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Epson_PowerLite_750c_projector_lampReplace the Epson PowerLite 750c projector lamp in three quick steps.

Save yourself unnecessary headaches and keep your warranty intact by investing in an authentic Epson PowerLite 750c projector lamp.

Step 1: Be prepared, buy the right lamp

There is no shortage Epson PowerLite 750c projector lamps to buy. The challenging part is finding an authentic merchant you can trust. The Internet has been flooded with copycat manufacturers who create these knock off lamps using  toxic materials such Krypton-85. Counterfeit manufacturers advertise these projector lamps as “generic” or compatible but research has proven copycat lamps can damage the sensitive electronics in your projectors. Without access to proper materials and the correct schematics, generics can’t be properly calibrated to work with your machine and have shorter lamp life than original lamps as well as being prone to explosions.

Look for the seal of approval and buy authentic Epson PowerLite 750c projector lamp from a recognized dealer. You’ll be getting a far superior product. Read more about the 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Step 2: Know the end-of life signs

Epson_PowerLite 750c_Epson_ELPLP31_projector_lampYou can track the number of hours left in the Epson PowerLite 750c projector lamp on the Info menu found on the Main menu. The Epson PowerLite 750c projector lamp will last up to 2000 hours if the Brightness setting is on normal. Change the setting to low and the Epson PowerLite 750c projector lamp lamp will last up to 3000 hours. Watch for these signs as well to let you know the end of life is coming.

  • The lamp warning light on the projector starts flashing orange. If it turns red and stays red, replace the Epson ELPLP32 projector lamp immediately.
  • Imaged becomes dark, colours are off or appear to be deteriorating
  • A message saying “Replace the lamp” appears on screen.

Step 3: Installing the new Epson ELPLP32

Installation will take under 10 minutes. You’ll need to install a Epson ELPLP32 projector lamp. Be sure to follow these preparation steps:

Epson_PowerLite 750c_Epson_ELPLP31_projector_lamp_unplug_power_cord

  • Turn power button off  and wait for the power light to stop flashing.
  • Unplug the power cord from the Epson Powerlite 750c projector.
  • The Epson Powerlite 750c should be cool to the touch before you try to change the Epson ELPLP32 lamp. This projector operate at a high temperatures so you can burn yourself  badly if you don’t allow for the cool down period.
  • Do not operate the projectors while any of the lamps are removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Epson_PowerLite 750c_Epson_ELPLP31_projector_lamp_remove_cover

  • Turn the Epson PowerLite 750c over and placing on a soft, scratch free surface.
  • Press on the tabs located on top of the Epson PowerLite 750c cover. Lift up the lamp cover.

Epson_PowerLite 750c_Epson_ELPLP31_projector_lamp_loosen screws

  • Using the screw driver provided with the Epson PowerLite 750c projector, loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP32 lamp in place.




Epson_PowerLite 750c_Epson_ELPLP31_projector_lamp_removalPressing on the indents on the sides of the Epson ELPLP32, pull the projector lamp gently up out of the Epson PowerLite 750c projector. Take care not to bang the actual lamp or it may break. Learn how to do a proper clean up if the lamp breaks or explodes.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP32 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps and be good to the environment.
Epson_PowerLite 760c_Epson_ELPLP31_projector_lamp_replace_air_filter

  • Gently place the new Epson ELPLP32 lamp into the Epson PowerLite 750c making sure not to touch the actual bulb. The oil on your fingers will leave a burn mark on the lamp once it heats up and this can cause black out spots on the screen.
  • Tighten the screws on the new Epson ELPLP32 lamp.
  • Slide the air filter out and remove it immediately. Slide in the new filter that came with the Epson ELPLP32 lamp. Replace the lamp cover.
  • You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Reset the lamp timer in the Epson PowerLite 750c

Your Epson PowerLite 750c has a built-in timer to track the life of the Epson ELPLP32 projector lamp. So, it’s very important that you reset the lamp timer every time you replace the Epson ELPLP32 projector lamp. Here’s how:

Epson_PowerLite 750c_Epson_ELPLP31_projector_lamp_reset_lamp_timer


  • Press the MENU button on either the remote control on the projector’s control panel.
  • Scroll down to the RESET option.
  • Press Enter. The RESET ALL screen will appear.
  • Scroll down to LAMP-HOURS RESET.
  • Press ENTER to open up the confirmation screen


Epson_PowerLite 750c_Epson_ELPLP31_projector_lamp_reset_lamp_confirmation_screen


  • Highlight YES.
  • Press ENTER.
  • Press ESC or MENU to exit this option.


Congratulations! You’ve just installed at new Epson ELPLP32 projector lamp in your Epson PowerLite 750c. Here are some tips to extend the life of your Epson ELPLP32 lamp:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson Powerlite 750c projector projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life


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Epson_PowerLite 835P_Epson_ELPLP31_lampFollow this 3-step guide to replace the Epson PowerLite 835 projector lamp

Be sure to buy an authentic Epson PowerLite 835 projector lamp from a recognized dealer.

How many hours are left?

Your Epson ELPLP31 lamp will last between 2000 to 3000 hours depending on the Brightness Control settings. A high setting will give you much less time (2000 hours or less) than a low brightness setting (3000 hours). Find out how many hours the Epson ELPLP31 lamp has been in use by pressing the MENU button and highlighting the INFO menu

Replacement warnings signs:

Look for these replacement warning signs on your Warning signs for lamp replacement in the Epson PowerLite 835 projector:

  • Dark image.
  • Image that has deteriorated.
  • Color in image that appears off.
  • “Replace the lamp” warning flashing on screen.
  • Lamp light flashing a steady orange.

NOTE: If the Lamp light turns red the Epson ELPLP31 lamp is burnt out and should be replaced immediately.

Buying the right lamp

With their bargain prices and easy availability, generic lamps can be a real temptation. However, generic lamps are not a bargain in the long run due to their inferior workmanship. They can seriously damage the optics in your Epson Powerlite 835 since they have not been calibrated properly. Generic, compatible lamps also don’t last the full 2000 hours. Probably the most alarming aspect of these generic so-called “compatible lamps are the health hazard they pose.

Copy cat manufacturers don’t have the resources to buy the proper materials so they resort to using substitutes such as the carcinogenic Krypton-85, a chemical   linked to cancer. Avoid all these problems PLUS keep the warranty on your Epson Powerlite 835 projector valid.

Don’t get roped into buying from a generic manufacturer. Learn the 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp and look for the seal of approval.

Step 3: Install the Epson PowerLite 835 projector lamp

Before installation follow these important safety tips:

  • Turn power button off wait for light to stop flashing.
  • Unplug the power cord on the Epson PowerLite 835.
  • Allow the Epson PowerLite 835 projector to cool for one hour – it should be cool to the touch. These projectors run a high temperatures so you can burn yourself very badly if the projector has not cooled enough before being opened up.
  • Do not operate the projectors while any of the lamps are removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Epson_PowerLite 835P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp_loosen_cover


The lamp cover is found on top of the Epson PowerLite 835 projector. Loosen the lamp cover screw — you can’t remove it only loosen it.

Epson_PowerLite 835P_Epson_ELPLP31_Remove_lamp_cover

Slide the Epson PowerLite 835 projector lamp cover off.

Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP31 lamp in place.

Resetting the Epson Powerlite 835 Lamp Timer

The Epson PowerLite 835 has a lamp timer that tracks the number of hours left for the Epson ELPLP31 before it reaches end of life. Every time you install a new Epson ELPLP31 lamp you must reset the lamp timer to zero. Don’t use the Epson ELPLP31 lamp beyond its recommended usage as this can damages the Epson PowerLite 835 projector.

Epson_PowerLite 835P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp

  • Press the MENU button on either the remote control or on the projector’s control panel.
  • Scroll down to the RESET option.
  • Press Enter
  • Press ENTER to open the prompt screen

Epson_PowerLite 835P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp_second_reset_screen


  • Press Yes.
  • Lamp hours will be reset to zero.
  • Press MENU to return to the screen.


Make the Epson ELPLP31 last longer

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP31 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson PowerLite 835  projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours.
  • An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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Epson_PowerLite 830P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp

Changing the Epson PowerLite 830p projector lamp is as easy!

Follow our step-by-step guide to replace the Epson PowerLite 830p projector lamp.

Step 1: Lamp Usage

Press the MENU button and highlight INFO menu to see the lamp usage hours. When the Brightness Contol is set to High, the Epson ELPLP31 lamp will last up to 2000 hours. Lower the Brightness Control to low and the Epson ELPLP31 lamp will last up to 3000 hours.

Replacement warnings signs:

Warning signs for lamp replacement on the Epson Powerlite 830p projector:

  • Dark image
  • Image that has deteriorated
  • “Replace the lamp” warning appears on screen.
  • Lamp light flashes orange
  • NOTE: If the Lamp light turns red the Epson PowerLite 830p projector lamp is burnt out and should be replace immediately.

Step 2: Find the right lamp

Look for the seal of approval before purchasing your Epson PowerLite 830p projector lamp.

It’s critical to install a genuine Epson PowerLite 830p projector lamp rather than a compatible generic lamps. Counterfeit lamps look appealing because of their low cost but this should be your first indication that the lamp you are about to purchase is counterfeit. These lamps present a lot of problems and are simply not worth buying in the long run.

Reasons to avoid generic lamps

Read more about the 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Step 3: Install the Epson ELPLP31

Before installation follow these important safety tips:

  • Turn power button off wait for light to stop flashing.
  • Unplug the power cord on the Epson PowerLite 830p.
  • Allow the Epson PowerLite 830p projector to cool for one hour – it should be cool to the touch. These projectors run at high temperatures so you can burn yourself very badly if the projector has not cooled enough before being opened up.
  • Do not operate the projectors while any of the lamps are removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Epson_PowerLite 830P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp_remove_lamp_cover_screw

The lamp cover is found on top of the Epson PowerLite 830p projector. Loosen the lamp cover screw — you can’t remove it only loosen it.

Epson_PowerLite 830P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp_remove_coverSlide the Epson PowerLite 830p projector lamp cover off.

Epson_PowerLite 830P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp_loosen_lamp_screws





Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP31 lamp in place.


Epson_PowerLite 830P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp_remove_lampGrab the Epson ELPLP31 by the side indents and gently pull the lamp out. Take care not to bang the bulb as this may cause it to shatter. Learn what to do should when the lamp breaks inside the projector.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP31 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!
Epson_PowerLite 830P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp_remove_coverGently insert the new Epson ELPLP31 lamp into the Epson PowerLite 830p projector.

Tighten the screws on the Epson ELPLP31 lamp. Be sure not to tighten too much or the lamp may not work.

Replace the lamp cover and tighten the screw on the Epson ELPLP31 projector lamp cover.

You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Reseting the Epson Powerlite 830p Lamp Timer

The Epson PowerLite 830p has a lamp timer that tracks the number of hours left for the Epson ELPLP31 before it reaches end of life. Every time you install a new Epson ELPLP31 lamp you must reset the lamp timer to zero. Don’t use the Epson ELPLP31 lamp beyond its recommended usage as this can damages the Epson PowerLite 830p projector.


Epson_PowerLite 830P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp_reset_lamp_timer

  • Press the MENU button on either the remote control or on the projector’s control panel.
  • Scroll down to the RESET option.
  • Press Enter
  • Press ENTER to open the prompt screen

Epson_PowerLite 830P_Epson_ELPLP31_lamp

  • Press Yes.
  • Lamp hours will be reset to zero.
  • Press MENU to return to the screen.

Make the Epson ELPLP31 last longer

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP31 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson PowerLite 830p  projector projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours.
  • An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life
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Epson_EMP7800P_projector_Epson_ELPLP22_lampUse this guide to replace the  Epson PowerLite 7800 projector lamp

If the image on your projector has dimmed or starting to deteriorate it’s time to replace the  Epson PowerLite 7800 projector lamp. Follow our guide to a new  Epson PowerLite 7800 projector lamp.

Be sure to buy an authentic lamp from a recognized dealer.

You can expect between 2000 to 3000 hours of lamp life before you must install a replacement. Set the brightness to low to get the maximum hours and be sure to keep your filters cleaned.

The importance of buying authentic

There are many copy cat manufacturers selling knock-off  Epson PowerLite 7800 projector lamps. Despite their bargain prices, these generic lamps end up costing you more because of their many problems:

Don’t be fooled by the generic manufacturers. Learn the 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp and look for the seal of approval.

End of life warning signs

Warning signs that the  Epson PowerLite 7800 projector lamp is reaching end of life include:

  • image gets darker or starting to deteriorates.
  • colours look off.
  • LAMP REPLACE messages appears on screen.
  • warning light flashing orange. When the lamp light is flashing RED, the  Epson PowerLite 7800 projector lamp is burnt out and must be replaced immediately.

Replacing the Epson  Epson PowerLite 7800 projector lamp

You’ll need to purchase at Epson ELPLP22 lamp. Follow these important steps before installing a new projector lamp:

  • Turn off the projector power and wait for the power light to stop flashing before unplugging the power cord.
  • Wait until the Epson PowerLite 7800 is cool to the touch (about 60 minutes). These projectors operate under extremely high temperatures so be patient and wait until the projector is cool or you run the risk of burning yourself.

NOTE: Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Epson_PowerLite 7800_Epson_ELPLP_22


The Epson ELPLP22 lamp comes with a replacement air filter so you should change the filter at the same time. To change filters: turn the Epson PowerLite 7800 projector over and remove the air filters at the side and bottom of the projector. Replace the new filters — they should pop into place smoothly.

Epson_PowerLite 7800_Epson_ELPLP_22

Insert the screwdriver supplied with the new Epson ELPLP22 lamp or use a flat-tipped screwdriver. Place the tip of the screwdriver into the space beside the air vent on the Epson PowerLite 7800 projector and gently slide the lamp cover to align the arrow on the cover with the arrow on the projector.

Epson_PowerLite 7800_loosen_screws_Epson_ELPLP_22


Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP22 lamp in place (they will not come all the way out). Lift up the wire handle on the Epson ELPLP22 lamp and use it to pull the lamp straight out of the projector.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP22 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!

Epson_PowerLite 7800_Epson_ELPLP_22Gently insert the new Epson ELPLP22 lamp. Avoid touching the actual bulb as the oil from your fingers will leave marks that will show up on screen. Also avoid knocking bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

Tighten the screws and replace the lamp cover. NOTE: The projector will not turn on if the lamp cover is loose. You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson PowerLite 7800 lamp timer

The lamp timer in the Epson PowerLite 7800 tracks the life of the Epson ELPLP22 lamp and triggers the lamp warning messages. Always reset the lamp timer whenever you replace the Epson ELPLP22 lamp timer.

Epson_PowerLite 7800_reset_lamp_timer_Epson_ELPLP_22

  • Plug the projector in and turn it on.
  • Press the MENU button on the remote or on the projector’s control panel to display the Main menu,
  • Use the pointer buttons on the remote or the arrow buttons on the Epson PowerLite 7800p to scroll down to the ABOUT menu. Press ENTER to display the ABOUT screen information.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP TIMER option.
  • Press ENTER to open the second prompt screen.

Epson_PowerLite 7800_reset_lamp_timer_screen2_Epson_ELPLP_22

Select YES and press ENTER.

  • The lamp hours will be reset to zero.
  • NOTE: Lamp usage appears as 0H until you’ve used at least 10 hours of lamp life
  • Press ESC or MENU to exit this screen.

How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP22 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP22 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson PowerLite 7800 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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Change the Epson PowerLite 7950 projector lamp in three easy steps.

Be sure to invest in an authentic Epson PowerLite 7950 projector lamp before beginning the replacement process.

Step 1: Finding the right lamp

Epson_PowerLite 7950_Epson_ELPLP_22

You can expect between 1900 to 2900 hours of Epson PowerLite 7950 projector lamp before you must to replace the lamp.

You’ll want to install an authentic lamp and avoid generic lamps.

Authentic lamps may look like a real bargain because they are generally cheaper that authentic lamps. Buyer beware! You get want you pay for and with generic “compatible” lamps that usually means a host of problems that can leave you with a damaged Epson PowerLite 7950 projector.

6 reasons to avoid generic lamps:

Don’t be fooled by the generic manufacturers: Learn the 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Step 2: Know when to replacement

Epson_PowerLite 7950_Epson_ELPLP_22_replace_lamp_warningWhen the Epson PowerLite 7950 projector lamp is reaching end of life look for the following warning signs:

  • The images gets darker or starts to deteriorates.
  • Colours on screen look off.
  • the message: LAMP REPLACE appears on screen.
  • The warning light begins flashing orange.


Step 3: Replacing the Epson ELPLP22 lamp

Before installing the new lamp:

  • Turn the projector power off and wait for the 20-second cool-down before disconnecting the power cable.
  • Wait at least 60 minutes for the Epson PowerLite 7950 projector to cool. These projectors operate under extremely high temperatures so be patient and wait until the projector is cool or you can be badly burned!
  • CAUTION: If your projector is mounted on the ceiling, don’t standing directly underneath in case there is any broken glass from the lamp. Stand to the side of the projector and not underneath it.

NOTE: Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Epson_PowerLite 7950_Epson_ELPLP_22_remove_cover

Insert the screwdriver into the hollow between the Epson PowerLite 7950 projector and lamp cover. Turn the screwdriver to release the lock. Slide the screwdriver in until the arrow mark on the lamp and arrow on the projector are aligned. Lift up the lamp cover to remove it.




Epson_PowerLite 7950_Epson_ELPLP_22_loosen_screws


Insert the screwdriver supplied with the new Epson ELPLP22 lamp or use a flat-tipped screwdriver and loosen the two screws holding the lamp in place.



Epson_PowerLite 7950_Epson_ELPLP_22_remove_lamp

Lift up the wire handle on the Epson ELPLP22 lamp and use it to pull the lamp straight out of the projector.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP22 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!




Epson_PowerLite 7950_Epson_ELPLP_22_install_new_lamp

Hold the new lamp so it faces the correct way. Insert the Epson ELPLP22 lamp until it clicks into place and then tighten the two screws holding the lamp in place. Avoid touching the actual bulb as the oil from your fingers will leave marks that will show up on screen. Also avoid knocking bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

Tighten the two screws on the Epson ELPLP22 lamp.

Epson_PowerLite 7950_Epson_ELPLP_22_replace_cover


Slide the Epson PowerLite 7950 lamp cover back on until it clicks into place. You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

 Resetting the Epson PowerLite 7950 lamp timer

The Epson PowerLite 7950 projector has a built-in timer tracking the number of hours the Epson ELPLP22 lamp has been used. When it hits close to 1900 hours, the lamp timer will trigger the replacement lamp message as well as the warning light. In order for the lamp timer to properly do its job, it need to be reset whenever a new lamp is installed. Failure to reset the Epson ELPLP22 lamp timer can result in the lamp being used beyond it’s recommended life and damaging the projector.

Epson_PowerLite 7950_Epson_ELPLP_22_reset_lamp_timer

  • Plug the projector in and turn it on.
  • Press the MENU button on the remote or the Auto/Enter on the Epson PowerLite 7950 projector’s control panel .
  • Scroll down to the ABOUT menu. Press ENTER. The number of hours will be displayed as 0H until 10 hours of lamp use is reached.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP TIMER. Press ENTER.



  • A second prompt screen will appear.
  • Select YES and press ENTER.
  • The lamp hours will be reset to zero.
  • Press MENU to exit this screen.

How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP22 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP22 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson PowerLite 7950 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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Epson_V11H120020_Epson_ELPLP_22When it’s time to replace the Epson V11H120020 projector lamp, use this guide for a quick and easy installation.

Be sure to buy an authentic Epson V11H120020 projector lamp from a recognized dealer.

Go with authentic

It can be overwhelming trying to find the best dealer for your Epson V11H120020 projector. Start by looking for the seal of approval as youre guide to buying an authentic. Epson ELPLP22 lamp.

Why do you want to avoid generic lamps? Their inferior workmanship means generic lamps also can’t be calibrated properly so can seriously damage the sensitive (and expensive) optics in your Epson V11H120020. Generics also don’t last the full 2000 hours and pose a health hazard due to the toxic materials.

Avoid all these problems and keep the warranty on your Epson V11H120020 projector valid (using generic automatically voids your warranty). Don’t be fooled by the generic manufacturers. Learn the 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp and

Warning signs

You can expect between 2000 to 3000 hours of lamp life before you must install a replacement. Set the brightness to low to get the maximum hours and be sure to keep your filters cleaned. Warning signs that the Epson ELPLP22 lamp is reaching end of life include:

  • image getting darker or starting to deteriorates.
  • colours look off.
  • LAMP REPLACE messages appears on screen.
  • warning light flashing orange. When the lamp light is flashing RED, the Epson ELPLP22 lamp is burnt out and must be replaced immediately.

Replacing the Epson V11H120020 projector lamp

Follow these important steps before installing a new Epson V11H120020 projector lamp. You’ll need a Epson ELPLP22 lamp:

  • Turn off the projector power.
  • When the power light stops flashing unplug the power cord.
  • Wait at least 60 minutes for the Epson V11H120020 projector to cool internally before opening it up. It should be cool to the touch. These projectors operate under extremely high temperatures so be patient and wait until the projector is cool or you run the risk of burning yourself.

NOTE: Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Epson_V11H120020L_Epson_ELPLP_22_replace _air_filter


The Epson ELPLP22 lamp comes with a replacement air filter. To change filters: turn the Epson V11H120020 projector over and remove the air filters at the side and bottom of the projector. Slide the new filters in until they click into place.



Insert the screwdriver supplied with the new Epson ELPLP22 lamp or use a flat-tipped screwdriver. Place the tip of the screwdriver into the space beside the air vent on the Epson V11H120020. Gently slide the lamp cover to align the arrow on the cover with the arrow on the projector.

Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP22 lamp in place (they will not come all the way out). NOTE: The Epson ELPLP22 lamp contains mercury and should be recycled rather than being thrown into regular garbage. Recycle these lamps correctly.

Lift up the wire handle on the Epson ELPLP22 lamp and it up straight out of the projector. Gently insert the new Epson ELPLP22 lamp while keeping your hands off the bulb. Fingerprints can leave marks on the screen. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

Tighten the screws and replace the lamp cover. NOTE: The projector will not turn on if the lamp cover is loose.

You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson V11H120020 lamp timer

The lamp timer will track the life of the Epson ELPLP22 lamp and triggers the warning messages. It’s critical to reset the lamp timer whenever you replace the lamp in the Epson V11H120020 projector.



  • Plug the projector in and turn it on.
  • Press the MENU button on the remote or on the projector’s control panel to display the Main menu,
  • Use the pointer buttons on the remote or the arrow buttons on the Epson V11H120020 to scroll down to the ABOUT menu. Press ENTER to display the ABOUT screen information.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP TIMER option.
  • Press ENTER to open the second prompt screen.


Select YES and press ENTER.

  • The lamp hours will be reset to zero.
  • NOTE: Lamp usage appears as 0H until you’ve used at least 10 hours of lamp life
  • Press ESC or MENU to exit this screen.

How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP22 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP22 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson V11H120020 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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Epson_V11H170920_Epson_ELPLP_22Follow our step-by-step installation guide for a new Epson V11H170920 projector lamp.

You can expect between 1900 to 2900 hours of lamp life with Epson V11H170920 projector lamp before you need to replace it.

Step 1: Buying the correct lamp

When it’s time to replace the Epson V11H170920 projector lamp be sure to purchase an authentic lamp. Avoid generic lamps.

Generic lamps may look like a real bargain because they are generally cheaper that authentic lamps. Buyer beware! You get want you pay for and with generic “compatible” lamps that usually means a host of problems that can leave you with a damaged Epson V11H170920 projector.

6 reasons to avoid generic lamps:

Look for the seal of approval and don’t be fooled into buying a generic lamp. Learn how to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Step 2: Know when to replacement the Epson ELPLP22

Epson_V11H170920_Epson_ELPLP_22_warning_lightsWhen the Epson V11H170920 projector lamp is reaching end of life look for the following warning signs:

  • The images gets darker or starts to deteriorates.
  • Colours on screen look off.
  • the message: LAMP REPLACE appears on screen.
  • The warning light begins flashing orange ours.

Step 3: Replacing the Epson V11H170920 projector lamp

Before installing the new lamp:

  • Turn the projector power off.
  • Wait for a 20-second cool-down.
  • Disconnect the power cable.
  • Give the Epson EMP V11H170920 at least 60 minutes to cool. These projectors operate under extremely high temperatures so be patient and wait until the projector is cool or you can be badly burned!
  • CAUTION: If your projector is mounted on the ceiling, don’t standing directly underneath in case there is any broken glass from the lamp. Stand to the side of the projector and not underneath it.

NOTE: Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.


You’ll need to purchase the Epson ELPLP22 lamp model.

Insert the screwdriver into the hollow between the Epson V11H170920 projector and lamp cover. Turn the screwdriver to release the lock. Slide the screwdriver in until the arrow mark on the lamp and arrow on the projector are aligned. Lift up the lamp cover to remove it.






Insert the screwdriver supplied with the new Epson ELPLP22 lamp or use a flat-tipped screwdriver and loosen the two screws holding the lamp in place.







Lift up the wire handle on the Epson ELPLP22 lamp and use it to pull the lamp straight out of the projector. NOTE: The Epson ELPLP22 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!








Hold the new lamp so it faces the correct way. Insert the Epson ELPLP22 lamp until it clicks into place and then tighten the two screws holding the lamp in place. Avoid touching the actual bulb as the oil from your fingers will leave marks that will show up on screen. Also avoid knocking bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

Tighten the two screws on the Epson ELPLP22 lamp.



Slide the Epson V11H170920 lamp cover back on until it clicks into place. You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.


Resetting the Epson V11H170920 lamp timer

You must reset the lamp timer in the Epson V11H170920 projector every time a new lamp has been installed. The projector has a built-in timer tracking the number of hours the Epson ELPLP22 lamp has been used. When it hits close to 1900 hours, the lamp timer will trigger the replacement lamp message as well as the warning light. In order for the lamp timer to properly do its job, it need to be reset whenever a new lamp is installed. Failure to reset the Epson ELPLP22 lamp timer can result in the lamp being used beyond it’s recommended life and damaging the projector.


  • Epson_V11H170920_Epson_ELPLP_22_reset_lamp_timerPlug the projector in and turn it on.
  • Press the MENU button on the remote or the Auto/Enter on the Epson V11H170920 projector’s control panel .
  • Scroll down to the ABOUT menu. Press ENTER. The number of hours will be displayed as 0H until 10 hours of lamp use is reached.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP TIMER. Press ENTER.





  • A second prompt screen will appear.
  • Select YES and press ENTER.
  • The lamp hours will be reset to zero.
  • Press MENU to exit this screen.


How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP22 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP22 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson Epson V11H170920 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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Epson_Powerlite_7800p_Epson_ELPLP_22Follow this quick 3-step guide for replacing the Epson PowerLite 7800p projector lamp

You’ll need an Epson PowerLite 7800p projector lamp from a recognized dealer before proceeding. Be sure to buy model Epson ELPLP22.

Step 1: Knowing when to replace

Watch for the warning signs that Epson PowerLite 7800p projector lamp is reaching end of life. They include:

  • image gets darker or starting to deteriorates.
  • colours look off.
  • LAMP REPLACE messages appears on screen.
  • warning light flashing orange. When the lamp light is flashing RED, the Epson ELPLP22 lamp is burnt out and must be replaced immediately.

You can expect between 2000 to 3000 hours of lamp life before you must install a replacement. Set the brightness to low to get the maximum hours and be sure to keep your filters cleaned.

Step 2: Buying the correct Epson PowerLite 7800p projector lamp

There are many copy cat manufacturers selling counterfeit Epson PowerLite 7800p projector lamp. Despite their bargain prices, these generic lamps end up costing you more because of their many problems:

Don’t be fooled by the generic manufacturers. Learn the 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp and look for the seal of approval.

Step 3: Replacing the Epson ELPLP22 lamp

Follow these important steps before installing a new Epson PowerLite 7800p projector lamp Epson ELPLP22 lamp in the Epson PowerLite 7800p projector:

  • Turn off the projector power and wait for the power light to stop flashing before unplugging the power cord.
  • Wait until the Epson PowerLite 7800p is cool to the touch (about 60 minutes). These projectors operate under extremely high temperatures so be patient and wait until the projector is cool or you run the risk of burning yourself.

NOTE: Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.


The Epson ELPLP22 lamp comes with a replacement air filter so you should change the filter at the same time. To change filters: turn the Epson PowerLite 7800p projector over and remove the air filters at the side and bottom of the projector. Replace the new filters — they should pop into place smoothly.




Insert the screwdriver supplied with the new Epson ELPLP22 lamp or use a flat-tipped screwdriver. Place the tip of the screwdriver into the space beside the air vent on the Epson PowerLite 7800p projector and gently slide the lamp cover to align the arrow on the cover with the arrow on the projector.





Loosen the two screws holding the Epson ELPLP22 lamp in place (they will not come all the way out). Lift up the wire handle on the Epson ELPLP22 lamp and use it to pull the lamp straight out of the projector. NOTE: The Epson ELPLP22 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamp!




Gently insert the new Epson ELPLP22 lamp. Avoid touching the actual bulb as the oil from your fingers will leave marks that will show up on screen. Also avoid knocking bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

Tighten the screws and replace the lamp cover. NOTE: The projector will not turn on if the lamp cover is loose. You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson PowerLite 7800p lamp timer

The lamp timer in the Epson PowerLite 7800p tracks the life of the Epson ELPLP22 lamp and triggers the lamp warning messages. Always reset the lamp timer whenever you replace the Epson ELPLP22 lamp timer.


  • Plug the projector in and turn it on.
  • Press the MENU button on the remote or on the projector’s control panel to display the Main menu,
  • Use the pointer buttons on the remote or the arrow buttons on the Epson PowerLite 7800p to scroll down to the ABOUT menu. Press ENTER to display the ABOUT screen information.
  • Scroll down to RESET LAMP TIMER option.
  • Press ENTER to open the second prompt screen.


Select YES and press ENTER.

  • The lamp hours will be reset to zero.
  • NOTE: Lamp usage appears as 0H until you’ve used at least 10 hours of lamp life
  • Press ESC or MENU to exit this screen.


How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP22 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP22 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson PowerLite 7800p projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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V_LED_TV_T-Con_replacement RUNTK5261TPZH

Problems on your Vizio E701i-A3 LED TV screen?

Those scrambled pixels, faded colour and black screen on your Vizio E701i-A3 LED TV may be caused by a faulty T-Con board.

The problem is a 8 pin eprom chip failure on the lower right side of the RUNTK5261TPZH timing control board (T-Con) that interrupts the video signal to the Main board.

This T-Con board failure is happening at 500 hours of usage and according to VIZIO affects those E701i-A3 TVs with serial numbers from LFTRNXAN4500001 to LFTRNXAN4702936.

If your VIZIO E701i-A3 is older than a year, your warranty will not cover the replacement costs for a new T-Con board. Fortunately the replacement RUNTK5261TPZH T-Con board is available for sale online for under $150.

Replace the Vizio E701i-A3 LED TV board

Equipment needed:

  • Antistatic plastic gloves or antistatic bracelet
  • Pad/ towel
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Electric Flat head and Philips screwdriver
  • Cup for screws

Step-by-step instructions

Vizio E701i-A3-70C8470U_LED_TV_RUNTK5261TPZH_T-Con_Board

  • Put on the rubber gloves bef
  • Turn the VIZIO E701i-A3 television off. Unplug the power cord.
  • Remove the TV from the wall, if mounted.
  • Lay the VIZIO E701i-A3 TV on a flat, padded surface.
  • Remove the TV stand by loosening the screws at the base. Both the stand and post must be removed in order to remove the back panel.
  • Go to the back of the panel.
  • Remove all the screws holding the back panel in place. Put the screws to one side.
  • Remove the back panel from the E701iA3.
  • The RUNTK5261TPZH T-Con board is located in the middle top of the back panel, usually under an aluminum cover held in place by four corner screws. It may also be held in place with foil tape at the top. It’s connected to the Main board through a black LVDS cable and flat ribbon cables.
  • Remove the ribbon cable first. Flip up the black tabs on the connector. Gently pull the cable out taking care not the scratch the ribbon section. Never use any sharp objects to open the black tabs as this can damage the pins making the connection faulty.
  • To remove the LVDS cable, squeeze the small tab on side. Don’t force anything apart or pull anything too hard as this can damage the connections and cause more problems.
  • Loosen the screws holding the RUNTK5261TPZH T-Con board in place. Place it to one side. This board is considered e-waste and should be sent to a recycling facility. Do not place into regular garbage.
  • NOTE: Be sure to put on your rubber gloves before touching the new T-Con board. Hold the RUNTK5261TPZH T-Con board by the edge and avoid touching any of the components since they are very sensitive to electrostatic charges.
  • Verify the manufacturers number for your board. (It will be found under the bar code.) Place the new board onto the back panel.
  • To re-install the ribbon cable: Match the line on the ribbon cable with the edge of the connector making sure the ribbon is straight. Press down on the tab to lock it into place.
  • Re-connect the LVDS cable by putting the connector end into the RUNTK5261TPZH T-Con board until it clicks into place.
  • Tighten the screws on the board. Replace any foil tape.
  • Replace the RUNTK5261TPZH T-Con cover. Tighten the screws.
  • Place the back cover back onto the VIZIO E701i-A3 TV and tighten all the screws.
  • Re-install the stand and post. Remount the VIZIO E701i-A3 TV.


Alternative part numbers

The RUNTK5261TPZH T-Con board is also sold under the following numbers:


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Use this troubleshooting guide for the Vizio E601i-A3 LED TV

There is nothing more disappointing than settling down to watch a favorite show and discover your TV is not working. That black screen on your Vizio E601i-A3 LED TV may be caused by a faulty T-Con board.

Some of the VIZIO’s E601i-A3 LED TVs are experiencing blackouts after being turned on. The problem is a 8 pin eprom chip failure on the lower right side of the RUNTK5261TPZC timing control board (T-Con) that interrupts the video signal to the Main board.

This T-Con board failure is happening at 500 hours of usage and according to VIZIO affects those E601i-A3 TVs with serial numbers in the ranges of LFTRNWAN3800001 to LFTRNWAN4805300.

If your VIZIO E601i-A3 is older than a year, your warranty will not cover the replacement costs for a new T-Con board. Fortunately the replacement RUNTK5261TPZC T-Con board is available for sale online for under $150.

Replace the Vizio E601i-A3 LED TV T-Con board

Equipment needed:

  • Antistatic plastic gloves or antistatic bracelet
  • Pad/ towel
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Electric Flat head and Philips screwdriver
  • Cup for screws

Step-by-step instructions


  • Turn the VIZIO’s E601i-A3 television off. Unplug the power cord.
  • Remove the TV from the wall, if mounted.
  • Lay the VIZIO’s E601i-A3 TV on a flat, padded surface.
  • Remove the TV stand by loosening the screws at the base. Both the stand and post must be removed in order to remove the back panel.
  • Go to the back of the panel.
  • Remove all the screws holding the back panel in place. Put the screws to one side.
  • Remove the back panel.
  • The RUNTK5261TPZC T-Con board is located in the middle top of the back panel, usually under an aluminum cover held in place by four corner screws. It may also be held in place with foil tape at the top. It’s connected to the Main board through a black LVDS cable and flat ribbon cables.
  • Remove the ribbon cable first. Flip up the black tabs on the connector. Gently pull the cable out taking care not the scratch the ribbon section. Never use any sharp objects to open the black tabs as this can damage the pins making the connection faulty.
  • To remove the LVDS cable, squeeze the small tab on side. Don’t force anything apart or pull anything too hard as this can damage the connections and cause more problems.
  • Loosen the screws holding the RUNTK5261TPZC T-Con board in place. Place it to one side. This board is considered e-waste and should be sent to a recycling facility. Do not place into regular garbage.
  • NOTE: Be sure to put on your rubber gloves before touching the new T-Con board. Hold the RUNTK5261TPZC T-Con board by the edge and avoid touching any of the components since they are very sensitive to electrostatic charges.
  • Verify the manufacturers number for your board. (It will be found under the bar code.) Place the new board onto the back panel.
  • To re-install the ribbon cable: Match the line on the ribbon cable with the edge of the connector making sure the ribbon is straight. Press down on the tab to lock it into place.
  • Re-connect the LVDS cable by putting the connector end into the RUNTK5261TPZC T-Con board until it clicks into place.
  • Tighten the screws on the board. Replace any foil tape.
  • Replace the RUNTK5261TPZC T-Con cover. Tighten the screws.
  • Place the back cover back onto the VIZIO’s E601i-A3 TV and tighten all the screws.
  • Re-install the stand and post. Remount the VIZIO’s E601i-A3 TV.

Alternative part numbers for the Vizio E601i-A3 LED TV

The RUNTK5261TPZC T-Con board is also sold under the following numbers:

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