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Optoma_ GT720_gaming_projectorThe Optoma GT720 gaming projector is a popular projector for 3D gaming or HD viewing. Changing the Optoma GT720 gaming projector lamp is simple.

Like any other projector, the GT720 uses a specialized lamp that will need to be changed after 3000 hours of use. Follow our 4-step guide for changing the Optoma GT720 gaming projector lamp.


Step 1: Know when to replace the Optoma GT720 gaming projector lamp


When Optoma BL-FP180E (SP.8EF01GC01) reaches the recommended 3000 hours of use, a warning sign will appears on screen. Replace the lamp immediately when you see this warning signs. Using the lamp beyond the recommended time can result in the lamp exploding and creating a messy and time consuming clean up.

Other signs that the BL-FP180E (SP.8EF01GC01) lamp may be reaching it’s end of life:

  • the Lamp LED flashing amber
  • picture has poor colour quality
  • image vibrancy and definition has deteriorated

Step 2: Buying the right lamp

Be sure to buy an authentic lamp in order to keep your projector working properly and avoid safety and health issues from counterfeit lamps. While the price of generic lamps can be tempting, installing them into your Optoma GT720 projector can result in the sophisticated optics being damaged beyond repair. Generic lamps also don’t have the proper safeguards and can damaged your eyesight.

Why buy authentic?

Scroll down to read tips on spotting the counterfeit lamps.

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by these authorized distributors:

Step 3: Installing a new Optoma BL-FP180E lamp

Pre-installation safety Preparation:

Follow these important safety tips before installing a new BL-FP180E into your Optoma GT720 projector.

  • Switch off the power to the projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. The Optoma GT720 runs at a high temperature and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.
  • Disconnect the power cord.

Step-by-step instructions

Remove the old lamp

Optoma_GT720_BL-FPI80E_replace_lamp1: Use a screwdriver to loosen the two screws holding the lamp cover in place. The Optoma GT720 projector should be cool to the touch.

2: Remove the lamp cover and place to one side. Don’t lose the screws to the cover as the projector will not turn back on until the lamp cover has been properly installed.

3: Remove both screws holding the BL-FP180E (SP.8EF01GC01) in place.Lift the wire handle on the lamp and gently remove it from the projector. Be careful not to hit the lamp or you can cause it to break.

Install the new lamp:

  • Take the new Optoma BL-FP180E (SP.8EF01GC01) lamp out of its packaging and lift the handle on the lamp.
  • Gently place it into the projector making sure not to touch the actual bulb. Oil from fingerprint marks can burn black spots onto the lamp when it heats up.
  • Tighten the screws on the lamp.
  • Close the lid. Tighten the cover screws.
  • You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Step 4: Reset the Optoma GT720 lamp timer

Your Optoma GT720 comes equipped with an automatic lamp timer that tracks the number of hours left for the BL-FP180E (SP.8EF01GC01) lamp. Each time you change the lamp you need to reset the lamp timer. Failure to do so may cause the projector to use the lamp over the recommended period of time resulting in the lamp exploding.


To reset the lamp timer:

  • Press MENU
  • Select OPTIONS
  • Select Lamp Settings
  • Select Lamp Reset
  • Select Yes


Under Brightness Mode:

  • Choose STD to dim the projector lamp and lower power consumption making the lamp last longer.
  • Choose BRIGHT to make the lamp brighter but decrease lamp life.

Learn the TOP Tips for extending the lamp life in your Optoma GT720 projector.

Watch for telltale signs you are about to purchase a counterfeit lamp:


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Clean_your_projector_air_filters Cleaning your air filters should be done on a regular basis.

Regular maintenance on your projector keeps your projector running smoothly. Part of that is a regular cleaning of air filters.

Today’s 1080p projectors generate a lot of heat from their sophisticated optics. To prevent overheating, projectors have a system to draw cool air in via a intake vent. Since you only want cool air coming in, these air vents have filter covering them to catch dust and grime. Unfiltered vent allow dust particulars to settle inside the projector and these can actually catch fire if they get hot enough.

Most manufacturers recommend cleaning the filters once every 100 to 300 hours. Clean or replace the filter whenever you notice an excessive build up of dust or if any warning signs appear on screen.

Prevent clogs

Air filters that are not cleaned on a regular basis become clogged and prevent the cool air from being drawn inside.  This can cause the projector to overheat and even shut down. You also want clean air filters to prevent dust from  settling onto the  projector lens. When this happens, the projected image may become distorted or the colors may dull and you’ll need to get the projector professionally cleaned.

Warning signs:

It’s time to clean your air filter when you notice these warning signs:

  • the temperature warning starts blinking orange or red. The color depends on the manufacturer and projector model. A solid color usually indicates that the projector has overheated and will shut off automatically.
  • You can see dust on the projector’s fan exhaust vent.
  • The projected image gets noticeably darker or starts to deteriorate

To clean the filter:

Some manufacturers don’t recommend cleaning the air filter and will supply a new air filter usually when you purchase a new projector lamp. Consult your manual for more details.

  • Don’t wash the filter with soap or water as this can damage the filter membranes.
  • Vacuum the filter with a vacuum cleaner designed for computers and other office equipment. DO NOT use a regular vaccum cleaner.
  • Use a can of compressed air to blow the dust away.
  • Gently shake out the filter to release any dust.

NOTE: Never clean the inside of your projector with compressed air. All this does is blows the dust deep inside the projector.

Consult your manual for step-by-step instructions on how to clean the air filter.

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Knoll_HT211_projector_Knoll_28631Follow this step-by-step guide to change the lamp in your Knoll HT211 projector!

Note: Your Knoll HT211 uses the Knoll 28-631 lamp. Be sure to invest in an authentic Knoll HT211 projector lamp.

Checking hours

After 1000 hours of use, the Knoll 28-631 lamp will need to be replaced as it is approaching end of life. The STATUS indicator will light up red and the LAMP USAGE icon will display on screen. At 1100 hours, the projector will freeze and the power switch will stop working. The menus will also disappear. To turn off the projector, press the remote control POWER OFF for a least 10 seconds in the standby mode. Replace the lamp IMMEDIATELY.

Don’t get caught

Be sure to check your lamp usage so you know when to replace and have time to purchase a new Knoll 28-631 lamp for your Knoll HT211 projector. To check for lamp usage:
1. Press MENU to display the main menu.
2. Press the cursor left/right arrows to select the INFORMATION menu.
3. The lamp usage in hours is displayed.

Why buy authentic OEM lamps?

Buying a cheaper priced generic “compatible” lamp may be tempting. However, you get what you pay for and in the case of generic lamps it’s usually a long list of problems:

Save yourself unnecessary headaches and buy an authentic Knoll 28-631 from a recognized dealer. You’ll be getting a far superior product with a replacement guarantee and tech support.

Installing the new Knoll 28-631

Before installing the new Knoll 28-631:

  • Switch off the main power and unplug the power cord on the projector.
  • The Knoll HT201 operates under high heat and there is a burn danger if the projector has not cooled down. Wait at least one hour for the projector to cool before trying to replace the lamp.

Knoll_HT201_projector_turn_over_Knoll_28-631 lamp

  • The lamp cover is located on the bottom of the Knoll HT211. Gently turn the projector over and place it on a soft surface to prevent scratching.

Knoll_HT201_projector_remove_cover_Knoll_28-631 lamp

  • Loosen the screen holding the cover in place.
  • To remove the lamp cover: Slide it towards the middle of the projector and then upwards.


Knoll_HT201_projector_install_Knoll_28-631 lamp_screws

  • Loosen the three screws holding the Knoll 28-631 lamp securely in the projector.

Knoll_HT201_projector_remove_Knoll_28-631 lamp



  • Using the handle, gently lift the lamp up out of the projector.
  • Be careful not to bang the lamp as this may cause it to break.
  • If the old Knoll 28-631 lamp has exploded or broken, you must clean the old lamp up before installing the new lamp. Read how to do a clean-up.

NOTE: The Knoll 28-631 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost

Knoll_HT201_projector_install_Knoll_28-631 lamp

  • Remove the new Knoll 28-631 lamp from its packaging and using the handle, lower the lamp into the Knoll HT211 projector.
  • Take care not to touch the actual 28-631 bulb. Oil from your fingers will stay on the bulb and cause black spots to be burned into the lamp as it heats up. This can result in black spots showing up on screen.

Knoll_HT201_projector_install_Knoll_28-631 lamp_screws


  • Tighten the three screws keeping the lamp in place.

Knoll_HT201_projector_re-install_cover_Knoll_28-631 lamp


  • Replace the lamp cover and tighten the screw holding it in place.
  • Re-connect the power cord and turn on the projector.
  • You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the lamp use hours

The Knoll HT211 has a built in timer that tracks the number of lamp use hours. This lamp timer triggers the warning messages when the Knoll 28-631 lamp is reaching end of life. Anytime the lamp is replaced, you need to reset the lamp timer. You need to reset the lamp use hours to zero after replacing the lamp housing.
1. Press MENU to display the main menu.
2. Press the cursor left/right arrows to select the INFORMATION menu.
3. Press the up/down arrows to select RESET. Press ENTER.
4. Lamp hours will be reset to zero.

Extend the life of the Knoll 28-631 by reading the Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

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No need to throw out the old TV or even replace the DVD players if you want to use your DLP projector. Learn how to hook them up to your projector through your AV source and watch TV in a cinema-set up.

Step 1: Determining output


Follow these steps to get your AV source set up:

Older TVs are not going to have an outgoing video connection. The newer smart TVs do have this connection making an AV source hookup easy. Check out the back of your TV to see if you have a VIDEO OUT section with any of the following plugins:

  • RCA: composite video (yellow) and stereo audio (white and red) plugs. Similar to headphone or video gaming plugs.
  • S-video: All in one cable using a four-pin DIN connector
  • HDMI: High-Definition Multimedia Interface connector integrating 19 cable pairs. This single-cable, all-digital solution is becoming the industry standard. Used with most HD devices.
  • DVI: Most common digital video cables, similar to VGA connectors, with up to 24 pins. Supports analog as well as digital video so it most used with desktops and LCD monitors. It doesn’t do video so replace it with HDMI cables.
  • VGA: Video Graphics Array connector has a 3-two, 15-pin connector and is used for video cards, computer monitors and HDTV.

If your TV has any of these plug-ins, then you can hook up directly rather than using cable. You should visit our How to connect your DLP projector to a TV for step-by-step instructions.

Step 2: Hooking up the AV source

Projector_DVD_cables_hook_up_AV_sourceIf your TV doesn’t have a outgoing video connection you will need to attach it to an AV source in order to convert the older broadcast signal into a useable video and audio signal. You can use either a DVD player, Blu-ray player, cable/satellite box or game console.

Most cable boxes are going to have either the RCA (composite), S-video (DIN connector), red/green/blue RCA jacks (component) or HDMI or DVI outputs.

To start:

  • You’ll be connecting the TV to the cable box and then the cable box connected to the projector.
  • Use a coaxial cable (orange RCA cable) from the back of your TV into the cable box VIDEO IN jack.
  • Connect a set of audio/video or S-Video cables from the VIDEO OUT of the cable box. A DVI component is preferable but you can use the RCA jacks. The red/white jacks would be connected to the AUDIO IN jack on the projector and the yellow RCA jack would go into VIDEO IN.
  • If you are using the VCR/DVD as your source, it’s the same procedure but you will be using the RCA combo. Connect the TV to the DVD player. Then connect the VIDEO OUT and plug in the yellow jack, find to VIDEO OUT jacks and plug in the red/white jacks. Plug the other end into the projector.

Step 3: Adjusting the picture after the AV source connection


  • Turn on the projector.
  • Go to the MENU or SETTINGS menu on the projector. Go to the INPUT SOURCE and change to the appropriate jack used. Some projectors have an SOURCE SEARCH button or function that will automatically find the video source.
  • Remember that your projector will be reading what is on your TV screen. So if the TV screen in dark or blank so will be the projector.

Step 4: Tweaking the sound quality after the AV source connection

Since most projector don’t have high quality, you may want to use surround sound speakers. This is easy to do it you are using the RCA jack set-up. Simply unplug the RED and WHITE cables from the projector and plug them into the AUDIO IN slots on your sound source.

Happy viewing.

Learn more about hooking up your projector:

Our step-by-step guide will help you change the Vivitek H1080FD projector lamp in under 15 minutes!


Step 1: Know when the replace the projector lamp

Your Vivitek H1080FD projector uses the Vivitek 5811116206-S projector lamp. When this projector lamp is approaching end of life, you may notice the quality of the picture becoming poor or the colours looking faded or distorted. The Power LED light will also start flashing 5 times consecutively. Check the projector lamp hours:

  • Press the Menu button to open the OSD menu.
  • Press left/right arrow keys to move button to move to the STATUS Menu.
  • The LAMP HOUR field displays the number of hours the lamp has been in use.
  • You can expect 2000 hours of Vivitek 5811116206-S lamp. 3000 hours if Eco Mode has been turned on.

Step 2: Buy the right projector  lamp!

Be sure the purchase an authentic Vivitek 5811116206-S projector lamp for your Vivitek H1080FD projector. Although generic lamps seem like a bargain,they actually have a much shorter lamp life than original lamps. Unauthorized copy cat manufacturers don’t have access to the proper materials and often use toxic and carcinogenic substitutes. They are also unable to properly calibrate these generic lamps so generic often end up damaging the sophisticated electronics in your Vivitek H1080FD projector. Since they are unstable, generics are also prone to explosions. All these problems combined have lead Vivitek make their projector warranty void if a generic is installed. Go with an authentic Vivitek 5811116206-S projector lamp and keep your projector working at its best.

Step 3: Replace the 5811116206-S  projector  lamp

Before changing the projector lamp:

  • Reduce the risk of electrical shock by disconnecting the power cord on the Vivitek H1080FD projector.
  • Reduce the risk of severe burns by allowing the projector to cool for at least 45 minutes.

ivitek_H1080FD_projector_remove_cover_Screws_Vivitek_5811116206_projector _lamp

  • Turn the projector around — the lamp cover screw is located at the back. Remove the captive screw holding the lamp cover place.

Vivitek_H1080FD_projector_remove_lamp_cover_Vivitek_5811116206_projector _lamp

  • Remove the lamp cover and place it to one side.

Vivitek_H1080FD_projector_remove_lamp_screws_Vivitek_5811116206_projector _lamp



NOTE: The 5811116206-S lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost.


Vivitek_H1080FD_projector_install_Vivitek_5811116206_projector _lamp


  • Take the new Vivitek 5811116206-S projector lamp out of its packaging. Lift up the wire handle and gently guide it into the H1080FD projector.
  • Take care not to touch the actual bulb as the oil from your fingers can leave a smudge that will burn into a black spot when the projector heats up.
  • Tighten the projector lamp screw.
  • Re-install the H1080FD lamp cover and tighten the screw.
  • Reset the total lamp hour timer.

Step 4: Resetting the Vivitek H1080FD Lamp Hour Timer

It’s important to only reset the lamp timer when the Vivitek 5811116206-S projector  lamp has been replaced. Resetting the lamp timer without changing the lamp can make it work beyond its recommended hours and cause harm to your Vivitek H1080FD projector.

ivitek_H1080FD_projector_reset_lamp_timer_Vivitek_5811116206_projector _lamp

  • Press the Menu button to open the OSD menu.
  • Press left/right arrow keys to move to the Setup menu.
  • Press up/down arrows to move to the Advanced menu
  • Press Enter.
  • Press the cursor up/down arrows button to Lamp Hour Reset.
  • Press Enter.
  • A message will appear saying the Lamp Hour has been reset to zero.
  • Press the Menu button to return to the main Setup menu.

Extending the life of the Vivitek 5811116206-S projector lamp:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Use the Lamp Power option on the Vivitek H1080FD projector and set to Eco Mode to reduce the amount of power used but extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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Knoll_HT201_projectorFollow this step-by-step guide to change the Knoll HT201 projector lamp!

After 1000 hours of use, the Knoll HT201 projector lamp will need to be replaced as it is approaching end of life. The STATUS indicator will light up red and the LAMP USAGE icon will display on screen. At 1100 hours, the projector will freeze and the power switch will stop working. The menus will also disappear. To turn off the projector, press the remote control POWER OFF for a least 10 seconds in the standby mode. Replace the lamp IMMEDIATELY.

Don’t get caught

Be sure to check your lamp usage so you know when to replace and have time to purchase a new Knoll HT201 projector lamp. To check for lamp usage: 1. Press MENU to display the main menu. 2. Press the cursor left/right arrows to select the INFORMATION menu. 3. The lamp usage in hours is displayed.

Why buy authentic OEM lamps?

Buying a cheaper priced generic “compatible” lamp may be tempting. However, you get what you pay for and in the case of generic lamps it’s usually a long list of problems:

Save yourself unnecessary headaches and buy an authentic Knoll 28-631 from a recognized dealer. You’ll be getting a far superior product with a replacement guarantee and tech support.

Installing the new Knoll 28-631

Before installing the new Knoll HT201 projector lamp:

  • Switch off the main power and unplug the power cord on the projector.
  • The Knoll HT201 operates under high heat and there is a burn danger if the projector has not cooled down. Wait at least one hour for the projector to cool before trying to replace the lamp.

Knoll_HT201_projector_turn_over_Knoll_28-631 lamp

  • The lamp cover is located on the bottom of the Knoll HT201. Gently turn the projector over and place it on a soft surface to prevent scratching.

Knoll_HT201_projector_remove_cover_Knoll_28-631 lamp

  • Loosen the screen holding the cover in place.
  • To remove the lamp cover: Slide it towards the middle of the projector and then upwards.

Knoll_HT201_projector_install_Knoll_28-631 lamp_screws

  • Loosen the three screws holding the Knoll 28-631 lamp securely in the projector.

Knoll_HT201_projector_remove_Knoll_28-631 lamp

  • Using the handle, gently lift the lamp up out of the projector.
  • Be careful not to bang the lamp as this may cause it to break.
  • If the old Knoll 28-631 lamp has exploded or broken, you must clean the old lamp up before installing the new lamp. Read how to do a clean-up.

NOTE: The Knoll 28-631 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost Knoll_HT201_projector_install_Knoll_28-631 lamp

  • Remove the new Knoll 28-631 lamp from its packaging and using the handle, lower the lamp into the Knoll HT201 projector.
  • Take care not to touch the actual 28-631 bulb. Oil from your fingers will stay on the bulb and cause black spots to be burned into the lamp as it heats up. This can result in black spots showing up on screen.

Knoll_HT201_projector_install_Knoll_28-631 lamp_screws

  • Tighten the three screws keeping the lamp in place.

Knoll_HT201_projector_re-install_cover_Knoll_28-631 lamp

  • Replace the lamp cover and tighten the screw holding it in place.
  • Re-connect the power cord and turn on the projector.
  • You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the lamp use hours

The Knoll HT201 has a built in timer that tracks the number of lamp use hours. This lamp timer triggers the warning messages when the Knoll 28-631 lamp is reaching end of life. Anytime the lamp is replaced, you need to reset the lamp timer. You need to reset the lamp use hours to zero after replacing the lamp housing.

To reset the lamp timer:

  1. Press MENU to display the main menu.
  2. Press the cursor left/right arrows to select the INFORMATION menu.
  3. Press the up/down arrows to select RESET. Press ENTER.
  4. Lamp hours will be reset to zero.

Extend the life of the Knoll 28-631 by reading the Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

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Vivitek_d825_projector_Vivitke_1000055_projector_lampNo need to call a service technician to change your Vivitek D825MS projector lamp.

Be prepared

When you notice the Power LED flashing 5 times consecutively, your Vivitek D825MS projector lamp is reaching its end of life and needs to be replaced immediately. Don’t get caught short. Have a lamp ready and waiting.

Be sure the purchase an authentic Vivitek D825MS projector lamp. Although generic lamps seem like a bargain, avoid knock-off “compatible” lamps. You get what you pay for and in the case of generic lamps it’s usually a long list of problems:

Save yourself unnecessary headaches and buy an authentic projector lamo  from a recognized dealer. You’ll be getting a far superior product with a replacement guarantee and tech support.

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Replacing the Vivitek D825MS projector lamp

Your Vivitek D825MS projector lamp uses the Vivitek 1000055-A lamp. Before changing the projector lamp:

  • Reduce the risk of electrical shock by disconnecting the power cord on the Vivitek D825MS projector.
  • Reduce the risk of severe burns by allowing the projector to cool for at least 45 minutes.


  • Remove the two captive screws holding the lamp cover place.



  • Remove the lamp cover and place it to one side.







NOTE: The Vivitek 1000055-A projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost



  • Take the new Vivitek 1000055-A (5811100760S) projector lamp out of its packaging. Lift up the wire handle and gently guide it into the Vivitek D825MS projector.
  • Take care not to touch the actual bulb as the oil from your fingers can leave a smudge that will burn into a black spot when the projector heats up.
  • Tighten the lamp screw.
  • Re-install the Vivitek D825MS projector lamp cover and tighten the screw.
  • Reset the total lamp hour timer.

Resetting the Vivitek D825MS Lamp Hour Timer

It’s important to only reset the lamp timer when the Vivitek 1000055-A (5811100760S) projector lamp has been replaced. Resetting the projector lamp timer without changing the lamp can make it work beyond its recommended hours and cause harm to your Vivitek D825MS projector.


  • Press the Menu button to open the OSD menu.
  • Press left/right arrow keys to move to the Installation II menu.
  • Press up/down arrows to move to the Advanced menu
  • Press Enter.
  • Using the or up/down arrow keys to move down to the Advanced menu.
  • Press the cursor up/down arrows button to Lamp Hour Reset.
  • Press Enter.
  • A message will appear saying the Lamp Hour has been reset to zero.
  • Press the Menu button to return to the main Installation II menu.


Extending the life of the Vivitek 1000055-A projector lamp:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Use the Lamp Power option on the Vivitek D825MS projector and set to Eco Mode to reduce the amount of power used but extend projector lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


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Acer-H5360-projector_ECK-0700-001Change the Acer H5360 projector lamp

Replacing the Acer H5360 projector lamp will take under 10 minutes when you follow our guide.

Finding the correct lamp

Your Acer H5360 projector uses the Acer EC.K0700.001 lamp. Be sure to buy your Acer H5360 projector lamp from an authorized dealer and avoid generic lamps. Although their bargain prices are tempting, these cheap knock-offs will damage the sensitive mechanisms in your Acer H5360 projector. Generics actually cost more in the long run since they have a much shorter life span due to their inferior materials and worksmanship. They are prone to explosions and contain cancer-causing materials, such as Krypton 85. Installing a knock-off lamp into your Acer H5360 projector will also void your warranty.

Protect your health and keep your projector working properly — install an authentic Acer EC.K0700.001!

Replacing the Acer H5360 projector lamp

There are some telltale signs that are warnings your Acer H5360 projector lamp is coming to its end of life. You may notice the colors on screen are faded or look off. When lamp usage is approaching 2000 hours, you will see warning message appear on screen:


If the Power lamp indicator quickly flashes blue followed by a steady red light, the lamp has failed and needs to be replaced immediately.

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by the following authorized sellers:

Step-by-step instructions

Your Acer H5360 projector lamp uses the Acer EC.K0700.001 projector lamp. Before installing the new lamp follow these important safety rules:

  • Turn off the projector and unplug the AC cord. These projectors operate under high temperatures and there is a risk of burning if the projector has not cooled enough. Allow the Acer H5360 to cool for one hour. It should be cool to the touch.
  • Don’t throw this old Acer H5360 projector lamp into the regular garbage as it contains mercury — send it to a recycling program where it can be disposed of properly.


1. Use a screwdriver to remove the two screws from the cover. Lift the cover off the projector.

2. Use a screwdriver to remove the two screws holding the lamp in place. screw from the cover.

3. Lift the wire handle on the Acer EC.K0700.001 lamp and gently pull the lamp up to remove it.

4. Take the new Acer EC.K0700.001 lamp. Avoid touching the bare bulb; the oil on your finger can leave a black mark on the lamp affecting the projected image.

Once the light is safely in the projector, you can proceed to finish the installation:

  • Tighten the screws on the new Acer EC.K0700.001
  • Put the lid back onto the projector. Tighten the screw holding the lid in place.
  • Plug the AC cables back into the projector. Turn the project on so you can reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Acer H5360 projector lamp

It’s important to always reset the lamp timer after replacing the lamp in your Acer H5360 projector. You want the projector to track how many hours the lamp has been used and send out warning messages when the Acer EC.K0700.001 reaches end of life.

To reset the Lamptimer:


  • Open the MAIN MENU. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to the MANAGEMENT menu. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down to the Lamp Hour reset option.
  • Press the right arrow. 
  • The lamp will be reset to zero.

Extend the life of your Acer H5360 projector lamp

Choose ECO Mode to lower power consumption. It will dim the projector lamp thereby extending lamp life as well as lowering power. Learn more tips for extending lamp life.

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Solving_the_white_dot_syndromeSolve the Mitsubishi white death

You’ve settled down to watch TV when you notice white star-like clusters on the screen. It’s not dust and it’s not a problem with the brightness. It’s the white dot syndrome caused by a worn out DMD chip. Mitsubishi white death can be solved for under $230.

Mitsubishi DLP TVs have been plagued with the problems for several years now. Various forums talk about customers being given quotes of $600 and upwards for solving the white spot syndrome or replacing the DMD DLP chip. Fortunately, there are companies offering the offering the DLP chip for under $330.

The white spots on your Mitsubishi WD-65736 are caused by the DLP chip being worn out. Known as Mitsubishi white death syndrome, this problem can be solved by installing a new Mitsubishi/Toshiba 4719-001997 DLP Chip 1910-6143W.

Note: These instructions can also be used for the following Mitsubishi models: 

WD-57733WD-57734WD-57833WD-60638WD-60733,WD-60735WD-60737,WD-60738WD-60833WD-60837WD-60C8,WD-60C9WD-65638,WD-65731WD-65733,WD-65734WD-65735, WD-65736WD-65737WD-65738,WD-65833,WD-65835,WD-65837WD-65838,WD-65C8,WD-65C9WD-73638WD-73640WD-73642WD-73733WD-73734WD-73735WD-73736,WD-73737WD-73738WD-73833WD-73835,WD-73837,WD-73838WD-73840WD-73C11WD-73C8WD-73C9WD-75837WD-82737WD-82738, WD-82838WD-Y657 WD-C657,WD-Y577.

Causes of white death

No matter what the brand, at the heart of any DLP TV the DMD chip invented in 1987 by Dr. Larry Hornbeck of Texas Instruments. This optical semiconductor contains an array of up to 2 million hinge-mounted microscopic mirrors, so small they measure one-fifth the width of a human hair.


4719-001997 DLP Chip solution for white dots on Mitsubishi WD-65638White death: why??

As the chip receives the signal, small mirrors rotate, either tilting away or towards light to produce those stunning images that have made RPTV a favorite for viewing. Since they are mounted on a yoke with an axle that twists in the middle, these micro mirrors get stuck so they can no longer reflect the signal. The result is a white or black dot on the screen. As more and more mirrors become stuck, more white dots appear on screen creating an un-viewable image.

Samsung HL61A750A1 with new new 4719-001997 DLP ChipThe affordable solution

In order to address the issue, Texas Instrument has created a replacement DMD DLP chip that is affordable and readily available from recognized distributors. While part numbers may vary, the chip remains the same.




The following part numbers are interchangeable:

Mitsubishi DMD Chip 276P595010
Board Number DMD Panel IC# 1910-6143W
Board Number DMD Panel IC# 1910-6145W
Board Number DMD Panel IC# 1910-6103W

Samsung DMD Chip 4719-001997
Samsung DMD Chip 4719-001985
Samsung DMD Chip 4719-001999
Samsung DMD Chip W1272-5003


Avoid an expensive repair bill and let your service center know about the DMD DLP chip for under $300.
Find this New Mitsubishi/Toshiba 4719-001997 DLP Chip 1910-6143W on Amazon.


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Here’s what to consider while buying a gaming projector.



Video gaming is now a mix of data and video where you need clear text alongside with cinematic visuals. Sophisticated game consoles have become hubs for gaming but also staying connected online.  Projector technology has also progressed while prices have dropped making it possible to build a home entertainment center with a video gaming component. For just a few dollars more, you can replace the flat screen TV for a gaming pro.



While the conventional  VGA, SVGA and XGA projectors are sufficient for an office Power Point presentation, they tend to disappoint when it comes to gaming.  HD is the for advanced visuals, particularly with projectors geared specifically for gaming on the big screen. These day all video and sound quality have an output of 720p or 1080i. Except the next generation and the whole industry to be moving to 1080p projectors for the best graphics possible. However, while the cost of some 1080p projectors is still quite high, the prices for 720p projectors have dropped considerably so there are some great gaming projectors out there.


When it comes to gaming brighter is always better. You need to consider the ambient light that will be coming into the viewing room. More brightness can add to the cost of a projector but invest in a more lumens can be a smart choice in the long run. Video games always look better with at least 350 ANSI lumens on a 16:9 screen. The brighter the ambient light, the higher the lumens need to be. Rooms with average ambient light will need projectors with 1500 lumens or brighter. Those with lots of bright light will need a projector with at least 3000 lumens or more. Most video game console controllers are not backlit so that extra lights can make a big difference.

Contrast Ratio

Most video games include a high dynamic range – which is needed for those dramatic, dark moments in a game. So, you need to pay close attention to the contrast ratio in the projector. A passable contrast is 5,000 to one, a  mid-range would have a contract of 4,000 to one. The absolute best contrast ratio would be 100,000 to one that gives greater clarity.

Video_Gaming_Projectors_ChoicesRefresh Rates

When gaming you want a crisp, seamless image. The refresh rate refers to a projectors ability to process the video signal. The faster the refresh rate the shorter the lag time getting the image on screen. Flat panel HDTVs often suffer from motion blur that cause ghosting or an after image left on screen after the scene has changed. With the improved technology ghosting and motion blur have been cut down A refresh rate of 120hz is good and you won’t notice any lag more seamless and crisp the image will be. The highest refresh rate is 480hz.

Learn more about buying a projector:

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