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Install a new Optoma EP7475 projector lamp

Replacing the Optoma EP7475 projector lamp doesn’t have to be time consuming or difficult. This quick guide will help you install a new Optoma BL-FP230A lamp in less than 15 minutes.

Optoma_EP7475_projectors_Optoma_BL-FP230A_projector_lampWhen the Optoma EP7475 projector lamp lamp is reaching end of life, the Lamp Replacement message will appear on screen. You should prepare to change the lamp as you 30 hours or less Fbefore the projector shuts down.

Be prepared, buy authentic

Be sure to buy an authentic an Optoma BL-FP230A lamp for the Optoma EP7475 projector. Scroll down for the 6 reasons to avoid generics.

Find this lamp on Amazon from these authorize dealers:

Step-by-step instructions

Follow these safety steps before installing the new Optoma BL-FP230A lamp:

  • Switch off the power to the Optoma EP7475 projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Disconnect the power cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.



Using a screwdriver, remove the screws holding the cover in place.


Push the cover up to remove.



Use a screwdriver to remove the two screws holding the lamp module in place.

Slowly put out the old lamp by grabbing the edge of the lamp. Be careful not to bang the lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break. Learn what to do if the lamp has exploded inside the projector.

Note: The used Optoma BL-FP230A lamp contains mercury and should be properly recycled. Don’t throw it into regular garbage.

Optoma_EP7475_projector_remove_ BL-FP230A_lamp


Place the new BL-FP230A into the Optoma EP7475 projector. Tighten the two screws on the lamp. Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws.

You must now reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.


Reset the lamp timing on the Optoma EP7475

The Optoma EP7474 projector has an automatic lamp reset timer that tracks the life of the lamp and triggers the lamp replacement warning. You need to reset the timer each time the lamp is replaced.


  • Press the Menu option on either the remote or on the projector.
  • Scroll over the Lamp Setting. Press enter.
  • Select Reset Lamp Hours. Press Enter
  • The Execute/Cancel command line will appear.
  • Scroll over to choose Execute. Press Enter.
  • The lamp hours will be reset to zero.

Extend the life of the Optoma BL-FP230A (SP.83R01G001) lamp by:

  • Turning on the Eco Mode to lower power consumption and extend the lamp life by 130%.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Optoma EP7475 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life

6 reason to avoid generics:

Learn the 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.


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Epson_ELPLP38_projector_lThe Epson ELPLP38 lamp is compatible with a number of projectors

Wondering which projectors can be paired with the Epson ELPLP38 lamp? Keep reading.

Before you install any Epson ELPLP38 lamp look for the seal of approval and be sure to buy authentic:

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Compatible projectors with the Epson ELPLP38 lamp

The Epson ELPLP38 is an authentic projector lamp compatible with the following Epson Projectors:

Epson EMP-1700, Epson EMP-1705, Epson EMP-1707, Epson EMP-1710, Epson EMP-1715, Epson EMP-1717, Epson PowerLite 1505, Epson PowerLite 1700, Epson PowerLite 1700c, Epson PowerLite 1705c, Epson PowerLite 1710, Epson PowerLite 1710c, Epson PowerLite 1715c, Epson PowerLite 1717c.

For step-by-step instructions on replacing your Epson ELPLP38 lamp, click on your projector listed below:



Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-1700 projector.






Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-1705 projector.






Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-1707 projector.







Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-1710 projector.



Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-1715 projector.





epson_emp-1717 projector


Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-1717 projector.

How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP38 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP38 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson projectors and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


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powerlite_1715c_epson_ELPLP38_lightInstall a new Epson Powerlite 1715c projector lamp

Replacing the Epson Powerlite 1715c projector lamp can be completed in three easy steps.

Step 1: Watch the warning signs

When the Epson ELPLP38 is approaching end of life in the Epson PowerLite 1715c you’ll see the following warning signs:

  • lamp light on projector continually flashes orange
  • “Replace the lamp” message appears on screen.
  • image is gradually dimming or starting to deteriorate.
  • Colors appear darker than normal

Prolong the life of the Epson ELPLP38 from 2000 hours to 3000 hours by lowering the Brightness Control to low!

Step 2: Have the correct type of lamp

While there are plenty of cheaper options, you should go with authentic Epson ELPLP38 lamps for a number of reasons. Watch for the seal of approval displayed by authorized dealers so you know you are purchasing an authentic lamp.

Be aware that most lamps advertised as “generic” or “compatible” are usually counterfeit lamps with inferior workmanship and will not last the full 3000 hours. But even worse, because these lamps can’t be calibrated properly, they can damage the sensitive optics in your Epson PowerLite 1715c. Most are also a health hazard because of the toxic materials used.

Installing a non-OEM Epson ELPLP38 voids any warranty on your Epson PowerLite 1715c. Better to avoid generics posing as authentic lamps.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Step 3: Replacing the lamp

Before installation follow these important safety tips:


  • Turn power button off. Wait for the two beeps that follow and unplug the power cord on the Epson PowerLite 1715c.
  • Wait until the projector is cool to the touch.
  • DO NOT attempt to change the Epson ELPLP38 if the projector is still hot. You get badly burned if you don’t wait for the projector to cool.

IMPORTANT: Do not operate the projector when the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.



  • Loosen the screw on the Epson PowerLite 1715c projector cover using the screwdriver provided.




  • Slide the lamp cover to the side and lift it off the Epson PowerLite 1715c projector.




Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP38 lamp in place. NOTE: You can only loosen these screws. They don’t come out all the way.




  • Gently insert the new Epson ELPLP38 lamp into the Epson PowerLite 1715c projector.
  • Avoid touching the actual lamp since your fingerprints will cause black out spots to appear when the projector starts working.
  • Push down the corner marked PUSH until the lamp snaps in.
  • Once the Epson ELPLP38 lamp is fully inserted, tighten the screws.
  • Slide out the air filters found at the bottom of the projector. Remove the current filter.
  • Slide in the new air filter until it clicks into place.
  • You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson PowerLite 1715c Lamp Timer

It’s important to reset the PowerLite 1715c has a lamp timer each time a new lamp is installed so the projector can accurately track the Epson ELPLP38 lamp. Never use the Epson ELPLP38 lamp beyond its recommended usage as this can damage the Epson 1715c projector beyond repair.



  • Press MENU.
  • Scroll down to RESET. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down RESET LAMP HOURS. Press ENTER.
  • A second prompt screen will appear. Select YES at the prompt screen. Press ENTER.
  • Press ESC or MENU to exit.


Extending the life of your Epson ELPLP38 lamp

Follow this simple tips to make your Epson ELPLP38 lamp last even longer:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector and causing the lamp to overheat.
  • Turn off the Epson PowerLite 1715c projector for at least one hour ever 24 hours.
  • Don’t overuse the lamp. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted so it doesn’t overheat.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life
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Optoma_Ep615H_projectorReplace the Optoma EP615H projector lamp

Changing the Optoma EP615H projector lamp is not complicated. You’ll need a new OEM Optoma BL-FU150A Projector Lamp. Be sure it’s an authentic EP615H projector lamp to keep your Optoma EP615H projector working at its optimum levels.

Scroll down for info on the health risks associated with generic lamps.

End-of-life warning signs

The EP615H projector lamp has an expected lamp life of 2000 hours, if regular maintenance is being done. Read more the Top 10 Maintenance Tips on your 1080p Optoma projector.

Watch for these warning signs that tell you the EP615H projector lamp is reaching its end of life:

  • image that looks washed out, has strange colours or seems to be deteriorating
  • lamp light flashing on the projector
  • warning message appears on screen

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Replacing the Optoma BL-FU150A lamp

NOTE: The Optoma BL-FU150A lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost. Generic manufacturers don’t recycle.

Follow these safety steps first:

  • Switch off the power to the Optoma EP615H projector by pressing the Power/Standby button.
  • Unplug the electrical cord.
  • Allow the projector to cool down for at least 60 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.



  • The lamp cover is found on the bottom of the EP615H projector.
  • Gently turn the projector onto it’s side.
  • Unscrew the two screw holding the lamp cover in place. Put the cover and screws to one side. Don’t lost the cover since the Optoma EP615H projector won’t work without the lamp cover.



  • Remove the packaging from the new Optoma BL-FU150A lamp. (Did you buy an authentic lamp?)
  • Lift up the wire handle and slowly put the new lamp into the Optoma EP615H projector.
  • Be sure not to touch the actual bulb. Oil from your fingers can burn black spots onto the lamp once it starts heating up.
  • Tighten the two screws on the lamp.
  • Place the lamp cover back on. Screw the two lamp screws back into the lamp cover.


Resetting the Optoma EP615H lamp timer

The lamp timer in the Optoma EP615H is designed to keep track of the lamp life and trigger the lamp replacement warning message when the Optoma BL-FU150A lamp. reaches its end of life. You must reset the lamp timer every time you change the lamp. Do not reset the timer unless the lamp has been changed or you run the risk of using the lamp life beyond it’s recommended time and having it explode inside the projector.

To reset the lamp timer:


  • Place the projector lying back down.
  • Plug in the electrical cord.
  • Turn the projector back on to reset the lamp timer.
  • To open the On-Screen Display(OSD) menu:
  • Press the MENU button on the Remote Control or Panel Control.
  • To select among different menus, press the MENU button again.
  • Use the UP or DOWN keys to scroll through the options until you reach the LAMP option.
  • Scroll down to the Lamp reset option.
  • Choose yes and reset the lamp hours to zero.
  • Use the RIGHT or LEFT buttons to choose your reset selection.
  • To exit the OSD, scroll down to the EXIT MENU and press MENU.

Why avoid generics:

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grey vs white screenWhich type of home theater projector screen do you need?

Should you buy a white or grey home theater projector screen. It all depends on where and what you are showing in your home theater setup.

Once you have decided on the type of projector screen and taken the gain factor into consideration, you need to decide on what material your screen is made from.

This can be more challenging since there are different types available. Some yield better results than others.  Grey screens reflect less light so handle the darker tones better; blacks appear richer.  They work much better in rooms that have little ambient light and are darker. White screens are more versatile.

Matt White

Close to 80% of all home theater projector screens use matt white surfaces due to its versatility. Matt white screens can handle all types of images including business presentations that are graphic-heavy. It can project all colors vividly while keeping a clear image. This screen material is smooth and un-embossed is able to distribute light evenly across large areas with wide angles. You are not going to experience any hotspots, the condition where certain areas on the screen appear much brighter than others so that people viewing from side angles don’t see anything. It’s also the most economical type of material and the most flexible so is often used in portable screens.

Projector_Screens_Materials_grey_vs_whiteHigh Contrast Grey

This material is a smooth grey vinyl surface that is recommended for high output DLP and LCD projector where there needs to be high-resolution and enhanced blacks. These screens typically have a low gain and work best in low ambient light. The vinyl fabric is very flexible so they can be folded or rolled up without any damage. This is the most recommended for home theater set ups.

High Contrast Matte White

This type of screen works best with low to moderate DLP and LCD projectors in a room where the ambient light source can be moderately controlled. It has a diffuse white reflective surface over a grey base material so it can heighten the black levels without sacrificing the white. Recommended for video images without too many high-resolution graphics.

High Performance

This is the most expensive type of screen as it delivers a precise resolution with higher contrast and vivid color palette while handling ambient light. Created from a tear-proof fiberglass base textile that does not reflect ambient light. Recommended in rooms where the lighting can’t be controlled.

Acoustically Transparent

Created from woven fabric or a diffused surface, the acoustically transparent screen consists of hundreds of small holes. This allows speakers to be hidden directly behind the screen so the sound appears to be coming out of the picture. Often a combination of matt white and high contrast grey screens, they deliver a cinema-like experience with vivid colors and rich blacks along with a wide viewing angle. Best suite for home theaters.

Read more about choosing a projector screen:


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Learn how to replace the Optoma EP747a projector lamp.

Lamp_warning_Optoma_EP747A_projectorOur quick guide shows you how to replace the Optoma EP747a projector lamp in three easy steps. The Optoma EP747a uses the Optoma BL-FP230A lamp. When the lamp is reaching end of life, you will see the Lamp Replacement message. You have 30 hours or less before the projector shuts down.  If you hear a loud popping sound, the lamp has burnt out and needs to be replaced immediately. The projector will not turn back on until the lamp has been replaced.

Find this lamp on Amazon from these authorize dealers:

To replace the Optoma EP747a projector lamp

Be sure to buy an authentic an Optoma EP747a projector lamp. Keep reading to find out why authentic lamps are so important for your projector.

NOTE: The Optoma BL-FP230A lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost. Generic manufacturers don’t recycle.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to replace the Optoma BL-FP230A lamp:

Lamp_Replacement_Remove_screws_Optoma_BL-FP230A_projector_lamp_projector_EP747aSwitch off the power to the Optoma EP747a projector by pressing the Power/Standby button. Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.

Disconnect the power cord. Using a screwdriver, remove the screws holding the cover in place.

Replacement_remove_cover_Optoma_BL-FP230A_projector_lamp_Optoma_EP747a_projectorPush the cover up to remove.




Use a screwdriver to remove the two screws holding the lamp module in place.

Slowly put out the old lamp by grabbing the edge of the lamp. Be careful not to bang the lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break. Learn what to do if the lamp has exploded inside the projector.

Note: The used Optoma BL-FP230A lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown out with regular garbage and should always be recycled properly.

Optoma_EP747a_projector_remove_ BL-FP230A_lamp


Place the new BL-FP230A into the Optoma EP747a projector. Tighten the two screws on the lamp. Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws.

You must now reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.



Reset the lamp timing on the Optoma EP747a


  • Press the Menu option on either the remote or on the projector.
  • Scroll over the Lamp Setting. Press enter.
  • Select Reset Lamp Hours. Press Enter
  • The Execute/Cancel command line will appear.
  • Scroll over to choose Execute. Press Enter.
  • The lamp hours will be reset to zero.

Turn on the Eco Mode to lower power consumption and extend the lamp life by 130%.

Why buy authentic lamps?

Optoma_BL-FP230A_projector_lamp_EP747_Lamp_Replace_LampThere are lots of choices out there on the Internet. Since selling online has few regulations, it’s easy to get duped into buying an inferior knock-off lamp posing as an authentic Optoma BL-FP230A.

The tell tale sign is a price that seems too good to be true. These counterfeit manufacturers will advertise their lamp as “compatible.” However, it’s anything but compatible.

Why avoid generics:

Learn how to spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

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determining_factor_gain_for_projectorsEvery screen has a gain factor which determines which model you need.

After you have chosen what type of projector screen, you need to consider the gain factor. Gain is a measurement of how much brightness is reflected off the screen’s surface compared to a standard white board. The way a screen surface refracts light is what differentiates one screen fabric from another.

A screen with a 0.9 gain only reflects 90% of the light while a screen with a 1.0 gain reflects 100% of the same amount. A screen with 1.5 gain reflects 50% more light and a screen of 2.0 gain reflects twice as much light.

That doesn’t necessarily mean the image will be twice as bright. The gain factor determines how much light is on the actual screen.

The first projector screens were grey in order to improve the levels of blacks shown. These negative gain screens don’t really make that much difference now with improved projector contrast ratios and black level.

The highest gain is not necessarily the best screen for you. Take into consideration the size of the room, lighting, projector being used conditions and content being shown. Review each type of gain to help you determine which screen to purchase.

1.0% Gain projectors

Room: Large or long rooms
Lighting: Some ambient light with light colored walls, ceilings and drapes. Light is reflected even when the lightings is turned off.
Image: Best for viewing digital photography, presentations and video images


  • Matte white
  • Diffuses light evenly in all directions.
  • Seating can be placed in a wide viewing angle
  • All seats receive the same viewing experience regardless of the angle of view. .
  • Colors remain bright with no shifts in hue.

1.5% High Gain White

Room: Smaller conference rooms and classrooms where seats can be positioned close together.
Lighting: Rooms with some light left on or with lots of natural light
Image: Video images, business presentations with graphics

  • Brightness of the image is not uniform. It increases the closer you get to the center.
  • Hot spotting is common where the image disappears for those seated on the edges.
  • Does not reflect green, blue and red equally so the color shifts in images are more noticeable when you change seats and view the image from different angles.
  • Can’t be used with a ceiling mounted projector.

0.9% Gray screen

Room: Any size room
Lighting: Suitable for rooms with no ambient lights with dark walls and ceiling.
Image: Home entertainment, DVDs, videos, TV

  • Improves the levels of blacks shown by boosting contrast
  • Not needed for projectors with high contrast ratios and black levels.
  • Best for moderate output DLP projectors.
  • High transmission and low reflection.
  • Excellent color rendition and image contrast.
  • Wide viewing angle.
  • Best for true videophile

Learn more about projector screens:

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Epson_EMP_1700_projectorReplace the Epson PowerLite 1505 projector lamp

Warning message on screen? Image that is gradually becoming dimmer? You need to replace the Epson PowerLite 1505 projector lamp.

Follow this easy step-by-step guide for a do-it-yourself lamp replacement that is easy and hassle free.

Go with authentic lamps

While generic lamps are tempting because of their bargain prices, there are six good reasons you should avoid them:

Buy an authentic lamp from a recognized dealer who proudly displays the seal of approval. Read about how generics posing as authentic lamps. 

You can expect between 2000 t0 3000 hours before the Epson ELPLP38 needs to be replaced. The lamp is used up much faster with the Brightness Control is set to High. A low Brightness Control will give you the full 3000 hours.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Replacing the Epson ELPLP38 lamp

Before installation follow these important safety tips:


  • Turn power button off and after the Epson PowerLite 1505 has beeped twice unplug the power cord.
  • The Epson PowerLite 1505 should be cool to the touch.
  • DO NOT attempt to change the Epson ELPLP38 if the projector is still hot. You get badly burned if you don’t wait for the projector to cool.

IMPORTANT: Do not operate the projector when the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.




  • Loosen the screw on the Epson PowerLite 1505 projector cover using the screwdriver provided.



  • Slide the lamp cover to the side and lift it off the Epson PowerLite 1505 projector.






Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP38 lamp in place. Theses screws don’t come out all the way.





  • Gently insert the new Epson ELPLP38 lamp into the Epson PowerLite 1505 projector.
  • Avoid touching the actual lamp since your fingerprints will cause black out spots to appear when the projector starts working.
  • Tighten the screws on the Epson ELPLP38 lamp. Be sure not to tighten too much or the lamp may not work.
  • Replace the lamp cover and tighten the screw on the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp cover.
  • You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Lamp Timer

It’s important to reset the PowerLite 1505 has a lamp timer each time a new lamp is installed so the projector can accurately track the Epson ELPLP38 lamp. Never use the Epson ELPLP38 lamp beyond its recommended usage as this can damage the Epson 1505 projector beyond repair.



  • Press MENU.
  • Scroll down to RESET. Press ENTER.
  • Scroll down RESET LAMP HOURS. Press ENTER.
  • A second prompt screen will appear. Select YES at the prompt screen. Press ENTER.
  • Press ESC or MENU to exit.



Extending the life of your Epson ELPLP38 lamp

Follow this simple tips to make your Epson ELPLP38 lamp last even longer:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson PowerLite 1505 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours.
  • An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life
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Finding_Right_Projector_screen_for_DLP_1080P_projectorsThe screen you choose is as important as your projector

The type of screen you need depends on your projector, the amount of light in the room, the size of the room and the viewing angle distance from the screen.

The first step is learning about the various types on the market to suit both your budget and projector. There are four basic types:

  • Electric
  • Permanent, fixed frame
  • Manual pull down
  • Portable


Definitely the most convenient and easiest to open, the electric screen is also the most expensive. They are also the most versatile and can be mounted on the ceiling or on the wall. Electrics can be hung externally on the ceiling or put into a recessed ceiling. They can come up out of the floor or down from a wall adding a instant “wow” factor. They are much more difficult to install than other types of screen since they require a power source to operate. Definitely the screen for a professional look.


If you have a dedicated space for your projector where all your viewing takes place, such as a conference room or a family recreation room, then a permanent screen may be the best option. It resembles a flat-panel TV wrapped in a metal or plastic-frame. Lightweight and flexible, a fixed-frame projector screen can be mounted on almost any wall. It’s usually installed directly onto the wall with curtains in front for both protection and concealment. After the initial set-up, there is nothing needed. More expensive but easier to use.

Pull Down

If space is limited, then you may choose to install a pull down. These manual pull-and-release types are typically seen in classrooms and conference rooms but also work well at home. It’s usually a semi-permanent mounting on the wall that fits above paintings or other decorations. When the screen is pulled down to the desire height and locked into place, it simply covers the permanent wall behind. When not in use, it’s rolled up into its protective housing. Since it’s usually mounted on the ceiling instead of on the wall, it can be easier to install and not as expensive as other screens.


Portables are also known as tripod screens since they have three-legs. These are the most economical option and also the easiest to transport. They make sense if you need to set up in a different room or are travelling with your presentation to conferences and other venues. If your projector is portable, then a portable makes sense. While they cost less, the major drawback for portable screens is that you must adjust the screen and get the correct screen aspect ratio every time you set up.

Once you have decided on which type  you would like, you’ll want to consider the type of fabric and size.

Learn more :

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epson_emp-1707_projector_epson_ELPLP38_lampChange the Epson EMP-1707 projector lamp

Is your projector image dim or the colours deteoriating? It may be time to replace the Epson EMP-1707 projector lamp. This guide will give you step-by-step instructions for quick and easy replacement.

Buy the right lamp

What’s the difference between an authentic pson EMP-1707 projector lamp and a generic lamp? Quality, price and reliability! Buy an authentic lamp from a recognized dealer who proudly displays the seal of approval.

6 reasons to avoid generic lamps

Read about how generics pose as authentic lamps.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Replacing the Epson ELPLP38 lamp

Before installation follow these important safety tips:

  • Turn power button off and after the Epson EMP-1707 has beeped twice unplug the power cord.
  • The Epson EMP-1707 should be cool to the touch. DO NOT attempt to change the Epson ELPLP38 if the projector is still hot. You can be badly burned if you don’t wait for the projector to cool.

IMPORTANT: Do not operate the projectors the lamps is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.



Loosen the screws on the Epson EMP-1707 projector using the screwdriver provided.



Slide the cover towards you until it’s off the runners. Lift and remove the cover on the Epson EMP-1707 projector.



Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP38 lamp in place






Grab the side indents and gently lift the Epson ELPLP38 lamp out of the Epson EMP-1707 projector. Don’t use excessive force or the lamp could break. Read about what to do if lamp breaks inside the projector.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP38 lamp contains mercury and needs to be properly recycled. Don’t throw the used lamp into your regular garbage.



Gently insert the new Epson ELPLP38 lamp into the Epson EMP-1707 projector. Avoid touching the actual lamp since your fingerprints will cause black out spots to appear when the projector starts working.



Tighten the screws on the Epson ELPLP38 lamp. Be sure not to tighten too much or the lamp may not work.





Replace the Epson EMP-1707 projector lamp cover and tighten the screw on the lamp cover.

You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.


Resetting the Epson EMP-1707 Lamp Timer

It’s important to reset the Epson EMP-1707 has a lamp timer each time a new lamp is installed so the projector can accurately track the Epson ELPLP38. Never use the Epson ELPLP38 lamp beyond its recommended usage as this can damage the Epson EMP-1707 projector beyond repair.



  • Press the MENU button on either the remote control or on the projector’s control panel.
  • Scroll down to the RESET option. Press Enter to bring up the reset screen.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP HOURS.
  • A second prompt screen will appear asking for confirmation. Scroll over to the YES option. Press ENTER.
  • Press MENU to exit.


Extending the life of your Epson ELPLP38 lamp

Follow this simple tips to make your Epson ELPLP38 lamp last even longer:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-1707 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours.
  • An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life
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