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Projectors_cp-x265-Hitachi-DT00751-CPX260_projector _LAMPUse our step-by instructions to change the Hitachi CP-X265 projector lamp.

Invest in a Hitachi CP-X265 projector lamp. Your Hitachi CP-X265 projector uses the Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 projector lamp and when it reaches end of life, there will be several tell tale signs:

  • Hitachi CP-X265 Lamp Indicator light will start flashing red.
  • Color tone on the screen may also appear weak or washed out.
  • Picture has poor colour quality.
  • You may notice the Hitachi DT00751 starts to go dark after being used for long period of time.

The Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 projector lamp has a finite life and trying to force it beyond its normal lamp life can damage your Hitachi CP-X262.

Avoid generics

In order to keep your projector working at its best you need to always install and authentic projector lamp. Even though they may have a lower price their inferior parts are prone to overheating or exploding and have a shorter life. Often these lamps use toxic chemicals as substitutes and can’t be calibrated properly so deliver a much poorer image on screen and can damage your projector’s sophisticated optics. Keep your projector working and go with an authentic Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 lamp.

Always look for the seal of approval and watch for telltale signs you are about to purchase a counterfeit projector lamp:

Spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Installing the Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 projector  lamp

Before installing a new lamp be sure to turn off the Hitachi CP-X265 and let the projector cool down for at least one hour. This projector operates using high temperatures and there is a risk of you burning yourself if the projector has not cooled.

Hitachi-CP-X260_Hitachi_DT00751-CPX265_remove_projector _lamp_cover

  • Turn off the projector by pressing the power button.
  • Unplug any power cords.
  • Loosen the Hitachi CP-X265 projector  lamp cover screw
  • Slide the projector  lamp cover to the side to remove it.



  • Loosen the screws on the projector lamp. Gently lift up the wire handle and pull out the Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 projector  lamp.
  • NOTE: The Hitachi DT00751 projector  lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t place it into regular garbage.
  • Take the new DT00751 projector  lamp out of its packaging.
  • Pick up the Hitachi DT00751 projector lamp by the handle and gently insert the lamp into the projector making sure not to bang the lamp.
  • Avoid touching the actual bulb as oil from your fingers can leave marks on the bulb that will burn into black spots.
  • Slide the Hitachi CP-X265 lamp cover back in place and firmly fasten the lamp cover a screw.
  • Turn the projector on and reset the projector  lamp time.

Resetting the Hitachi CP-X265 projector lamp timer

Reset the lamp time only when you have replaced the lamp so the Hitachi CP-X265 projector can properly track the projector lamp life.  Otherwise you run the risk of using the projector lamp beyond its lamp life.

Hitachi-CP-X265_reset_Hitachi_DT00751 CPX260_projector_lamp

  • Press the MENU button
  • When the EASY MENU has appeared press Enter to choose
  • Scroll down to the ADVANCED MENU option.
  • Scroll down to OPTION menu.
  • Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to LAMP TIME.
  • A dialog field will appear.
  • Choose RESET on the dialog field.
  • Press ENTER.
  • The lamp time will be reset to 0.
  • Press the MENU button to exit.

Get more hours from your Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 projector lamp by keeping your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector. Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life

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Screen_Burn_Prevention-2 Do you know how to keep your screen at its best and prevent RPTV Screen Burn?

Nothing beats playing video games or watching movies on your RPTV. Depending on your model, you need to be careful about letting static images remain on your screen for too long as it can result in RPTV screen burn. Normal TV viewing has the screen filled with constantly changing images so that the picture tube ages evenly across the entire screen giving you a picture that is bright and even.

Stationary images that partially fill the screen (such as black bars on the side or a small logo in the corner) create an uneven aging of the phosphors in the tube and leave subtle ghosts of the images on screen. Known as RPTV screen burn, these ghost images can interfere with your viewing experience and be very distracting.

Fortunately, many RPTVs aren’t susceptible to RPTV screen burn but to be sure you don’t end up with a Super Mario logo on your screen, here are some tips to preventing this condition:

  • Avoid stationary patterns over long periods of time. This includes:
    • Letterbox top/bottom black bars: This appears at the top and bottom of the screen when watching a widescreen (16:9) movie on a standard (4:3) TV.
    • Side bar images: These solid bars are shown on each side of an image when watching a standard (4:3) program on a widescreen (16:9) TV.
    • Stock-market report bars: Ticker running at the bottom of the TV screen.
    • Bright graphics: Logos shown constantly or repeatedly in the same location such as the Shopping channel logos or pricing displays.
    • Video game patterns and scoreboards
    • Bright station logos
    • Internet web sites or any other stationary, repetitive computer style image.
  • The normal use of your RPTV should include a variety of TV picture types. Watch a DVD, watch your favorite TV show or movie, play a video game, surf the net. Mixing it up will ensure you don’t have one image displayed too long on the screen that creates RPTV screen burn.
  • Probably the worst thing to do is leave a static image like a DVD menu frozen on the screen. Adjusting your brightness and contrast levels when using a DVD will help.
  • After using your set for video games, put the moving TV image on screen for four to five times longer that the set was used for displaying the video game. This is will allow the screen to recover.
  • Set the contrast (or picture) level between 20-35% of max. You will not see much of a change in the picture but it will reduce the possibility of screen burn.
  • Avoid showing the same stationary image for more than 15% of your total TV viewing in any one week.
  •  Program a timer to shut off the TV at whatever time you choose. This will help avoid burn-in and set an automatic curfew so if you do fall asleep in front of the TV, you’ll be safe.
  • Many RPTVs have a pixel shift feature that prevents screen burn-in. The option allows you to move the picture from side to side or up and down the screen at different intervals. A secondary feature allows you to select a white screen or rolling screen to by changing remaining colored pixels to white and removing them. Check your manual to see if your model has this function to prevent RPTV screen burn.

Read more about the care and maintenance of your RPTV:

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Optoma_BL-FU200A_projector_lamp_discount_merchantThe Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp

Find out which projectors are compatible with the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp and how to install one into your Optoma projector.

Before purchasing look for the seal of approval that lets you know you are buying from an authentic manufacturer.

Avoiding generic lamps

It’s always best to use an authentic projector lamp. Counterfeits can damage your Optoma projector.

6 reasons to buy authentic and avoid generics

Protect yourself from buying counterfeit lamps.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Compatible projectors with the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp

The Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) projector lamp is compatible with the following Optoma projectors :

For step-by-step instructions on replacing your Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) projector lamp, click on your projector listed below:



Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the Optoma EP750 projector.

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the Optoma EP750H projector.





Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the Optoma EP753 projector.





Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the Optoma EP753H projector.







Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the Optoma EP755 projector.






Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the Optoma EP756 projector.







Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the Optoma EP757 projector.








Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the Optoma H50 projector.







Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector for the Optoma H55 projector.



Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A lamp for the Optoma H56 projector.







Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the Optoma Theme Scene H50 projector.





Optoma-Theme-Scene-H55_Optoma BL-FU200A SP.83601.001C_projector_lamp

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the Optoma Theme Scene H55 projector.





Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp for the  projector.




Learn the TOP Tips for extending the lamp life of the Optoma BL-FU200A lamp.



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Optoma_theme_scene_H56_projector_BL-FU200A_projector_lampReplace the Optoma Theme Scene H56 projector lamp using this simple guide.

As the Optoma Theme Scene H56 projector lamp approaches its end of life at 2000 hours, a warning message will be projected: “Lamp may fail soon! Replacement Suggested!

You may also notice the projected image is becoming less defined and that the colours are off. Have your authentic Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) lamp ready.

Go with authentic projector lamps

It can be confusing trying to find the correct Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) projector lamp since there are so many choices. It’s easy to get duped into buying an inferior knock-off lamp posing as an authentic one. Always look for the seal of approval and watch for telltale signs you are about to purchase a counterfeit lamp:

Remember that generic lamps have a much shorter life and are often created with toxic chemicals as substitutes. They are also prone to overheat and explode and are often not properly calibrated to work with the sensitive electronics in your Optoms Theme Scene H56 projector.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Installing the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp

When your Optoma BL-FU200A lamp is reaching end of life you will see the Lamp LED on the Optoma Theme Scene H56 starts.

Follow these important safety tips before changing the projector  lamp:

  • Switch off the power to the projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • After waiting 30 seconds, disconnect the power cord.
  • Allow the Optoma Theme Scene H56 projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.


Step 1: Use a screwdriver to loosen the two screws holding the projector lamp cover in place. Make sure you have followed the safety tips before taking the cover off.


Step 2: Remove the projector lamp cover and place to one side. Don’t lose the screws to the cover as the Theme Scene H56 projector will not turn back on until the projector lamp cover has been properly installed.

Optoma_Theme_Scene_H56_replace_BL-FU200A_projector_lampStep 3: Remove all three screws holding the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp in place.

Lift the wire handle and gently remove the projector lamp from the projector. Be careful not to hit the lamp or you can cause it to break. Learn what to do if the projector lamp is broken inside the projector.


Step 4: Take the new Optoma BL-FU200A  projector lamp out of its packaging and lift the handle on the projector lamp.

Gently place it into the projector making sure not to touch the actual bulb. Oil from fingerprint marks can burn black spots onto the projector lamp when it heats up.

Tighten the screws on the projector lamp.  Close the lid. Tighten the projector lamp cover screws.

You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Reset the Optoma Theme Scene H56 projector lamp timer

Your Optoma Theme Scene H56 comes equipped with an automatic projector lamp timer that tracks the number of hours left for the Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) projector lamp. Each time you change the lamp you need to reset the lamp timer. Failure to do so may cause the projector to use the lamp over the recommended period of time resulting in the projector lamp exploding.


  • Press the Menu button to open the On-Screen-Data (OSD) menu.
  • Scroll over to the SYSTEM menu.
  • Scroll over to the BULB option.
  • Press Enter.
  • The Status menu appears again showing the Lamp Hours reset to zero.

Learn the TOP Tips for extending the projector lamp life in your Optoma Theme Scene H56 projector.

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Epson_PowerLife_8300NL_ELPLP23_projector_LampReplace the Epson PowerLite 8300NL projector lamp in three easy steps.

Step 1: Recognizing end of projector lamp

The Epson PowerLite 8300NL projector lamp lasts between 2000 to 3000 hours depending on the brightness settings. The number of hours may vary slightly depending on how much the projector is used and whether regular maintenance is done.

You will know when it’s time to replace the Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 projector lamp in the Epson PowerLite 8300NL projector when the following end of life signs start to appear:

  • projected image gets darks
  • starts to deterioriate
  • the lamp warning light begins to flash orange
  • a message: “LAMP REPLACE flashes on the screen when you start using the projector.

Using the lamp past it’s due date can seriously damage your Epson PowerLite 8300NL projector.

Consult the About menu to see how many hours are left until the Epson ELPLP23 (V13H010L233) projector lamp reaches end of life. To access:


  • Press the MENU button to get the projector’s main menu.
  • Scroll down to the ABOUT option.
  • Press ENTER.
  • The lamp usage timer shows 0H until you’ve used the lamp for at least 10 hours.

Step 2: Buying the right projector lamp

Copycat manufacturers offer no guarantee or refunds and the warranty on your Epson PowerLite 8300NL projector will become void. Look for the seal of approval before buying and get the best projector lamp possible — an authentic OEM one!

Reasons for avoiding generic lamps:

Learn how to spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Step 3: Installing the Epson ELPLP43 projector lamp

Do these four safety steps BEFORE installing the new Epson ELPLP23 V13H010L233 projector lamp:

  • The Epson PowerLite 8300NL projector operates under very high temperatures. Let it cool for one full hour before attempting to replace the lamp in order to avoid being burned.
  • Turn off the projector by pressing the power button. Wait for the light to stop flashing.
  • Turn off the power switch at the back on the projector
  • Unplug any power cords.

To replace the V13H010L233 projector lamp:

Epson_PowerLite_8300NL_ELPLP23_remove_projector_lamp_coverRemove the cover on the Epson PowerLite 8300NL projector. Take extra precaution if the projector is mounted on the ceiling. If you have installed the rear cover after mounting on the ceiling, you should remove that cover first.

Loosen the projector lamp cover screws –they won’t come all the way out. Put the projector lamp cover to one side.



Loosen the three screws holding the projector lamp in place (screws don’t come out the whole way).





Lift up the wire handle on the projector lamp. Grasp it and and pull the Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 projector lamp straight out

Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP23 projector lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t place it into regular garbage.

To finish the Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 projector lamp installation:

  • Gently insert the new Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 projector lamp.
  • Take care not to touch the actual glass bulb as your fingerprint will burn into a black spot when the lamp heats up. This will cause black spots on the screen.
  • Once the lamp is fully inserted, tighten three screws that will hold the lamp in place.
  • Replace the Epson PowerLite 8300NL projector cover.
  • You must now reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Projector Lamp Timer

It’s important to reset the Lamp Usage Timer so the Epson PowerLite 8300NL projector can accurately track the lamp lie and send the Lamp replacement message when it’s time for a new Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 projector lamp.


  • Press the MENU button on the remote control projector’s control panel to open the main menu.
  • Use the pointer buttons on the remote control to scroll down the menu on the left and highlight the ABOUT option.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP TIMER.



  • Press ENTER to bring up the Execute prompt.
  • Select YES.
  • Press ENTER.
  • Press ESC or MENU.


Resetting the timer before installing a new Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 projector lamp can cause serious damage to your projector.

Get more life from your Epson ELPLP43 projector lamp

Get more hours from your Epson ELPLP23 lamp by following these maintenance tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson PowerLite 8300NL projector and let it stand unused for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
  • Press the MENU button to exit.


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optoma_ds216_projector_Optoma BL-FU185A SP.8EH01GC01_lampYou can replace the Optoma DS216 projector lamp by following our 4-step guide. Installation takes about 2o minutes.

Step 1: Be ready with the right type of projector lamp

You will want to be prepared and have your Optoma DS216 projector lamp purchased ahead of time. Otherwise, you may be caught off guard with a broken projector lamp and projector that isn’t working. Be sure to purchase an authentic, OES lamp for your Optoma DS216 projector.

Why avoid generics:

They are simply not worth the hassles for the few dollars you save. Protect your projector and invest in authentic projector lamps. Learn How to spot a counterfeit.

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by these authorized dealers:

Step 2: When to replace the projector lamp?

Optoma_DS216_lamp_warning_Optoma_BL-FU185A_projector_lampYour Optoma DS216 projector uses the Optoma BL-FU185A projector  lamp. When the projector lamp is approaching end of life, you will see the Lamp-LED light flashing red and the lamp warning message will start flashing on screen. Other indications include faded colors and poor resolution. Don’t wait to change the lamp when you get these warnings. If you do try to extend the hours beyond the recommended hours, the lamp may explode inside the projector. Learn what to do if the projector lamp has exploded inside the projector.

Step 3: Installing the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp

Before replacing the Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp follow these important safety tips:

  • Switch off the power to the Optoma DS216 projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Disconnect the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.


1. Use a screwdriver to undo the two screws holding the projector lamp cover in place. The screws on the projector lamp cover and the lamp cannot be removed.

2. Remove the lid and place to one side. Don’t lose the lid as the Optoma DS216 projector will not turn back on until the lamp cover has been properly installed.

3. Remove the two screws holding the Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp in place. Note: The used Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t throw it into regular garbage



4. Lift up the wire handle on the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp and slowly remove it from the projector.

Be careful not to bang the projector lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break. Learn how to clean up a broken projector lamp.

5. Remove the new Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp from its packaging. Taking care not to touch the actual bulb, lift up the handle on the new lamp and insert it gently into the Optoma DS216 projector.

6. Tighten the two screws on the projector lamp.

7. Replace the projector lamp cover and tighten its two screws. You are now ready to reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.

Reset the Projector Lamp Replacement Timer

The Optoma DS216 projector has an automatic lamp timer that tracks the numbers of hours left in the projector lamp. If you don’t reset the projector lamp replacement timer you run the risk of the lamp being used beyond its recommended life and possibly exploding in the projector.

Optoma_DS216_lamp_control_menu_Optoma_BL-FU185A_projector_lamp To reset the Lamp Replacement Timer:

  • Turn on the projector.
  • Using the remote press MENU
  • Select OPTIONS
  • Select LAMP RESET
  • Select YES.
  • Press MENU to exit.

Tips for extending Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp life:

  • Chose the “STD” mode to to dim the projector lamp and lower power consumption. This will extend the lamp life by up to 130%.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Every 24 hours, turn off the projector and let it stand for 1 hour
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the Optoma DS216 projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

Green your Optoma DS216 projector

Optoma-BL-FU185A_replacement_bulb_training_videoThe Optoma DS216 projector has the option of re-using the existing lamp cage and replacing only the actual bulb. A great way to reduce and recycle. Watch our Optoma BL-FU185A training video to learn more.

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Optoma_DS316_projector_BL-FU185A_projector_lamp Here’s how to replace the Optoma DS316 projector lamp using our step-by-step guide.

Reaching end of life

Optoma_DS316_lamp_warning_Optoma_BL-FU185A_projector_lampWhen the Optoma DS316 projector lamp is reaching end of life, you may notice the Lamp-LED light flashing red. A lamp warning message will also appear on screen. Another warning sign may be a change in the quality of the picture on screen.

If you hear a loud pop when turning on the projector, the Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp has broken. Learn what to do if the projector lamp has exploded inside the projector.

Invest in authentic replacement projector lamps

Be sure to have your back-up replacement Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp ready so you can replace the lamp immediately when needed. Keep your Optoma DS316 projector working at optimum levels by investing in an authentic projector lamp. When buying on the Internet, make sure you are buying an OEM and look for the seal of approval.  Generic lamps have a shorter lamp life than original lamps and are created with toxic materials. When you buy copy-cat lamps you get no guarantee or refunds and they can damage the sensitive electronics in your projectors. Learn How to spot a counterfeit.

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by these authorized dealers:

Install the Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp

Follow these important safety tips before replacing the Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp:

  • Switch off the power to the Optoma DS316 projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Disconnect the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.


1. Use a screwdriver to undo the two screws holding the projector lamp cover in place. The screws on the lamp cover and the lamp cannot be removed.

2. Remove the lid and place to one side. Don’t lose the lid as the Optoma DS316 projector will not turn back on until the lamp cover has been properly installed.

3. Remove the two screws holding the Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp in place.

Note: The used Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t throw it into regular garbage.

Optoma_DS316_replace_Optoma_BL-FU185A_projector_lamp4. Lift up the wire handle on the Optoma BL-FU185A  projector lamp and slowly remove it from the projector. Be careful not to bang the lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break. Learn how to clean up a broken lamp.

5. Remove the new Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp from its packaging. Taking care not to touch the actual bulb, lift up the handle on the new lamp and insert it gently into the Optoma DS316 projector.

6. Tighten the two screws on the projector lamp.

7. Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws.

Reset the Projector Lamp Replacement Timer

The Optoma DS316  projector has an automatic projector lamp timer that tracks the numbers of hours left in the lamp. If you don’t reset the lamp replacement timer you run the risk of the lamp being used beyond its recommended life and possibly exploding in the projector.

Optoma_DS316_lamp_control_menu_Optoma_BL-FU185A_projector_lamp To reset the Projector Lamp Replacement Timer:

  • Turn on the projector.
  • Using the remote press MENU
  • Select OPTIONS
  • Select LAMP RESET
  • Select YES.
  • Press MENU to exit.

Tips for extending Optoma BL-FU185A projector lamp life:

  • Chose the “STD” mode to to dim the projector lamp and lower power consumption. This will extend the lamp life by up to 130%.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Every 24 hours, turn off the projector and let it stand for 1 hour
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the Optoma DS316 projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

Green your Optoma DS316 projector

Optoma-BL-FU185A_replacement_bulb_training_videoThe Optoma DS316 projector has the option of re-using the existing lamp cage and replacing only the actual bulb. A great way to reduce and recycle. Watch our Optoma BL-FU185A training video to learn more.

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Hitachi-CP-X260_projects_uses_Hitachi_DT00751-CPX260_projector_lampWondering when to change the Hitachi CP-X260 projector lamp? Keep reading our step-by-step guide.

Your Hitachi CP-X260 uses the Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 lamp. As the Hitachi CP-X260 projector lamp reaches end of life, the Hitachi CP-X260 Lamp Indicator light will start flashing red. Color tone on the screen may also appear weak or washed out. This is another indication that it’s time to replace the lamp.

NOTE: You may notice the Hitachi DT00751 screen starts to go dark after being used for long period of time. It’s a good idea to turn off the projector for at least one or two hours each day.

The Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 projector lamp has a finite life and trying to force it beyond its normal lamp life can damage your Hitachi CP-X260.

Avoid generics

Copycat manufacturers offer no guarantee or refunds and the warranty on your Hitachi CP-X260 projector will become void. Look for the seal of approval before buying and get the best lamp possible — an authentic OEM projector lamp!

Reasons for avoiding generic lamps:

Spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Installing the Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 projector lamp

Before installing a new lamp be sure to turn off the Hitachi CP-X260 and let the projector cool down for at least one hour. This projector operates using high temperatures and there is a risk of you burning yourself if the projector has not cooled.


  • Turn off the projector by pressing the power button.
  • Unplug any power cords.
  • Loosen the Hitachi CP-X260 projector lamp cover screw
  • Slide the projector  lamp cover to the side to remove it.


  • Loosen the screws on the projector lamp. Gently lift up the wire handle and pull out the Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 projector  lamp. NOTE: The Hitachi DT00751 projector lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t place it into regular garbage.
  • Take the new DT00751 projector lamp out of its packaging.
  • Pick up the Hitachi DT00751 projector lamp by the handle and gently insert the lamp into the projector making sure not to bang the lamp.
  • Avoid touching the actual bulb as oil from your fingers can leave marks on the bulb that will burn into black spots.
  •  Slide the Hitachi CP-X260 projector lamp cover back in place and firmly fasten the lamp cover a screw.
  • Turn the projector on and reset the lamp time.

To reset the Hitachi CP-X260 projector lamp timer


  • Press  the MENU button
  • When the EASY MENU has appeared press Enter to choose
  • Scroll down to the ADVANCED MENU option.
  • Scroll down to OPTION menu.
  • Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to LAMP TIME.
  • A dialog field will appear.
  • Choose RESET on the dialog field.
  • Press ENTER.
  • The lamp time will be reset to 0.
  • Press the MENU button to exit.

NOTE: Reset the lamp time only when you have replaced the projector lamp, for a suitable indication about the lamp. Otherwise you run the risk of using the projector lamp beyond its lamp life.

Get more hours from your Hitachi DT00751 CPX260 projector lamp by keeping your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector. Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life

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Epson_Power_Lite_8300i_projector_lampFast, simple and easy! Follow this step-by-step guide for replacing the Epson PowerLite 8300i projector lamp.

End of life

The Epson PowerLite 8300i projector lamp lasts between 2000 to 3000 hours depending on the brightness settings. The number of hours may vary slightly depending on how much the projector is used and whether regular maintenance is done. Consult the About menu to see how many hours are left until the Epson ELPLP23 (V13H010L233) projector lmp reaches end of life. To access this information follow these steps:


  • Press the MENU button to get the projector’s main menu.
  • Scroll down to the ABOUT option.
  • Press ENTER.
  • The lamp usage timer shows 0H until you’ve used the lamp for at least 10 hours.

When to replace

You will know when it’s time to replace the Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 lamp when the following telltale signs start to appear:

  • projected image gets darks
  • starts to deterioriate
  • the lamp warning light begins to flash orange
  • a message: “LAMP REPLACE flashes on the screen when you start using the projector.

Using the projector lamp past it’s due date can seriously damage your Epson PowerLite 8300i projector.

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Avoid generics

Copycat manufacturers offer no guarantee or refunds and the warranty on your Epson PowerLite 8300i projector will become void. Look for the seal of approval before buying and get the best lamp possible — an authentic OEM one!

Reasons for avoiding generic lamps:

Learn how to spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Installing the Epson ELPLP43 projector lamp

Do these four safety steps BEFORE installing the new Epson ELPLP23 V13H010L233 projector lamp:

  • The Epson PowerLite 8300i projector operates under very high temperatures. Let it cool for one full hour before attempting to replace the lamp in order to avoid being burned.
  • Turn off the projector by pressing the power button. Wait for the light to stop flashing.
  • Turn off the power switch at the back on the projector
  • Unplug any power cords.

To replace the V13H010L233 projector lamp:

Epson_PowerLite_8300i_ELPLP23_remove_projector_lamp_coverRemove the cover on the Epson PowerLite 8300i projector. Take extra precaution if the projector is mounted on the ceiling. If you have installed the rear cover after mounting on the ceiling, you should remove that cover first.

Loosen the lamp screws –they won’t come all the way out. Put the lamp cover to one side.


Loosen the three screws holding the projector lamp in place (screws don’t come out the whole way).






Lift up the wire handle. Grasp it and and pull the Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 projector lamp straight out

Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP23 projector lamp contains mercury and should be recycled properly.. Don’t place it into regular garbage.

To finish the Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 installation:

  • Gently insert the new Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 projector lamp.
  • Take care not to touch the actual glass bulb as your fingerprint will burn into a black spot when the lamp heats up. This will cause black spots on the screen.
  • Once the projector lamp is fully inserted, tighten three screws that will hold the lamp in place.
  • Replace the Epson PowerLite 8300i projector cover.
  • You must now reset the projector lamp timer.

Resetting the Lamp Timer

It’s important to reset the Lamp Usage Timer so the Epson PowerLite 8300i projector can accurately track the lamp lie and send the Lamp replacement message when it’s time for a new Epson ELPLP23 – V13H010L233 projector lamp.


  • Press the MENU button on the remote control projector’s control panel to open the main menu.
  • Use the pointer buttons on the remote control to scroll down the menu on the left and highlight the ABOUT option.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP TIMER.
  • Press ENTER to bring up the Execute prompt.Epson_PowerLite_8300i_ELPLP23_reset_projector_lamp_timer_execute_screen
  • Select YES.
  • Press ENTER.
  • Press ESC or MENU.

NOTE: Resetting the timer before installing a new Epson ELPLP23  projector lamp can damage to your projector.

Get more life from your Epson ELPLP43 projector lamp

Get more hours from your Epson ELPLP23 projector lamp by following these maintenance tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson PowerLite 8300i projector and let it stand unused for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
  • Press the MENU button to exit.


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If you are having trouble with any of your HDMI connected devices to your 620 Mitsubishi home cinema, check some of the following settings.

This is part three of replacing the 620 Mitsubishi home cinema. Be sure to read:

Mitsubishi_series_642_RPTV_HDMI_cablesChecking HDMI Receiver and Connected Devices

  • Make sure your device has been enabled (see Part 2: Connecting HDMI devices to your 620 Mitsubishi home cinema)
  • Power on the HDMI device you wish to connect to  the A/V receiver (disc player, cable box, or satellite receiver). Stop anything from playing.
  • Select the device’s HDMI input on the A/V receiver’s front panel controls or remote control.
  • Connect the device to the A/V receiver with an HDMI cable.
  • When the TV detects the connection, the New Device Found screen will appear.
  • If the TV is unable to detect the device, either the device’s CEC capability is not enabled or the device is not CEC compatible.
  • Use the device’s menus to enable HDMI controls If you can’t see the menu, temporarily connect the device to the TV to see the device’s menu.


  • Highlight On and press ENTER to add a check.
  • Highlight EXIT and press ENTER to close the New Device Found screen.

Optional: Connect the TV’s DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT to an input on the A/V receiver. Use this additional connection if:

  • You want the ability to switch between the A/V receiver speakers and the TV speakers.
  • You want to use the A/V receiver to listen to devices connected to the TV only, e.g. camcorder.

Resolving CEC Conflicts

No two manufacturers select which CEC functions to support so some conflicts may arise. To control conflicts:

  • Turn off TV control of an individual CEC-enabled device.
  • Turn off CEC in the device itself.

Turning Off the TV’s HDMI Control of a CEC Device

  • Press MENU on the TV remote control.
  • Scroll over to highlight Inputs.
  • Scroll down to HDMI Control.
  • Scroll to the device name and press ENTER to select
  • Select OFF to turn off the TV’s ability to control the device.
  • Press EXIT to clear the menu.

Removing an HDMI Device


  • Power off the device.
  • Disconnect the HDMI cable.
  • Press MENU on the TV remote control to enter the TV main menu.
  • Scroll over to Inputs choice.
  • Scroll down to choose Name of the device
  • Highlight the HDMI input name.
  • Press ENTER to select Delete.
  • Press EXIT to clear the menus.

Using HDMI Control

As an example of using HDMI Control, press PLAY on the device itself to:

  • Power on the TV
  • Switch to the device (no need to display the Input Selection menu)
  • Begin play of the device

Direct Keys

Mitsubishi_series_642_RPTV_HDMI_Direct_KeysTest your equipment with the TV’s remote control to find additional supported commands:

  • CEC-enabled VCR, DVD, and DVR functions will be shown on the chart.
  • If you have a CEC-enabled A/V receiver, connected CEC-enabled devices connected can be selected from the TV’s Input Selection menu.
  • Try the VOL, MUTE, and menu-navigation keys to control the device.

 Having problems figuring this out or need more help? Sign up to our forum and get all the help you need.

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