quality starting to get poor resolution with washed out colours.

As the projector lamp approaches end of life, the projector lamp replacement message flashes on screen. Change your proejctor lamp immediately. The projector will not work if the lamp has burnt out or broken.

If you hear a loud pop when turning on the projector, the Optoma BL-FU185Aprojector lamp has broken. Learn what to do if the lamp has exploded inside the projector.

Buying the right lamp

Purchase your lamp ahead of time and be prepared. The Optoma EW536 projector uses the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp Be sure to purchase an authentic, OES projector lamp for your Optoma EW536 projector. Avoid counterfeit lamp for the following reaons;

Spot the counterfeit.

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by these authorized dealers:

Installing the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp

Before replacing the Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp follow these important safety tips:

  • Switch off the power to the Optoma EW536 projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Disconnect the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.


1. Use a screwdriver to undo the two screws holding the lamp cover in place. The screws on the lamp cover and the lamp cannot be removed.

2. Remove the lid and place to one side. Don’t lose the lid as the Optoma EW536 projector will not turn back on until the lamp cover has been properly installed.

3. Remove the two screws holding the Optoma BL-FU185A  in place.

Note: The used Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t throw it into regular garbage.

Optoma_EW536_replace_Optoma_BL-FU185A_projector-lamp4. Lift up the wire handle on the Optoma BL-FU185A (SP.8EH01GC01) projector lamp and slowly remove it from the projector.

Be careful not to bang the projector lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break. Learn how to clean up a broken projector lamp.

5. Remove the new Optoma BL-FU185A (SP.8EH01GC01) projector lamps from its packaging. Without touching the actual bulb, lift up the handle on the new lamp and gently insert.

6. Tighten the two screws on the lamp.

7. Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws. You are now ready to reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.

Reset the Lamp Replacement Timer

The Optoma EW536 projector has an automatic lamp timer that tracks the numbers of hours left in the lamp. If you don’t reset the lamp replacement timer you run the risk of the lamp being used beyond its recommended life and possibly exploding in the projector.

Optoma_EW536_lamp_control_menu_Optoma_BL-FU185A To reset the Lamp Replacement Timer:

  • Turn on the projector.
  • Using the remote press MENU
  • Select OPTIONS
  • Select LAMP RESET
  • Select YES.
  • Press MENU to exit.

Tips for extending Optoma BL-FU185A (SP.8EH01GC01) lamp life:

  • Chose the “STD” mode to to dim the projector lamp and lower power consumption. This will extend the lamp life by up to 130%.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Every 24 hours, turn off the projector and let it stand for 1 hour
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the Optoma EW536 projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

Green your Optoma EW536 projector

Optoma-BL-FU185A_replacement_bulb_training_videoThe Optoma EW536 projector has the option of re-using the existing lamp cage and replacing only the actual bulb. You recycle and reduce waste. Watch our Optoma BL-FU185A training video to learn more.

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Acer X1130_projector_Lamp_Acer_EC_J9000-001Replace the Acer X1130 projector lamp using this easy guide.

The projector will detect the lamp life for the Acer X1130 projector lamp and show the warning message: Lamp is approaching the end of its useful life in full power operation. Replacement Suggested!”

Be prepared with an authentic projector lamp

Your Acer X1130 needs an authentic lamp in order to keep working properly.  Cheap knock-offs will damage the sensitive optics in your Acer X1130 projector and have a much shorter life span. These knock off projector lamps are also created with toxic materials that pose a health threat. Authentic OEM are less likely to explode and come with a money-back guarantee as well as keeping your warranty intact. Protect yourself from buying counterfeit lamps.

Buy this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Replacing the Acer EC.J9000.001 projector lamp

Before installation follow these important safety steps:

  • Turn off the Acer X1130 projector and unplug the AC cord.
  • These projectors operate under high temperatures and there is a risk of burning if the projector has not cooled enough. Allow the Acer X1130 to cool for one hour. It should be cool to the touch.


1. Remove the two screws from the cover. Lift the cover off the projector and place it to one side.

2.  Remove the two screws holding the Acer X1130 projector lamp in place. screw from the cover.

3. Lift the wire handle on the Acer EC.J9000.001 bulb and gently pull the lamp up to remove it.

Don’t throw the old Acer EC.J9000.001 projector lamp projector lamp into regular garbage as it contains mercury — send it to a local recycling program.

4. Take the new Acer EC.J9000.001 projector lamp projector lamp using the wire handle. Avoid touching the bare bulb; the oil on your finger can leave a black mark on the lamp affecting the projected image. Tighten the screws on the new Acer EC.J9000.001 projector lamp.

Put the lid back onto the projector. Tighten the screw holding the lid in place. Plug the AC cables back into the projector. Turn the project on so you can reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the projector lamp timer

It’s important to always reset the lamp timer after replacing the projector lamp in your Acer X1130 projector. You want the projector to track how many hours the lamp has been used and send out warning messages when the Acer EC.J9000.001 reaches end of life.



Acer-X1130_projector_Lamp_Acer_EC_J9000-001_reset_lamp_timerTo reset the Projector Lamp timer:

  • Open the MAIN MENU. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to the MANAGEMENT menu. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to the Lamp Hour reset option.
  • Press the right arrow.
  • The lamp will be reset to zero.

Extending the projector lamp life

Learn more tips for extending lamp life.


A green alternative



The Acer X1130 projector has the option of also just replacing the actual bulb and re-use the plastic cage. This reduces waste and is a great way to green your projector.

Watch our training video to learn more.

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Epson_EB-X10_projector_Epson_ELPLP58_projector_lampUse this guide to replace the Epson EB-X10 projector lamp.

Invest in authentic

Do yourself a favor and buy an authentic Epson EB-X10 projector lamp from a recognized OEM dealer. When buying look for the seal of approval. Learn to spot copycat lamps posing as authentic lamps.

You may be tempted to buy a cheaper generic lamp in order to save money. While these knock-off lamps appear to be a bargain, they will actually end up costing you more money in the long run for the following rules:

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

End of warning signs

Epson_EB-X10_projector_Epson_ELPLP58_check_projector_lamp_hoursWhen the Epson EB-X10 projector lamp is reaching end of life the projector lamp indicator will flash orange and continue flashing until the projector lamp has been changed.

Epson_EB-X10_projector_Epson_ELPLP58_projector_lamp_lamp_warningThe message Replace the lamp also appears on the screen. You may also the image on screen gets darker or starts deteriorate altogether. In order to maintain projector brightness and image quality, replace with a new Epson LPLP58 (V13H010L58) projector lamp as soon as possible.

The Epson EB-X10 projector lamp can last for close to 4,000 hours when the power consumption is set to NORMAL and up to 5,000 hours if the ECO option is used. You can check the hours left on the ELPLP58 (V13H010L58) projector lamp from the INFO Menu access off the Main Menu.

Installing a new ELPLP58 (V13H010L58) projector lamp

Before replacing the ELPLP58 (V13H010L58) projector lamp follow these important safety rules:

  1. Always unplug the power cord on the Epson EB-X10 projector before replacing the projector lamp.
  2. This projector operates using high temperature. Wait at least 60 minutes before replacing the lamp so you don’t run the risk of getting burned.
  3. Never touch the bare projector lamp bulb as the oil from your fingers will burn black marks onto the projector lamp when it heats up.
  4. Never operate the Epson EB-X10 projector with the projector lamp removed.


Remove the projector lamp cover screws and place to one side.

Epson_EB-X10_projector_Epson_ELPLP58__remove_projector_lamp_screwsLoosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP58 (V13H010L58) projector lamp in place (you can’t remove them).


Gently lift out the Epson LPLP58 projector lamp taking care not to bang it against the projector. NOTE: The LPLP58 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle this lamp!

Gently insert the new Epson LPLP58 projector lamp. Make sure it fits into the Epson EB-X10 projector properly. (Check that it’s facing the right way.) Tighten the Epson LPLP58 projector lamp.

You can know reset the lamp timer.

Reset the lamp timer


After you replace the lamp, you need to reset the Epson Epson EB-X10 projector lamp timer using the projector’s menu system.

  • Press the MENU button on the remote control or on the projector’s control panel. You see the main menu.
  • Select the RESET menu. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to select RESET LAMP HOURS. Press ENTER.
  • A prompt filed appears asking if you want to reset the lamp timer. Select YES. Press ENTER.
  • Press MENU to exit.

Longer life for the ELPLP58 (V13H010L58) projector lamp

Extend the life of the Epson ELPLP58 (V13H010L58) projector lamp with the following tips:

  • Set the Power Consumption to ECO option.
  • Clean the air filters regularly so the Epson EB-X10 projector doesn’t overheat.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector.
  • Turn it off when it’s not in use.
  • Learn more: Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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BenQ_MX810ST_BenQ 5J.J3J05.001_projector_lampYou can replace the projector lamp in your BenQ MX810ST projector lamp in 3 easy steps.

Step 1: Be aware of projector lamp life

A flashing orange light on BenQ MX810ST projector indicates that the BenQ MX810ST projector lamp is reaching end of life the lamp indicator and needs to be replaced. Several warning messsages will begin to appear and you may notice the image deteriorating or the color looking off. When the final warning screen appears you must change the projector lamp immediately.

To check how many hours the projector lamp has, do the following: BenQ-_MX810ST_projector_5J.J3J05.001_projector_lamp_warning

  • Press MENU/EXIT and then press MODE/ENTER to highlight the SYSTEM SETUP: Advanced
  • Press to highlight Lamp Settings and press MODE/ENTER. The Lamp Settings page is displayed.
  • You will see the Equivalent Lamp Hour information appearing on the menu.
  • To leave the menu, press MENU/EXIT.
  • You can also get the lamp hour information on the INFORMATION menu.

Setting the projector to economic mode will extend the projector lamp life.

Find this lamp on Amazon from these authorized dealers:

Step 2: Be ready with an authentic projector lamp

It can be tempting to spend less and install a generic lamp bought at a discount place. Despite their bargain prices, generic actually end of up costing ou more money in the end. Generic lamps just don’t work as well for these main reasons:

Keep your BenQ MX810ST projector working at its optimum level. Always use an authentic BenQ 5J.J3J05.001 projector lamp.

Step 3: Replace the BenQ 5J.J3J05.001 projector lamp

Before changing the lamp:

  • Reduce the risk of electrical shock by disconnecting the power cord on the BenQ MX810ST projector.
  • Reduce the risk of severe burns by allowing the projector to cool for at least 45 minutes.



Loosen the screw holding the lamp cover onto the BenQ MX810ST projector.


Lift up the cover. Remove and dispose of the lamp protection film. Do not insert your fingers between the lamp and the projector. The sharp edges inside the projector may cause injuries.



Disconnect the projector lamp connector from the projector (Step #2 in diagram). Loosen the screw that secures the BenQ 5J.J3J05.001 projector lamp.

BenQ-_MX810ST_projector_5J.J3J05_remove_old_projector_lampSlowly and gently pull the BenQ 5J.J3J05.001 projector lamp out of the projector. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The BenQ 5J.J3J05.001 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost (another reason to buy authentic lamps).


BenQ-_MX810ST_projector_5J.J3J05_install_new_projector_lampInsert the new BenQ 5J.J3J05.001 projector lamp first into the connector on the projector and reconnect the lamp connector.


Make sure the handle is fully locked. Tighten the projector lamp screw. If the screw is too loose or too tight, the projector may not turn on.


BenQ-_MX810ST_projector_5J.J3J05_projector_lamp_install_coverRe-install the MX810ST lamp cover and tighten the screw.

Reset the total lamp operation timer.



Reset the projector lamp counter

BenQ-_MX810ST_projector_5J.J3J05_reset_projector_lamp_timerWhen the BenQ 5J.J3J05.001 projector lamp in the BenQ MX810ST projector has been changed the projector lamp timer must be reset:

  • Turn on the BenQ MX810ST projector.
  • After the startup logo, open the On-Screen Display (OSD) menu.
  • Go to the SYSTEM SETUP.
  • Scroll over to Advanced > Lamp Settings menu.
  • Press MODE/ENTER to display Lamp Settings page is displayed.
  • Highlight Reset lamp timer. A warning message is displayed asking if you want to reset the lamp timer.
  • Highlight Reset and press MODE/ENTER. The lamp time will be reset to “0”.

Extend the life of the BenQ 5J.J3J05.001 projector lamp last longer with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Use the Lamp Power option on the MX761 projector lamp and set to Economic Mode to reduce the amount of power used but extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


Green your BenQ MX810ST projector lamp

The BenQ MX810ST projector lamp has the option of replacing only the bulb instead of the entire BenQ 5J.J3J05.001 unit. You re-use the plastic cage and reduce waste. You can green your projector while saving money. Our instructional video shows you how step-by-step.



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Get help replacing the Optoma EW531 Optoma_EW531_Optoma_BL-FU185A_SP.8EH01GC01_projector_lamp projector lamp.

When to replace the projector lamp

Optoma_EW531_projector_lamp_warning_Optoma_BL-FU185AYour Optoma EW531 projector uses the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp . When the Optoma EW531 projector lamp is approaching end of life, you may notice the Lamp-LED light flashing red or the picture quality starting to get poor resolution with washed out colours. As the projector lamp approaches end of life, the projector lamp replacement message flashes on screen. Change your proejctor lamp immediately. The projector will not work if the lamp has burnt out or broken.

If you hear a loud pop when turning on the projector, the Optoma BL-FU185Aprojector lamp has broken. Learn what to do if the lamp has exploded inside the projector.

Buying the right lamp

Purchase your lamp ahead of time and be prepared. The Optoma EW531 projector uses the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp Be sure to purchase an authentic, OES projector lamp for your Optoma EW531 projector. Avoid counterfeit lamp for the following reaons;

Spot the counterfeit.

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by these authorized dealers:

Installing the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp

Before replacing the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp follow these important safety tips:

  • Switch off the power to the Optoma EW531 projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Disconnect the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.


1. Use a screwdriver to undo the two screws holding the lamp cover in place. The screws on the lamp cover and the lamp cannot be removed.

2. Remove the lid and place to one side. Don’t lose the lid as the Optoma EW531 projector will not turn back on until the lamp cover has been properly installed.

3. Remove the two screws holding the Optoma BL-FU185A in place.

Note: The used Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t throw it into regular garbage.

Optoma_EW531_replace_Optoma_BL-FU185A_projector-lamp4. Lift up the wire handle on the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp and slowly remove it from the projector.

Be careful not to bang the projector lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break. Learn how to clean up a broken projector lamp.

5. Remove the new Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamps from its packaging. Without touching the actual bulb, lift up the handle on the new lamp and gently insert.

6. Tighten the two screws on the lamp.

7. Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws. You are now ready to reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.

Reset the Lamp Replacement Timer

The Optoma EW531 projector has an automatic lamp timer that tracks the numbers of hours left in the lamp. If you don’t reset the lamp replacement timer you run the risk of the lamp being used beyond its recommended life and possibly exploding in the projector.

Optoma_EW531_lamp_control_menu_Optoma_BL-FU185A To reset the Lamp Replacement Timer:

  • Turn on the projector.
  • Using the remote press MENU
  • Select OPTIONS
  • Select LAMP RESET
  • Select YES.
  • Press MENU to exit.

Tips for extending Optoma BL-FU185A  lamp life:

  • Chose the “STD” mode to to dim the projector lamp and lower power consumption. This will extend the lamp life by up to 130%.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Every 24 hours, turn off the projector and let it stand for 1 hour
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the Optoma EW531 projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

Green your Optoma EW531 projector

Optoma-BL-FU185A_replacement_bulb_training_videoThe Optoma EW531 projector has the option of re-using the existing lamp cage and replacing only the actual bulb. You recycle and reduce waste. Watch our Optoma BL-FU185A training video to learn more.

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Boxlight_CP-13T_projector_Boxlight_CP13T-930_projector_lampWhen your Boxlight CP-13T projector lamp reaches end of life, this guide can help you make the change.

The importance of OEM projector lamps

Your Boxlight CP-13t projector is a sophisticated machine with high-end optics. Generic lamps can be tempting to purchase a generic lamp due to their low prices but they can damage the  optics in your projectors. These copycat lamps have not been properly calibrated and have been made with carcinogenic toxic substitutes. As a result generic lamps have shorter lives and prone to explosions. Protect your investment and purchase an authentic Boxlight CP-13T projector lamp.

 Warning messages

The Boxlight CP-13T uses the Boxlight CP13T-930 projector lamp. When the projector lamp is approaching end of life the LAMP REPLACEMENT indicator lights red.  The image may also become darker or the image color becomes unnatural. Change the projector lamp immediately when this happens.

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by these authorized dealers:

Replacing the Boxlight CP13T-930 projector lamp

Before replacing the Boxlight CP13T-930 projector lamp follow these safety tips:

  • Disconnect the power cord on the Boxlight CP-13t projector.
  • Reduce the risk of severe burns by allowing the Boxlight CP-13t projector to cool for at least one hour. These projectors operate using high temperatures and you run the risk of severe burns if you don’t allow it to cool down.



  • Turn the Boxlight CP-13t projector on its side. Loosen the screw holding the lamp cover in place.
  • Remove the two screws holding the Boxlight CP13T-930 projector lamp in place.
  • Using the wire handle on the Boxlight CP13T-930 projector lamp and gently remove the lamp. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.
  • NOTE: Be sure to recycle the Boxlight CP13T-930 projector lamp as contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle it!
  • Insert the new CP13T-930 and avoid touching the actual bulb as this can result in black spots from the oil on your hands.
  • Tighten the two screws on the Boxlight CP13T-930.
  • Place the cover back onto the Boxlight CP-13t projector and tighten the lamps screw. You must now reset the lamp timer.

Boxlight_CP-13T_projector_Boxlight_CP13T-930_reset_projector_lamp_counterResetting the Boxlight CP-13T lamp counter

Once the Boxlight CP13T-930 projector lamp has been replaced, you will need to reset the lamp counter so the Boxlight CP-13t projector can accurately track the number of lamp hours remaining:

  • Turn the projector on.
  • Press the MENU button. The ON-SCREEN MENU will appear.
  • Press the POINT LEFT/RIGHT buttons to select SETTING.
  • Press the SELECT button. The SETTING MENU appears.
  • Press the POINT DOWN button and a red-arrow icon will appear.
  • Move the arrow to LAMP AGE. Press the SELECT button.
  • The message “Lamp replace monitor Reset?” is displayed.
  • Select YES to reset the Timer.


Extend the life of the Boxlight CP13T-930 projector lamp by reading Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life

Interested in a green alternative?

Boxlight_CP-11t_projector_Boxlight_CP13T-930_Video_InstructionsThe Boxlight CP-13t projector has the option of also just replacing the actual bulb to re-use the plastic cage. This reduces waste and is a great way to green your projector. Watch our training video to learn more.




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Get help fromOptoma_ES526L_BL-FU185A_projector_lamp our instructional guide to replace the Optoma ES526L projector lamp.

Buying the right lamp

Purchase your lamp ahead of time and be prepared.  The Optoma ES526L projector uses the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp Be sure to purchase an authentic, OES Optoma ES526L projector lamp. Avoid counterfeit lamp for the following reaons;

Spot the counterfeit.

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by these authorized dealers:

When to replace the projector lamp

Optoma_ES526_projector_lamp_warning_Optoma_BL-FU185AYour Optoma ES526L projector uses the Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp . When the projector lamp is approaching end of life, you may notice the Lamp-LED light flashing red or the picture quality starting to get poor resolution with washed out colours. As the projector lamp approaches end of life, the projector lamp replacement message flashes on screen. Change your projector lamp immediately. The projector will not work if the lamp has burnt out or broken.

If you hear a loud pop when turning on the projector, the Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp has broken. Learn what to do if the lamp has exploded inside the projector.

Installing the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp

Before replacing the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp follow these important safety tips:

  • Switch off the power to the Optoma ES526L projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Disconnect the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.


1. Use a screwdriver to undo the two screws holding the lamp cover in place. The screws on the lamp cover and the lamp cannot be removed.

2. Remove the lid and place to one side. Don’t lose the lid as the Optoma ES526L projector will not turn back on until the lamp cover has been properly installed.

3. Remove the two screws holding the Optoma BL-FU185A  in place.

Note: The used Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t throw it into regular garbage.

Optoma_ES526L_replace_Optoma_BL-FU185A_projector-lamp4. Lift up the wire handle on the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp and slowly remove it from the projector.

Be careful not to bang the projector lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break. Learn how to clean up a broken projector lamp.

5. Remove the new Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamps from its packaging. Without touching the actual bulb, lift up the handle on the new lamp and gently insert.

6. Tighten the two screws on the lamp.

7. Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws. You are now ready to reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.

Reset the Lamp Replacement Timer

The Optoma ES526L projector has an automatic lamp timer that tracks the numbers of hours left in the lamp. If you don’t reset the lamp replacement timer you run the risk of the lamp being used beyond its recommended life and possibly exploding in the projector.

Optoma_DS316L_lamp_control_menu_Optoma_BL-FU185A To reset the Lamp Replacement Timer:

  • Turn on the projector.
  • Using the remote press MENU
  • Select OPTIONS
  • Select LAMP RESET
  • Select YES.
  • Press MENU to exit.

Tips for extending Optoma BL-FU185A lamp life:

  • Chose the “STD” mode to to dim the projector lamp and lower power consumption. This will extend the lamp life by up to 130%.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Every 24 hours, turn off the projector and let it stand for 1 hour
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the Optoma ES526L projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

    Green your Optoma ES526L projector

    Optoma-BL-FU185A_replacement_bulb_training_videoThe Optoma ES526L projector has the option of re-using the existing lamp cage and replacing only the actual bulb. A great way to reduce and recycle. Watch our Optoma BL-FU185A training video to learn more.

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Eiki_LC-SX4E_projector_lamp_Eiki_610-292-4848_POA-LMP39Replace the Eiki LC-SX4E projector lamp in three steps by following this guide.

Step 1: Knowing when to replace

Knowing when to replace your Eiki LC-SX4E projector lamp and watching for end-of-life signs is your first step to keeping your projector working. The Eiki LC-SX4E is able to detect lamp life and switch between the two. Check the number of lamps being used on the Lamp Status and started by understanding the lamp mode.

Lamp Mode Changeover: Lamp Management Function automatically changes the combination of lighting lamp (Lamp Mode) by detecting the status of each lamp. When any of the two lamps goes out, Lamp Mode is changed over from 2 lamps to 1 lamp. Lamp Mode can be switched to 2 lamps or 1 lamp manually. Check the number of lamps being used on the Lamp Status.

Lamp Status

The Eiki LC-SX4E is equipped with two projection lamps for a brighter image. It’s recommended that you change both Eiki POA-LMP39 lamps at the same time as well as the air filter.

Eiki_SX4E_Eiki_POA-LMP39_projector_lamp_modeThe Lamp Management Function detects the status of bots lamps and displays it on screen. The lamp status is also displayed for 5 seconds when the projector is turned on. The LAMP REPLACE indicator lights yellow when either lamp is nearing end of life.

On screen status:

  • ON: Yellow lamp on screen: Lamps are functioning normally.
  • OFF: Dim Lamp: Lamp is turned off and not in use.
  • NEAR END: Red lamp: Projection Lamp is nearing its end. When image becomes darker or color becomes unnatural, replace lamp.  The Lamp replace lights on the projector lights yellow at the same time.
  • OUT: X Mark on lamp: The lamp has reached its end of life and fails to turn on. It may also be defective. Replace lamp corresponding with number marked X.

Step 2: Buying the right projector lamp

In order to keep your Eiki LC-SX4E working at its best, always be sure to invest in an authentic lamp. It can be tricky finding an OEM lamp over the Internet. Always look for the seal of approval before buying Eiki POA-LMP39 projector lsmp.

Six good reasons to avoid knock-off generics lamps:

Go with original OEM projector lamps and keep your Eiki LC-SX4E projector working!

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by these authorized dealers:

Step 3: Replacing the Eiki POA-LMP39 projector lamp

Follow these important safety steps before replacing the Eiki POA-LMP39 projector lamp.

  • The Eiki LC-SX4E projector operates under very high temperatures. Let it cool for one full hour before attempting to replace the lamp in order to avoid being burned.
  • Turn off the projector by pressing the power button. Wait for the light to stop flashing.
  • Turn off the power switch at the back on the projector
  • Unplug any power cords.
  • Eiki-SX4E_Eiki_POA-LMP39_projector_lamp_remove_cover

NOTE: To maintain quality of picture (better balance of color and brightness in entire screen), replacing both lamps at the same time.


Loosen the three screws on Lamp Cover and remove Lamp Cover.





  • Loosen the 2 screws. Using the wire handle and pull out the projector lamp. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.
  • Replace the Lamp Assembly. NOTE: The Eiki POA-LMP39 projector lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t place it into regular garbage.
  • Make sure that Lamp Assembly is set properly. Tighten the 2 screws on the new projector lamp.
  • Replace Lamp Cover and tighten 3 screws. Connect AC Power Cord to a projector and turn projector on.
  • Reset Lamp Replacement Counter.

Reset lamp counter


  • When the Lamp Replace Counter is reset, the LAMP REPLACE indicator stops lighting.
  • Turn projector on, press MENU button and ON-SCREEN MENU will appear.
  • Press POINT LEFT/RIGHT button(s) to move the red frame pointer to SETTING Menu icon. Press POINT DOWN button to move a red frame pointer to “Lamp counter reset.”
  • Press SELECT button.
  • Move arrow to select either Lamp 1 or Lamp 2. Press SELECT button.


  • Message “Lamp replace counter Reset?” is displayed.
  • Move pointer to YES and then press SELECT button.
  • NOTE: Be sure to reset correct lamp number otherwise LAMP REPLACE indicator continues lighting.
  • Another confirmation dialog box appears and select YES to reset Lamp Replace Counter.
  • Do not reset Lamp Replace Counter except after Projection lamp is replaced.

Extend the life of the Eiki POA-LMP39 projector lamp

Get more hours from your Eiki POA-LMP39 projector lamp by following these maintenance tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Eiki LC-SX4E projector and let it stand unused for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
  • Press the MENU button to exit.

Save money, go green

Video_Changing_Lamp_for_Eiki_SX4LALooking for a green alternative? Try replacing only the bulb and re-using the same plastic cage.

Watch this how to video guide to learn more.


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Epson_VS200_projector_Epson_ELPLP58_projector_lampThese instructions can help you replace Epson VS200 projector lamp.

Know the end of warning signs

Epson_VS200_projector_Epson_ELPLP58_check_projector_lamp_hoursWhen the Epson VS200 projector lamp is reaching end of life the projector lamp indicator will flash orange and continue flashing until the projector lamp has been changed.

Epson_VS200_projector_Epson_ELPLP58_projector_lamp_lamp_warningThe message Replace the lamp also appears on the screen. You may also the image on screen gets darker or starts deteriorate altogether. In order to maintain projector brightness and image quality, replace with a new Epson LPLP58  projector lamp as soon as possible.

The Epson VS200 projector lamp can last for close to 4,000 hours when the power consumption is set to NORMAL and up to 5,000 hours if the ECO option is used. You can check the hours left on the ELPLP58 projector lamp from the INFO Menu access off the Main Menu.

Invest in authentic

Do yourself a favor and buy an authentic Epson ELPLP58  projector lamp from a recognized OEM dealer. When buying look for the seal of approval. Learn to spot copycat lamps posing as authentic lamps.

You may be tempted to buy a cheaper generic lamp in order to save money. While these knock-off lamps appear to be a bargain, they will actually end up costing you more money in the long run since they a shorter life than original lamps and are prone to explosions. Since they are often created with created with toxic substitute parts they pose a significatnt health hazard and can damage the sensitive optics in your Epson VS200 projector.

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Installing a new ELPLP58  projector lamp

Before replacing the ELPLP58  projector lamp follow these important safety rules:

  1. Always unplug the power cord on the Epson VS200 before replacing the projector lamp.
  2. This projector operates using high temperature. Wait at least 60 minutes before replacing the lamp so you don’t run the risk of getting burned.
  3. Never touch the bare projector lamp bulb as the oil from your fingers will burn black marks onto the projector lamp when it heats up.
  4. Never operate the Epson VS200 projector with the projector lamp removed.


Remove the projector lamp cover screws and place to one side.

Epson_VS200_projector_Epson_ELPLP58__remove_projector_lamp_screwsLoosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP58 projector lamp in place (you can’t remove them).


Gently lift out the Epson LPLP58 projector lamp taking care not to bang it against the projector. NOTE: The LPLP58 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle this lamp!

Gently insert the new Epson LPLP58 projector lamp. Make sure it fits into the Epson VS200 projector properly. (Check that it’s facing the right way.) Tighten the Epson LPLP58 projector lamp. You can know reset the lamp timer.

Reset the lamp timer


After you replace the lamp, you need to reset the Epson VS200 projector lamp timer using the projector’s menu system.

  • Press the MENU button on the remote control or on the projector’s control panel. You see the main menu.
  • Select the RESET menu. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to select RESET LAMP HOURS. Press ENTER.
  • A prompt filed appears asking if you want to reset the lamp timer. Select YES. Press ENTER.
  • Press MENU to exit.

Longer life for the ELPLP58  projector lamp

Extend the life of the Epson ELPLP58 projector lamp with the following tips:

  • Set the Power Consumption to ECO option.
  • Clean the air filters regularly so the Epson VS200 projector doesn’t overheat.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector.
  • Turn it off when it’s not in use.
  • Learn more: Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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Classroom projectors delivering crisp and clear images can be your strongest assistant this school year

Good classroom projectors should be able to handle video, have good HDMI hookups and handle some HD. You also want it to be compatible with a variety of computers, tablets and smaller devices as well as with various software programs. Here’s what to look for to find the perfect classroom projector.

Consider the room


Think about your room. You need space for a six wide foot screen unless you invest in the more expensive short throw projectors. Is the room big enough so that everyone see the entire screen?

How close are your students going to be to the projector? This will determine what type of screen you need and the placement. Pull down mounted screens are usually the most functional for classrooms.

The height of the screen should be 1/6 the distance of the farthest student. For example if the farthest student is 30 feet away, then the screen height should be 5 feet. The screen should be 4 feet off the floor if the seating is level.

Consider the light

The type of projector you need depends on the light in your classroom. The ideal location for your screen is at the front of the classroom but only it’s not flooded by sunlight. White walls can reflect back a tremendous amount of light. To find the darkest area on a room trying dimming the lights and closing the curtains.

You may find the blackboard at the back of the classroom the best location. If there is too much light you’ll need brighter projector. To prevent a loss in contrast and shadow detail you’ll need to invest in more expensive DLP model. A business projector is probably the best option.

Consider the distance

You also want to position the projector where students can`t block the light by standing up or raising their hands. You also don`t want anyone looking directly into the projection lens as this can hurt their eyes. Avoid blockages like light fixtures, podiums, air conditioner vents, desks, blackboards or other objects that may interfere with the installation of the projector or the light path from the projector to the screen. The placement of the projector will determine the throw distance needed. This “throw distance” you need may narrow the number of projectors that can meet your requirements.

Consider the location


If the room is tiny on solution is to mount the projector alongside the same wall as the projection screen.

If you choose this solution you`ll need a short-throw wall mount projector or a short-throw projector. These tend to be slightly more expensive than standard projectors.

More traditional projectors can be mounted on the ceiling or on a platform. You can set the projector onto the table and use the automatic gain control on the projector to correct any problems with distorted images.

Popular projector brands

There’s good reason BenQ and Epson are the most popular brands with teachers. The Epson Powerlite series gives you all the HDMI connectivity you so you can hook up to four different devices.

The fast and responsive BenQ educational projectors have a short-throw PointDraw projector allowing teachers to project an interactive image anyhere in the room no matter the the size.

Other good options

Some projectors have Blackboard Mode that allows you to project onto a wall, white board, or chalkboard. Another important feature is the zoom lens that lets you change the size of the projected image without having to move the projector.

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