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Is a ceiling mounted projector the way to go for you?

Ceiling mounted projectors give the full media experience with theatre-style viewing. If you are using your 1080p projector in one room and it doesn’t need to be moved, then a ceiling-mounted projector is good option.

Installing a mounted projector can be a bit of a challenge so here are some helpful tips.

Ceiling restrictions

What kind of ceiling are you dealing with? This is important since the type of ceiling controls how high the 1080P projector will go and what type of ceiling mount kit you must buy. There are three basic ceilings:

  • Cathedral: Any tall, high rise ceiling resembling those found in a church. Difficult to mount anything onto due to height. You won’t be able to do flush mounting.
  • Structural:  The main ceiling, usually flat and at least eight feet high.
  • Suspended: Also known as a drop or false ceiling, this is a secondary ceiling hung below the main ceiling. This is most typically found in an office setting and can be less stable.

Mounting kit

Be sure to buy the correct mounting kit for your projector model. Each manufacturer will make a specific mounting kit for your particular model that will line up properly with the various mounting holes and ventilation slots. There aren’t really any generic mounting systems that work properly so don’t buy one!

Locate the ceiling stud (use a stud finder to locate the appropriate beam). Your ceiling mounting kit will have instructions and all the necessary hardware for mounting your projector.

Placement is crucial

If you want your projector to be flush to the ceiling, be sure to leave between 4 to 6 inches between then ceiling and projector so there ie enough airflow around the projector. You don’t want your projector to overheat. A projector too close to the ceiling will overheat causing it to shut down or have a shorter lamp life. Most manufacturers recommend a three-foot radius for proper ventilation. Most projectors are mounted upside down and the image is then inverted using the menu options.

Screen calculations

You’ll need to take the screen into consideration as well:

  • Screen height:  Your screen is an important part of the whole scenario. You need to have the right placement as well the correct height. Take your ceiling height, subtract three feet and that will give you your maximum screen height. Minimum height is three feet off the floor.
  • Screen width: What is the maximum width of your screen? If you’re using the projector for predominantly business presentations you want to install the 4:3 aspect ratio screen and the 16:9 aspect ratio screen for watching television or movies. For the 4:3 screen, take your maximum screen height and multiply it by 1.33 and if installing a 16:9 screen, take your maximum screen height and multiply it by 1.78—that number will be your maximum screen width.
  • Throw Distance: How far back do you need to go? The “throw distance” depends on your particular model; each projector throws a different image. Consult your manual for the manufacturer throw chart listing image size based on distance from the screen. This will determine exactly where the projector should be mounted.

Adjustments will be needed

After making sure the projector is level on the mount you’re ready to adjust the picture. Use the menu options to invert the picture and then align the picture using the zoom, horizontal and vertical lens shift controls. Adjust the focus. If your projector doesn’t have the vertical lens shift you will have to adjust the height of either the screen or projector. Your specific user manual will have more information.

Stay patient

Getting your projected mounted on the ceiling and everything working takes a bit of time. Stay patient knowing that once you have everything working, you won’t have to do any more adjustments. Your ceiling mounted projector will give you a great image and enhance your presentation or viewing enjoyment.

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epson_emp-1717 projectorReplacing Epson EMP-1717 projector lamp is not complicated.

Follow our  3-step manual to install a new Epson EMP-1717 projector lamp.

STEP 1: Know when to replace

If you have sent the Brightness Control to High (the default setting), you can expect the Epson EMP-1717 projector lamp to last up to 2000 hours. Gain more time or the lamp; when you set Brightness Control is to Low, the lamp will last up to 3000 hours.

You’ll start to see the following warning signs when the Epson EMP-1717 projector lamp is approaching end of life:

  • A screen that is gradually dimming or deteriorating.
  • Colour in the image appears dark or off colour.
  • “Replace the lamp” warning flashing on screen.
  • Lamp light flashing a steady orange.

Forcing the lamp to work beyond it’s estimated life can result in the lamp exploding insider your EMP-1717 projector.Your Epson EMP-1717 projector needs model Epson ELPLP38.

STEP 2: Buy the right lamp

The Internet is flooded with companies selling generic lamps at reduced prices. What’s the difference between an authentic Epson ELPLP38 and a generic lamp? Quality, price and reliability! Buy an authentic lamp from a recognized dealer who proudly displays the seal of approval.

Generic lamps have six main problems:

Read about how generics pose as authentic lamps.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

STEP 3: Replacing the Epson ELPLP38 lamp

Before installation follow these important safety tips:

  • Turn power button off and after the Epson EMP-1717 has beeped twice unplug the power cord.
  • The Epson EMP-1717 should be cool to the touch. DO NOT attempt to change the Epson ELPLP38 if the projector is still hot. You can be badly burned if you don’t wait for the projector to cool.

IMPORTANT: Do not operate the projectors the lamps is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.



1. Loosen the screws on the Epson EMP-1717 projector using the screwdriver provided.








2. Slide the cover towards you until it’s off the runners. Lift and remove the cover on the Epson EMP-1717 projector.








3. Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP38 lamp in place.







4. Grab the side indents and gently lift the Epson ELPLP38 lamp out of the Epson EMP-1717 projector. Don’t use excessive force or the lamp could break. Read about what to do if lamp breaks inside the projector.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP38 lamp contains mercury and needs to be properly recycled. Don’t throw this used projector lamp into your regular garbage.




5. Gently insert the new Epson ELPLP38 lamp into the Epson EMP-1717 projector. Avoid touching the actual lamp since your fingerprints will cause black out spots to appear when the projector starts working.







6. Tighten the screws on the Epson ELPLP38 lamp. Be sure not to tighten too much or the lamp may not work.








7. Replace the Epson EMP-1707 projector lamp cover and tighten the screw on the lamp cover.

You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.




Resetting the Epson EMP-1717 Lamp Timer

It’s important to reset the Epson EMP-1717 has a lamp timer each time a new lamp is installed so the projector can accurately track the Epson ELPLP38. Never use the Epson ELPLP38 lamp beyond its recommended usage as this can damage the Epson EMP-1707 projector beyond repair.



  • Press the MENU button on either the remote control or on the projector’s control panel.
  • Scroll down to the RESET option. Press Enter to bring up the reset screen.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP HOURS.
  • A second prompt screen will appear asking for confirmation. Scroll over to the YES option. Press ENTER.
  • Press MENU to exit.


Extending the life of your Epson ELPLP38 lamp

Follow this simple tips to make your Epson ELPLP38 lamp last even longer:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-1717 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours.
  • An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life
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projector_Air_filter_maintenanceKeeping your projector air filter clean is one of the most important maintenance tips you can do.

In order to produce it’s brilliant colors, deep blacks and crisp whites, projectors generate a lot of heat. To prevent overheating, most projectors have a cooling system to draws in cool air. Your projector air filter keeps the intake air clean while vents expel any exhaust.

Why clean regularly?

Air filters that are not cleaned on a regular basis become clogged. When this happens, projector begin drawing in unfiltered air into the exhaust vents. Unfiltered air is filled with dust particles that are attracted to the hottest parts of the projector, usually the projector lamp. Dust can settle onto the lamp and actually catch fire. Dust can also settle into the LCD panels and projector lens. The projected image may become distorted or the colors may dull. Once dust has settled into the panels and lens, you’ll need to get the projector professionally cleaned.

Most manufacturers recommend cleaning the filters once every 100 to 300 hours. Clean or replace the filter whenever you notice an excessive build up of dust or if any warning signs appear on screen.

dirty_projector_air_filtersClogged projector filter warning signs:

  • It’s time to clean your air filter when you notice these warning signs:
  • the temperature warning starts blinking orange or red. The color depends on the manufacturer and projector model. A solid color usually indicates that the projector has overheated and will shut off automatically.
  • You can see dust on the projector’s fan exhaust vent.
  • The projected image gets noticeably darker or starts to deteriorate.

Cleaning the projector filter

Some manufacturers don’t recommend cleaning the air filter and will supply a new air filter usually when you purchase a new projector lamp. Consult your manual for more details.

General directions

  • Don’t wash the projector air filter with soap or water as this can damage the filter membranes.
  • Vacuum the filter with a vacuum cleaner designed for computers and other office equipment. DO NOT use a regular vaccum cleaner.
  • Use a can of compressed air to blow the dust away.
  • Gently shake out the filter to release any dust.

NOTE: Never clean the inside of your projector with compressed air. All this does is blows the dust deep inside the projector.

Consult your manual for more step-by-step instructions on how to clean the projector air filter.

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Use this handy checklist to be sure you’re buying a genuine OEM projector lamp.

Learn how to spot counterfeit OEM Projector Lamps

Red flag Descriptions

Watch for these keywords in the description of the projector lamp. They are often used to sell the lamp as genuine but are euphemisms for counterfeit lamps:

  • Alternative
  • 100% Brand New Equivalent
  • OEM Equivalent
  • Genuine
  • Premier Lamp
  • 100% compatible with the factory original

Suspiciously low price

The average price for an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) projector lamp is usually over $100.  The lowest price for a genuine lamp will be 20% off the manufacturer’s price. This is an industry standard agreed upon by manufacturers. If you find a projector lamp under this price – some are selling for under $50, it’s a copycat lamp that is not going to last.

Amateur labeling

Each company has their distinct brand and logo. Many times, the copycat manufacturers will do a poor job of reproducing the label.  Watch for poor English, spelling mistakes or labels that look hastily produced. Check underneath any original labels that look suspicious. Often companies will put a knock-off label over top of their own company label.

Naked bulbs, no cage

Counterfeit lamps are often sold with no cage just the light bulb. Phillips has authorized MI Technologies to sell their replacement bulbs since this company also manufactures its own cages.

Inaccurate part numbers

Always compare the part number on the lamp with the manufacturer’s OEM number. Look on your projector’s website and compare the numbers. If they don’t match, don’t buy the lamp. Be aware, that the more sophisticated counterfeit producers will have the accurate number and original codes.

Original lamps are stamped with a code identifying each company.

Lamp NameCode
Hewlett PackardL1

You can also check  the authenticity seals (Certificate of Authenticity – COA) on any Philips packaging.


Wondering why you need to invest in genuine OEM lamps? Read more:


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How to install a new Epson EMP-1715 projector lamp

No need to call the technician. Follow this 3-step manual for help on replacing the Epson EMP-1715 projector

Know when to replace

The life span of the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp is 2000 hours when Brightness Control is set to High (which is the default) or 3000 hours if the Brightness Control is set to Low.

Know the warning signs


When the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp is approaching end of life you’ll start to see the following warnings signs:

  • A screen that is gradually dimming or deteriorating.
  • Colour in the image appears dark or off colour.
  • “Replace the lamp” warning flashing on screen.
  • Lamp light flashing a steady orange.

Replace the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp immediately so you don’t run the risk of having the lamp explode in the Epson EMP-1715 projector.

 Why buy authentic

What’s the difference between an authentic Epson ELPLP38 and a generic projector lamp? Quality, price and reliability!

The Internet is flooded with companies selling generic lamps at reduced prices. While these lamps appear to be a bargain due to their lower price tag, they can’t offer the same quality, price and reliability as authentic lamps.

Generic lamps have six main problems:

Save yourself hassles and go with authentic projector lamp from a recognized dealer who proudly displays the seal of approval. Read about generics posing as authentic lamps and how to avoid them!

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Replacing the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp

Before installation of your new projector lamp follow these important safety tips:

  • Turn power button off.
  • Wait until the Epson EMP-1715 has beeped twice and then unplug the power cord.
  • Wait for at least one hour for the Epson EMP-1715 to be cool to the touch. DO NOT attempt to change the Epson ELPLP38 if the projector is still hot. You can be badly burned if you don’t wait for the projector to cool.

IMPORTANT: Do not operate the projectors the lamps is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Epson_EMP-1715_remove_cover_screws_Epson_ELPLP38_projector lamp

1. Loosen the screws on the Epson EMP-1715 projector using the screwdriver provided.


2. Slide the cover towards you until it’s off the runners. Lift and remove the cover on the Epson EMP-1715 projector.


3. Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp in place.


4. Grab the side indents and gently lift the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp out of the Epson EMP-1715 projector. Don’t use excessive force or the projector lamp could break. If the lamp breaks inside the projector–here’s what to do.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp contains mercury and needs to be properly recycled. Don’t thrown the used lamp into your regular garbage.


5. Gently insert the new Epson ELPLP38projector  lamp into the Epson EMP-1715 projector. Avoid touching the actual projector bulb since your fingerprints will cause black out spots to appear when the projector starts working.

6. Tighten the screws on the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp. Be sure not to tighten too much or the lamp may not work.


7. Replace the Epson EMP-1715 projector lamp cover and tighten the screw on the lamp cover.

You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson EMP-1715 Lamp Timer

The Epson EMP-1715 has an automatic lamp timer to track the number of hours left in the lamp. Each time a new Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp is installed you need to reset the Epson EMP-1715 lamp timer. Never use the Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp beyond its recommended usage as this can damage the projector beyond repair.



  • Press the MENU button on either the remote control or on the projector’s control panel.
  • Scroll down to the RESET option. Press Enter to bring up the reset screen.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP HOURS.
  • A second prompt screen will appear asking for confirmation. Scroll over to the YES option. Press ENTER.
  • Press MENU to exit.


Extending the life of your Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp

Follow this simple tips to make your Epson ELPLP38 projector lamp last even longer:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-1715 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours.
  • An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life
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Information on the Epson ELPLP 25 lamp

Find out which projectors are compatible with the Epson ELPLP 25 lamp and how to install the new lamp in the projectors.

Your Epson ELPLP 25 lamp will last up to 3000 hours based on the projector settings. Look for the seal of approval when you buy from an authentic manufacturer.

6 reasons to buy authentic and avoid generics

Protect yourself from buying counterfeit lamps.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

End of life warning signs Epson ELPLP 25 lamp

When it’s approaching end of life there will be some distinct signs that the Epson ELPLP 25 needs to be replaced:

  • Dark image
  • Image that has deteriorated
  • “Replace the Lamp” warning message appears on screen
  • Lamp light flashes orange and then red

Compatible projectors with the Epson ELPLP 25 lamp

The Epson ELPLP 25 lamp is compatible with the following Epson projectors:

Epson PowerLite S1, Epson EMP-S1, Epson EMP-TW10, Epson V11H128020

For step-by-step instructions on replacing your Epson ELPLP 25 lamp, click on your projector listed below:


Epson_EMP-PowerLite S1_projector_Epson_ELPLP_25_lamp

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP 25 projector lamp for the Epson PowerLite S1 projector.







Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP 25 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-S1 projector.







Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP 25 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-TW10 projector.






Epson_EMP-PowerLite S1_projector_Epson_ELPLP_25_lamp

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP 25 projector lamp for the Epson V11H128020 projector.




How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP 25 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP 25 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson projectors and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


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optoma_ep747_optoma_lamp_BL-FP230AOur quick guide can help you replace the Optoma EP747 projector lamp easily.

When the Optoma EP747 projector lamp is reaching end of life, you will see the Lamp Replacement message. You have 30 hours or less before the projector shuts down.


If you hear a loud popping sound, the lamp has burnt out and needs to be replaced immediately. The projector will not turn back on until the lamp has been replaced.

FP230A lamp

Learn how to install the Optoma BL-FP230A lamp into your compatible Optoma projector. Before purchasing look for the seal of approval that lets you know you are buying from an authentic manufacturer.

Find this lamp on Amazon from these authorize dealers:

To replace the Optoma BL-FP230A lamp

Be sure to buy an authentic an Optoma BL-FP230A lamp for the Optoma EP747 projector. Keep reading to find out why authentic lamps are so important for your projector.

NOTE: The Optoma BL-FP230A projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost. Generic manufacturers don’t recycle.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to replace the Optoma BL-FP230A projector lamp:

amp_Replacement_Remove_screws_Optoma_BL-FP230A_projector_lampSwitch off the power to the projector by pressing the Power/Standby button. Allow the projector to cool down for at least 30 minutes. If should be cool to the touch. These projectors run using high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t allow the projector to cool down.

Disconnect the power cord. Using a screwdriver, remove the screws holding the cover in place. Push the cover up to remove.




Use a screwdriver to remove the two screws holding the lamp module in place.

Slowly put out the old lamp by grabbing the edge of the lamp. Be careful not to bang the lamp against the projector as this may case the bulb to break. Learn what to do if the lamp has exploded inside the projector.

Note: The used Optoma BL-FP230A lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown out with regular garbage. It needs to be properly recycled.

EP747_remove_ BL-FP230A_lamp


Place the new BL-FP230A (SP.83R01G001) lamp into the Optoma EP747 projector. Tighten the two screws on the lamp. Replace the lamp cover and tighten its two screws.

You must now reset the Lamp Replacement Timer.



Reset the lamp timing on the Optoma EP747


  • Press the Menu option on either the remote or on the projector.
  • Scroll over the Lamp Setting. Press enter.
  • Select Reset Lamp Hours. Press Enter
  • The Execute/Cancel command line will appear.
  • Scroll over to choose Execute. Press Enter.
  • The lamp hours will be reset to zero.

Turn on the Eco Mode to lower power consumption and extend the lamp life by 130%.

Why buy authentic?

Optoma_BL-FP230A_projector_lamp_EP747_Lamp_Replace_LampThere are lots of choices out there on the Internet. Since selling online has few regulations, it’s easy to get duped into buying an inferior knock-off lamp posing as an authentic Optoma BL-FP230A (SP.83R01G001) lamp.

The tell tale sign is a price that seems too good to be true. These counterfeit manufacturers will advertise their lamp as “compatible.” However, it’s anything but compatible.

Why avoid generics:

Learn how to spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

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EMP-83_Epson_projectorReplace the Epson EMP-83 projector lamp

Take these 3 steps to a new Epson EMP-83 projector lamp.

Step 1: Lamp hour notifications

Watch for the signs that the Epson ELPLP42 needs to be replaced in the Epson EMP-83 projector:


  • Dark image
  • Image that has deteriorated
  • On warning message appears on screen
  • Lamp light flashes orange

 Step 2: Buy your lamp

There are a lot of choices for your Epson ELPLP42 lamp but only one correct lamp to get. In order to keep your Epson EMP-83 working at its optimum levels and to prevent damage, you’ll want to buy an authentic projector lamp. Internet is flooded with companies offering “generic” compatible lamps. Although they seem like a bargain, these should be avoided. They have some very serious flaws:

Learn how to spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Buy this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Step 3: Install the Epson ELPLP42

Before installation:

  • Turn off power switch on the back of the Epson EMP-83 projector.
  • After you turn off the projector’s power and the confirmation buzzer beeps twice, disconnect the power cable
  • Allow the Epson EMP-83 projector to cool for one hour – it should be cool to the touch. Inside of the projector can be very hot since these machines operator under high temperatures and you run the risk of being burned if the projector has not cooled down.
  • Do not operate the projectors while any of the lamps are removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.



1. The lamp cover is found on top of the Epson EMP-83 projector. Loosen the lamp cover screw — you can’t remove it only loosen it.






2. Slide the Epson EMP-83 projector lamp cover off.






3. Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP42 lamp in place.






Epson-EMP-83-remove-lamp-Epson-ELPLP42-lamp4. Grab the Epson ELPLP42 lamp by the two indents on the lamp. Gently remove the lamp. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.


NOTE: The Epson ELPLP42 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!



5. Gently insert the Epson ELPLP42 lamp making sure it’s facing the right way. NOTE: Don’t touch the screen or the actual bulb with your finger since the oil from your skin can cause a black spot on the bulb.

6. Tighten the screws on the new Epson ELPLP42 lamp.





7. Replace the lamp cover and tighten the screw on the Epson EMP-83 projector lamp cover.

8. Reset the lamp timer.




Reset the lamp timer on the Epson EMP-83 projector

Reset the Epson EMP-83 projector Lamp Replacement Counter only when the Epson ELPLP42 lamp has been replaced.



  • Press the MENU button on the remote control. The Lamp Reset Menu will appear.
  • Scroll down to the RESET. Press ENTER.
  • Click on RESET ALL.
  • A prompt appears asking if you want to replace the lamp.
  • Select YES and press ENTER.
  • Press MENU to exit.


Prolong the life of the Epson ELPLP42 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP42 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-83 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life
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BenQ-CP120_projectorFollow our 3 step-by-step guide to replace the BenQ CP120 projector lamp

Replacing the BenQ CP120 projector lamp is simple when you follow these steps.

Step 1: Know when to replace

Your BenQCP120 projector will give you plenty of warning when the end of life for the BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 is approaching. On the projector itself, you’ll notice the Lamp Indicator will light red. The following warning messages will also appear on screen:


BenQ CP120 projector, BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp

First warning: The BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp has been in operation for 1800 hours. You can continue to use the BenQ CP120 projector until the 1950
hour lamp warning appears.



BenQ CP120 Second Lamp Warning, BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp

Second Warning: The BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp has been in operation equivalent to 1950 hours. You should replace the lamp immediately.



BenQ CP120 third lamp warning, BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 projector

Third Warning: TheBenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp has reached end of life since it’s been in operation for 2000 hours. Change the BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp immediately to avoid having the projector shut down.



BenQ CP120 final lamp warning, BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp

Final Warning: The BenQ CP120 projector will power down because the BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp has reached end of life. Replace the BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp immediately.

Step 2: Buy authentic

The Internet has been flooded with companies selling projector lamps.

Many advertised their lamps as “generic and compatible” — a euphemism for a knock-off, copycat technology that produces an inferior and dangerous product. Don’t believe the cheap prices you see as there are hidden costs to installing generic lamps.

You get what you pay for and in the case of generic lamps it’s usually a long list of problems. Generic lamps look like a great bargain but these knock-off lamps are created with inferior materials making them susceptible to explosions when installed and they can damage the sensitive components in your BenQ CP120 projector. They’ve created using toxic substances such as Krypton-85 (which is carcinogenic to humans). “Compatible” lamps also have a shorter life span so can actually cost more money in the long run.

Buying authentic guarantees a projector lamp created with genuine, non-hazardous materials by the original manufacturer. These lamps come with money-back guarantee and keeps your warranty entact. It’s worth the few extra dollars to eliminate potential problems and have a lamp built to work properly with your BenQ CP120 sensitive mechanisms. Learn more about spotting dangerous projector lamps by reading our article: 7 tips for spotting counterfeits.

Buy an authentic BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 projector lamp for your BenQ CP120. Save yourself unnecessary headaches. You’ll be getting a far superior product with a replacement guarantee and tech support.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

Step 3: Install the new BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp

Before changing the BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp:

  • Reduce the risk of electrical shock by disconnecting the power cord on the BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 projector.
  • Reduce the risk of severe burns by allowing the projector to cool for at least 45 minutes.

BenQ CP120 remove cover, BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp

  • The lamp cover is found on the top of the projector. Gently turn over the projector, placing it on a soft surface to protect the front of the projector.
  • Loosen the screw holding the BenQ CP120 lamp cover in place.


BenQ CP120 Lamp cover, BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001

  • Remove the BenQ CP120 lamp cover and place it to one side.

BenQ CP120 lamp screw, BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp

  • Loosen the screw on the BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp. If the screw is not loosened completely, the lamp cannot be removed. It’s highly recommended that you use a magnetic=head screwdriver so you don’t lose the screw!




BenQ CP120 projector lamp out, BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp



BenQ CP120 LampCover BackOn, BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp


  • Lower the new BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 into the BenQ CP120 projector. Make sure the lamp has clicked into place and that the wire handle is laying flat.
  • Re-install the lid back onto the BenQ CP120 projector.
  • Tighten the screw on the lamp cover
  • You are now ready to reset the total lamp timer.

Reset the lamp timer

It’s important to only reset the lamp timer when the BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp has been replaced. Resetting the lamp timer without changing the BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp can severely damage your BenQ CP120 projector.

BenQ CP120 Lamp Reset option, BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp

  • Press and hold the BLANK /Up arrow button on the projector for 5 seconds to display the total used lamp time.
  • Press the AUTO (or AUTO/CH.) button to reset the lamp hour to “0”.
  • Wait about 5 seconds to let the OSD disappear.
  • Do not reset if the lamp is not new or replaced as this could cause damage.


Extending the life of the BenQ CS.5JJ0V.001 lamp:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Use the Lamp Power option on the BenQ CP120 and set to Economic Mode to reduce the amount of power used but extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life
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BenQ_59.J8101.CG1_projector_lamp_BenQ_PB8250_projectorInstall a new BenQ PB8250 projector lamp

Follow our guide to replace the BenQ PB8250 projector lamp.

You can expect up to 3000 hours of lamp life before the BenQ PB8250 projector lamp needs to be replaced.

Note: This guide can also be used for the BenQ PN8260 projector.

Warning Messages

BenQ_PB8250_1980_hours_projector_lamp_warning_BenQ_59.J8101.CG1_projector_lampYour first warning to replace the BenQ PB8250 projector lamp will show up when the lamp has been in operation for 1980 hours. If the projector is being run in Economic Mode you may continue until the second warning at 2980 hours at which time a second warning will appear.

The second warning will let you know that the power will shutdown in 20 hours time. Replace the BenQ PB8250 projector lamp immediately.

BenQ_PB8250_300_hours_projector_lamp_warning_BenQ_59.J8101.CG1_projector_lampThe final warning will flash in the center of the BenQ PB8250 screen at 3000 hours and the Lamp Indicator will light up red for 40 seconds before the BenQ PB8250 projector shuts down.

The projector will not turn on until the BenQ PB8250 projector lamp has been replaced.

Authentic lamps are important

Your BenQ PB8250 projector is a sophisticated machine with sensitive electronic components. It needs a genuine BenQ 59.J8101.CG1 projector lamp has been designed specifically to keep your projector operating at optimum levels. Generic “compatible” lamps are made with copycat technology that use inferior and often toxic materials.

Knock-off manufacturers don’t possess the proper technology to create these lamps and as a result these lamps have a shorter lamp life, are prone to explosions and can seriously damage your projector. Installing them cancels your warranty leaving your vulnerable should anything go wrong. It’s not worth the small savings. Protect yourself from buying a knock-off counterfeit compatible generic lamp.

Buy this lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:

How to replace the BenQ PB8250 projector lamp

Before changing the lamp:

  • Reduce the risk of electrical shock by disconnecting the power cord on the BenQ PB8250 projector.
  • Reduce the risk of severe burns by allowing the projector to cool for at least 45 minutes.

BenQ_PB8250 _projector_lamp_cover_BenQ_59.J8101.CG1_projector_lamp

  • Turn the power off and disconnect the BenQ PB8250 projector.
  • The lamp cover is found on the bottom of the projector. Turn the projector over and loosen the two screws holding the BenQ PB8250 projector lamp cover in place. (Use a magnetic screwdriver to make the whole process easier.)




BenQ_PB8250_projector_ lamp_handle_BenQ_59.J8101.CG1_projector_lamp

  • Grab the wire handle on the BenQ 59.J8101.CG1 lamp so it lifts up. Slowly and gently pull the BenQ 59.J8101.CG1 projector lamp out of the projector. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.
  • Avoid touching the optical components inside the projector as this can leave marks on the lenses causing image distortion and unwanted color changes.

BenQ _PB8250_new_projector_lamp_BenQ_59.J8101.CG1_projector_lamp

  • Insert the new BenQ 59.J8101.CG1 projector lamp making sure the handle is fully locked. Tighten the screw. If the screw is too loose or too tight, the projector may not turn on.
  • Re-install the BenQ PB8250 lamp cover and tighten the screw.
  • Reset the total lamp operation timer.

NOTE: The BenQ 59.J8101.CG1 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!

Reset the projector lamp counter

It’s important to only reset the lamp timer when the BenQ 59.J8101.CG1 projector lamp has been replaced. Resetting the lamp timer without changing the BenQ 59.J8101.CG1 lamp can cause significant harm to your BenQ PB8250 projector.

  • BenQ_PB8250_projector_lamp_timer_reset_BenQ_59.J8101.CG1_projector_lampPress and hold EXIT button on the projector for 3 seconds to display the total used lamp time.
  • Press MENU on either the projector or on the remote control. Scroll down to the LAMP HOUR TIMER. An adjustment message will appear.
  • Press MENU to reset the lamp hours.
  • Press EXIT.


Make your newly installed BenQ 59.J8101.CG1 projector lamp life last longer with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Use the Lamp Power option on the BenQ PB8250 projector and set to Economic Mode to reduce the amount of power used but extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

The green alternative



You can replace only the BenQ 59.J8101.CG1 bulb and re-use the lamp cage. This can save you money and also reduce your carbon footprint. Watch our You Tube Tutorial to learn more.




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