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Optoma_H750H_Lamp_BL-FU200AOur installation guide will guide you through replacing the Optoma EP750H projector lamp. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

Step 1: Buy the right lamp

Your Optoma EP750H uses the Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) lamp. Be sure to buy an authentic Optoma EP750H projector lamp. Watch for telltale signs you are about to purchase a counterfeit lamp:

Six reasons to avoid generics

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Step 2: Know when to replace

When lamp life is approaching 1500 hours, the Optoma EP750H flashes a warning message on screen: “Lamp is running out of standard lifetime. Be sure to replace the lamp as soon as possible.” When you see this message, change the lamp immediately. Avoid the temptation to left the projector run longer as it can result in a complete shut down of the projector.

Other warning signs that the Optoma EP750H projector lamp is reaching end of life include the Lamp LED flashing orange or an image with bad color and deteriorating definition.

Step 3: Installing the Optoma BL-FU200A lamp

Important safety tips:

  • Switch off the power to the projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. The Optoma EP750H runs at a high temperature and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.
  • Disconnect the power cord.

Your Optoma EP750H projector lamp needs the Optoma BL-FU200A projector lamp

Optoma_EP750H_remove_lamp_cover_BL-FU200AStep 1: Use a screwdriver to loosen the screws holding the lamp cover in place. Make sure you have followed the safety tips before taking the cover off. The Optoma EP750H projector should be cool to the touch.

Step 2: Remove the lamp cover and place to one side. Don’t lose the screws to the cover as the Optoma EP750H projector will not turn back on until the lamp cover has been properly installed.


Step 3: Remove all three screws holding the Optoma BL-FU200A  in place.


Step 4: Lift the wire handle on the lamp and gently remove it from the projector. Be careful not to hit the lamp or you can cause it to break.

Optoma_EP750H_install_new_BL-FU200ATake the new Optoma BL-FU200A  lamp out of its packaging and lift the handle on the lamp. Gently place it into the projector making sure not to touch the actual bulb. Oil from fingerprint marks can burn black spots onto the lamp when it heats up.

  • Tighten the screws on the lamp.
  • Close the lid. Tighten the cover screws.
  • You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Reset the Optoma EP750H lamp timer

Your Optoma EP750H comes equipped with an automatic lamp timer that tracks the number of hours left for the Optoma BL-FU200A  lamp. Each time you change the lamp you need to reset the lamp timer. Failure to do so may cause the projector to use the lamp over the recommended period of time resulting in the lamp exploding.


  • Press the Menu button to open the On-Screen-Data (OSD) menu.
  • Press the right/left arrow button to move to the Management menu.
  • Press the right/left arrow button button to move down to Lamp Reset.
  • Press the right arrow or Enter button to enter Status menu.
  • Press the up/down arrow button to move down to Lamp Hour Reset.
  • Press the right arrow or Enter button to select Reset option.
  • Press the down button, then up button, then left button, then right button.
  • The Status menu appears again showing the Lamp Hours reset to zero.

Learn the TOP Tips for extending the lamp life in your Optoma EP75oH projector.

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Optoma_DS305R_projector_lamp_BL-FU180AFollow this step-by-step guide to install a new Optoma DS305R projector lamp.

Buy the right lamp!

Be ready to replace the Optoma DS305R projector lamp by purchasing an authentic lamp with the seal of approval. Scroll down to learn why your should avoid generic lamps?

Buy this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Know when to replace

When the Optoma DS305R projector lamp is approaching it’s end of life, the replacement warning will appear on screen:

Optoma_DS305R_replace_lamp_warning_optoma_BL-FU180A_lampYou may also start to see the following signs:

  • A screen that is gradually dimming or deteriorating.
  • Colour in the image appears dark or off colour.
  • Lamp light flashing a steady orange.

Replace the lamp immediately. If you leave the lamp too long it may explode inside the projector. Learn how to properly clean up a broken lamp.

Replace the Optoma BL-FU180A

Follow these important safety steps before installing a new Optoma BL-FU180A:

  • These lamps contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t throw it into regular garbage.
  • Switch off the power to the Optoma DS305R projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Disconnect the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. so it is cool to the touch. Trying to change the lamp while the projectors is not cooled down can result in serious burns as these projectors operate using high heat.



Place something soft underneath the Optoma DS305R before turning the projector onto it’s back. Remove the two screws holding the cover in place. Push the cover up to remove it.




Remove the two screws holding the Optoma BL-FU180A  lamp module in place.

Lift up the wire handle and slowly put out the old lamp. Be careful not to bang the lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break.

NOTE: The Optoma BL-FU180A  contains mercury and should not properly recycled.



Remove the Optoma BL-FU180A from its packaging and using the wire handle, place it into the Optoma DS305R projector. Tighten the two screws on the lamp. Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws.

You must now reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.

Reset the lamp timing on the Optoma DS305R

In order to track the lamp life, the Optoma DS305R projector has an automatic lamp timer that triggers the lamp replacement warning. You need to reset the timer each time the lamp is replaced.


  • Press the Menu option on either the remote or on the projector.
  • Scroll over the Lamp Setting. Press Enter.
  • Select Reset Lamp Hours. Press Yes
  • The lamp hours is reset to zero.
  • You can also used this screen to set ECO mode and turn off the lamp reminder message (not recommended to do).

Tips for a Optoma BL-FU180A longer life:

  • Turning on the Eco Mode to lower power consumption and extend the lamp life by 130%.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Optoma DS305R projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life

 Why avoid copy-cat projector lamps?

Generic lamps have six main problems:

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trapezoid_effect_projectorYou’ve set up your projector but your image is distorted.

Learn how to counter the keystone effect.

In order to display the correct picture, your projector must be properly aligned with the screen. If there isn’t the proper perpendicular alignment, the projector image will look like a trapezoid rather than a square.

The keystone effect can be frustrating for both the presenter and viewers. It’s distracting to have an off-angled projector image and may make your presentation look unprofessional.

How to correct

keystone_effect_Incorrect_projector_placementThe old school approach was to prop up the projector with books or furniture to correct the angle for a proper projector image. Today’s current projectors are a bit more sophisticated but the principal remains the same: Correct the angle.

You can correct keystone problems either manually or using the keystone correction, a feature that most 1080p projectors now carry.

Manual correction

keystone_effect_Correct_projector_placement Physically adjusting the lens so the projectors is at either a higher or lower angle that it was on a flat surface can often solve the keystone problem. Try tilting the projector up so the projector image is higher on the screen or moving it further away from the screen. If the projector is mounted on the ceiling you may have to add an extension to the mount that allows you to lower the projector. Manual adjustment is the best way to correct keystone problems.

Digital keystone correction

keystone_buttons_Epson_projectorAt times you will not be able to control your presentation space, particularly if you are on the road with your projector. The new DLP projectors are equipped with digital keystone correction allowing the projector to resize the projector image so it appears square.

Many projectors have a keystone menu button to digitally adjust the image. With other projectors you access keystone through the Picture menu and press the Up/Down arrows to adjust the projector image. The default setting will be at 50, which means no adjustment has been made.

A fixed keystone correction allows the projector to shoot upwards so tilting the projector is not necessary. Your angle for correcting the keystone will be listed on your specification sheet or in your use manual. Projectors will also vary at how much correction they can provide. Up and down (vertical keystone correction) will vary from 12 to 35 degrees of correction. Horizontal keystone adjustment is not a popular; although some of the higher end home theatre projectors are offering this feature.

Use digital keystone correction as a last resort since it involves scaling the projector image and this can create visual distortions. It doesn’t create the ideal picture quality especially with graphics and charts, which can be an important feature in business presentations.

Setting up your projector correctly is the best way to solve the keystone effect.

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Optoma_BL-FU200A_lampFind out which projectors are compatible with the Optoma BL-FU150A projector lamp.

Learn how to install the Optoma BL-FU150A projector lamp into your compatible Optoma projector.


Before purchasing look for the seal of approval that lets you know you are buying from an authentic manufacturer.

6 reasons to buy authentic and avoid generics

Protect yourself from buying counterfeit lamps.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Compatible projectors with the Optoma BL-FU150A lamp

The Optoma BL-FU150A is compatible with the:

For step-by-step instructions on replacing your Optoma BL-FU150A lamp, click on your projector listed below:



Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU150A  lamp for the Optoma EP606 projector.






Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU150A  lamp for the Optoma EP610H projector.







Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Optoma BL-FU150A lamp for the Optoma EP615H projector.




Extend the life of the Optoma BL-FU150A  lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Optoma BL-FU150A with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Optoma projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


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Optoma-EP-757_projector_BL-FU200A_lampFollow our step-by-step guide to change the Optoma EP757 projector lamp.

Know when to replace

As the Optoma EP757 projector lamp ages you may notice the color on the screen is faded or wrong. The picture quality may also start to disintegrate. When it’s close it end of life, the automatic timer on the Optoma EP757 projector shows a warning message: “Lamp may fail soon. Replacement Suggested.” Replace the Optoma EP757 projector lamp as soon as possible. Don’t wait or the bulb may explode inside the projector.

Buy the correct lamp

There are lots of choices out there for buying your Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) lamp but to keep your Optoma EP757 projector working properly, you’ll need to invest in an authentic lamp. Since selling online has few regulations, it’s easy to get duped into buying an inferior knock-off lamp posing as an authentic one. If the price seems too good to be true, the lamps is not authentic. Generic lamps have a much shorter life and often use toxic chemicals as substitutes causing them to be prone to overheat and explode. Remember that generic lamps are NOT properly calibrated to work with the sensitive electronics in projectors and installing can void the guarantee on our Optoma EP756 projector.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Install the Optoma BL-FU200A lamp

Follow these important safety tips before changing the Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) lamp:

  • Switch off the power to the projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.
  • Turn off the main switch.
  • Disconnect the power cord.


Step 1: Find a soft surface and turn over the projector. Use a screwdriver to loosen the two screws holding the lamp cover in place. Make sure you have followed the safety tips before taking the cover off. The Optoma EP757 projector should be cool to the touch.



Step 2: Remove the lamp cover and place to one side. Don’t lose the screws to the cover as the Optoma EP757 projector will not turn back on until the lamp cover has been properly installed.



Step 3: Remove both screws holding the Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) lamp in place.

NOTE: This lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!

Step 4: Lift the wire handle on the Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) lamp and gently remove it from the projector. Be careful not to hit the lamp or you can cause it to break. What to do when the lamp breaks.



Optoma_EP755_install_new_BL-FU200AFinal Steps

  • Take the new Optoma BL-FU200A (SP.83601.001C) lamp out of its packaging and lift the handle on the lamp. Gently place it into the projector making sure not to touch the actual bulb. Oil from fingerprint marks can burn black spots onto the lamp when it heats up.
  • Tighten the screws on the lamp.
  • Close the lid. Tighten the cover screws.
  • You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.


Reset the Optoma EP757 lamp timer

Your Optoma EP757 comes equipped with an automatic lamp timer that tracks the number of hours left for the Optoma BL-FU200A lamp. Each time you change the lamp you need to reset the lamp timer. Failure to do so may cause the projector to use the lamp over the recommended period of time resulting in the lamp exploding.


  • Press the Menu button to open the On-Screen-Data (OSD) menu.
  • Press the right/left arrow button to move to the Management menu.
  • Press the right/left arrow button button to move down to Lamp Reset.
  • Press the right arrow or Enter button to enter Status menu.
  • Press the up/down arrow button to move down to Lamp Hour Reset.
  • Press the right arrow or Enter button to select Reset option.
  • Press the down button, then up button, then left button, then right button.
  • The Status menu appears again showing the Lamp Hours reset to zero.


Learn the TOP Tips for extending lamp life in your Optoma EP757 projector.

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Optoma_TW536_projector_BL-FU185ADon’t call a technician to replace the Optoma TW536 projector lamp!

Instead, follow this easy how-to guide and install a new lamp quickly and easily. When it’s time to replace the Optoma TW536 projector lamp may also notice the Lamp-LED light flashing red or the picture quality starting to get poor resolution with washed out colours.

Optoma_TW536_projector_Lamp_warning_messageYou will also see the lamp warning message flash on screen. This means you have no more than 30 hours before the bulb will burn out. Change the Optoma BL-FU185A lamp in your Optoma TW536 immediately.


Authentic lamps are critical!

You’ll want the best lamp for your Optoma TW536 and that means buying directly from an authorized manufacturer. Look for the seal of approval that lets you know you are buying an authentic projector lamp.  Why avoid generics? While their price tag may seem appealing, you get what you pay for and with compatible, generic lamps that means a whole lot of headaches:

Learn How to buy an authentic lamp.

Find this lamp sold on Amazon by these authorized dealers:

Installing the Optoma BL-FU185A

Before replacing the Optoma BL-FU185A follow these crucial safety tips to prevent injury to yourself or the projector:

  • Switch off the power to the Optoma TW536 projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Disconnect the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.

Optoma_TW536_projector_remove_old_BL-FU185A_lamp1. Use a screwdriver to undo the two screws holding the lamp cover in place. The screws on the lamp cover and the lamp cannot be removed.

2. Remove the lid and place to one side. Don’t lose the lid as the Optoma TW536 projector will not turn back on until the lamp cover has been properly installed.

3. Remove the two screws holding the Optoma BL-FU185A in place.

Note: The used Optoma BL-FU185A lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t throw it into regular garbage.

4. Lift up the wire handle on the Optoma BL-FU185A lamp and slowly remove it from the projector. Be careful not to bang the lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break. Learn what to do if the lamp has exploded inside the projector.

5. Remove the new Optoma BL-FU185A from its packaging. Taking care not to touch the actual bulb, lift up the handle on the new lamp and insert it gently into the Optoma TW536 projector.

6. Tighten the two screws on the lamp.

7. Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws. Reset the lamp timer.

Reset the Lamp Replacement Timer

The Optoma DS316 projector has an automatic lamp timer that tracks the numbers of hours left in the lamp. When the Optoma BL-FU185A  is approaching end of life, the lamp replacement timer will trigger the warning system. If you don’t reset the lamp replacement timer you run the risk of the lamp being used beyond its recommended life and possibly exploding in the projector.

Should the lamp explode, learn what to do.



To reset the Lamp Replacement Timer:

  • Turn on the projector.
  • Using the remote press MENU
  • Select OPTIONS
  • Select LAMP RESET
  • Select YES.
  • Press MENU to exit.




Extend the life of the Optoma BL-FU185A lamp:

  • Chose the “STD” mode to to dim the projector lamp and lower power consumption. This will extend the lamp life by up to 130%.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Every 24 hours, turn off the projector and let it stand for 1 hour
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the Optoma TW536 projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life
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Here’s a refresher on safety tips for your Sanyo projector.

Keep it working at its optimal levels.


  • Always unplug from the AC power supply before cleaning, changing the lamp or replacing the air filters.
  • Unplug the projector when it’s left unattended or not being used for long periods of time. This will prevent any damages from power surges.
  • Don’t expose your Sanyo projector to any rain or water. Avoid excessively damp areas.
  • Always place the projector on a stable cart, stand or table recommended by the manufacturer.
  • If you are moving the projector on a cart with wheels go slow! Quick stops, traveling over uneven surfaces or excessive force can make both the cart and projector topple over causing damage to the projector.
  • Buy a mounting kit that is approved by Sanyo and never try to adapt a mounting kit from another brand.
  • Don’t locate the projector anywhere where the cord will be stepped on or damaged.
  • Don’t plug the projector into an outlet already overloaded. Use an extension cord that is not shared with other equipment to prevent overloading the circuit.
  • The only cover you should be opening is the one for the lamp. Never open anything else as this can expose you to high voltage or hazardous materials. Call a qualified service technician for anything other than changing the projector lamp or air filter.
  • Unplug this projector from wall outlet immediately and call a service technician when:
    • a. When the power cord or plug is damaged or frayed.
      b. If liquid has been spilled into the projector.
      c. If the projector has been exposed to rain or water.
      d. If the projector does not operate normally by following the operating instructions.
      e. If the projector has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged.
      f. When the projector exhibits a distinct change in performance.
  • Make sure all back and bottom ventilation slots are free from dust and any blockages. These ventilation slots stop the projector from overheating.
  • Never place the projector on a bed, rug, sofa or any other soft surface that would block the ventilation slots.
  • Give plenty of space on the top, sides and rear of the projector cabinet to allow the air to circulate and cool down the projector.
  • Never place on a radiator or heat register or inside a book case where there is no ventilation.
  • Do not install the projector near the ventilation duct of air-conditioning equipment.
  • Don’t stare directly into the lens as the projector produces intense light and can damage your eyesight. Children should be prevented from staring directly into the beam.
  • Install the projector in a proper position. If not, it may result in a fire hazard.

Learn more about keeping your Sanyo projector working at its best:

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optoma-EP715_projector_BL-FU150A_lampFollow our quick guide to install a new Optoma EP715 projector lamp.

Why buy authentic lamps?

There are lots of choices out there on the Internet. Since selling online has few regulations, it’s easy to get duped into buying an inferior knock-off lamp posing as an authentic Optoma EP715 projector lamp.

The tell tale sign is a price that seems too good to be true. These counterfeit manufacturers will advertise their lamp as “compatible.” However, it’s anything but compatible. Scroll down to learn more about why you should avoid generic lamps.

When to replace

When the Optoma BL-FU150A (SP.82902.001) lamp has 30 hours of lamp life left, the projector will flash a flash replacement message on screen. Replace the Optoma BL-FU150A (SP.82902.001) lamp immediately.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Replace the Optoma BL-FU150A lamp



Step 1:

  • Switch off the power to the Optoma EP715 projector.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes or until it is cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.Disconnect the power cord.
  • Using a screwdriver, remove the screw holding the cover in place.

Step 2:

Remove the cover from the Optoma EP715 projector.

Optoma_EP715_1080p_projector_REPLACE_BL-FU150A_projector_lamp Step 3:

On the left side of the lamp module, push the electrical connector up to disengage it from the projector base.

NOTE: The Optoma BL-FU150A lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!

Step 4:

  • Loosen the three screw holding the Optoma BL-FU150A lamp into the Optoma EP715.
  • Remove the three screws from the lamp module.

Step 5:

  • Pull out the lamp manually.
  • Gently slide in the new BL-FU150A lamps. Take care not to touch the actual bulb as this may cause black spots to appear when the oil from your fingerprint heats up.
  • Tighten the two screws on the lamp.
  • Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws.

You must now reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.


Reset the lamp timing on the Optoma EP715

  • Press the Menu option on either the remote or on the projector.
  • Scroll over the Lamp Setting. Press enter.
  • Select Reset Lamp Hours. Press Enter
  • The Execute/Cancel command line will appear.
  • Scroll over to choose Execute. Press Enter.
  • The lamp hours will be reset to zero.

Turn on the Eco Mode to lower power consumption and extend the lamp life by 130%.


Why avoid generics:

Learn how to spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

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Optoma_EP606_projectorFollow this easy guide to install a replacement Optoma EP606 projector lamp.

When the Optoma EP606 projector lamp is reaching its end of life, you will see the Lamp Replacement message. You have 30 hours or less before the projector shuts down. Be sure to buy an authentic Optoma EP606 projector lamp.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Replace the Optoma EP606 projector lamp

Step 1:

  • Switch off the power to the Optoma EP606 projector.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes or until it is cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.
  • Disconnect the power cord.

Optoma_EP606_lamp_cover_screws_Optoma_BL-FU150AStep 2:

  • Gently turn the Optoma EP606 projector onto its side
  • Loosen the two screws holding the lamp cover in place.
  • Remove the lamp cover from the Optoma EP606 projector.

Optoma_EP606H_remove_Optoma_BL-FU150A Step 3:

  • Loosen the three screw holding the Optoma BL-FU150A lamp into the Optoma EP606.
  • Light up the wire handle and gently pull out the used lamp.
  • NOTE: The BL-FU150A contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!

Optoma_EP606_replace_Optoma_BL-FU150AStep 4:

  • Take the new Optoma BL-FU150A lamp out of its packaging.
  • Open the wire handle and gently insert the lamp into the projector
  • Take care not to touch the actual lamp or you can leave fingerprints that will burn black spots on the lamp when the projector starts again.
  • Don’t bang the lamp as you may break it. Learn what to do if the lamp has exploded inside the projector.
  • Tighten the two screws on the lamp.
  • Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws.

You must now reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.

Reset the lamp timing on the Optoma EP606


  • Press the Menu option on either the remote or on the projector.
  • Scroll over the Lamp Reset. Press enter.
  • Select Reset Lamp Hours. Press Enter
  • The Execute/Cancel command line will appear.
  • Scroll over to choose Execute. Press Enter.
  • The lamp hours will be reset to zero.

Why buy authentic lamps?

There are lots of choices out there on the Internet. Since selling online has few regulations, it’s easy to get duped into buying an inferior knock-off lamp posing as an authentic Optoma EP606.

The tell tale sign is a price that seems too good to be true. These counterfeit manufacturers will advertise their lamp as “compatible.” However, it’s anything but compatible.

Why avoid generics:

Learn how to spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

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Use our step-by-step guide to install a new Optoma DS305 projector lamp.

Step 1: Buy the right lamp!

Before you replace the Optoma DS305 projector lamp make sure you have bought an authentic lamp. Look for the seal of approval to be sure you are getting an OEM lamp.

Why avoid generic lamps?

Generic lamps have six main problems:

Buy this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Step Two: Know when to replace

Optoma_DS305_replace_lamp_warning_optoma_BL-FU180A_lampWhen the Optoma DS305 projector lamp is approaching it’s end of life, the replacement warning will appear on screen:

You may also start to see the following signs:

  • A screen that is gradually dimming or deteriorating.
  • Colour in the image appears dark or off colour.
  • Lamp light flashing a steady orange.

Replace the lamp immediately. If you leave the lamp too long it may explode inside the projector. Learn how to properly clean up a broken lamp.

Step Three: Replace the Optoma BL-FU180A

Your Optoma DS305 projector lamp needs the Optoma BL-FU180A. Follow these important safety steps before installing a new

  • These lamps contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t throw it into regular garbage.
  • Switch off the power to the Optoma DS305 projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Disconnect the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.



Place something soft underneath the Optoma DS305 before turning the projector onto it’s back. Remove the two screws holding the cover in place.


Push the cover up to remove it.



Remove the two screws holding the Optoma BL-FU180A lamp module in place.

Lift up the wire handle and slowly put out the old lamp. Be careful not to bang the lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break.





Remove the Optoma BL-FU180A  from its packaging and using the wire handle, place it into the Optoma DS305 projector. Tighten the two screws on the lamp. Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws.

You must now reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.


Step 4: Reset the lamp timing on the Optoma DS305

In order to track the lamp life, the Optoma DS305 projector has an automatic lamp timer that triggers the lamp replacement warning. You need to reset the timer each time the lamp is replaced.


  • Press the Menu option on either the remote or on the projector.
  • Scroll over the Lamp Setting. Press Enter.
  • Select Reset Lamp Hours. Press Yes
  • The lamp hours is reset to zero.
  • You can also used this screen to set ECO mode and turn off the lamp reminder message (not recommended to do).

Tips for a longer lamp life:

  • Turning on the Eco Mode to lower power consumption and extend the lamp life by 130%.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Optoma DS305 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life
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