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Epson_EMP811P_projector_Epson_ELPLP15_lampFor a quick and easy replacement of the Epson EMP-811P projector lamp

Follow this step-by-step guide to replace the Epson EMP-811P projector lamp.

Lamp Life & Warning Signs

The Epson ELPLP15 has an expected life of 1500 hours. Keep an extra lamp on hand since lamp life will vary. Heavy use of the Epson EMP-811P projector will reduce the expected hours.

Watch for the warning signs:Epson_EMP811P_warning_light_Epson_ELPLP15_lamp

  • The lamp indicator flashes orange/red.
  • The message “Lamp Replace” appears on the screen for 30 seconds when the projection starts.
  • The user’s logo disappears on screen and the lamp replacement message appears instead.
  • The images gets darker or starts to deteriorate
  • Have an extra lamp on hand since some lamps may stop before 1500 hours.

Go with authentic

Buyer Beware of generic lamps bought over the Internet. Before purchasing your Epson ELPLP15 lamp look for the OEM seal of approval. 

This seal guarantees that the lamp you are about to buy has been been manufactured to meet the specifications of the Epson EMP-811P projector and will keep it working under optimum conditions.

Generic lamps, advertised as “compatible” are created with toxic, carcinogenic materials and despite their bargain prices, actually cost more in the long run because they have a shorter life. Generics can also can damage the sensitive and expensive mechanisms in your Epson EMP-811P projector projector.

Avoid having your warranty become void and other hassles by only buying authentic Epson ELPLP15 lamps. Don’t be fooled — learn how to otect yourself from counterfeit manufacturers.

How to install the new Epson ELPLP15 lamp

Before installing the lamp get the Epson EMP811P projector ready:

  • Turn off the projector power.
  • Give two-minutes for a cool-down period and then disconnect the power cord.
  • Wait at least 30 minutes to one hour for the Epson EMP-811P projector to cool internally before opening it up. It should be cool to the touch.
  • NOTE: Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

To install:

Using the screwdriver provided, place it into the slot on the cover and lift up the Epson EMP-811P lamp cover. Slide the lamp cover tforward and remove it from the Epson EMP-811P projector.


Using the same screwdriver, loosen the screws holding the Epson ELPLP15 lamp in place.




Grabbing the two indents on the sides of the Epson ELPLP15 lamp, pull straight up. Take care not knock the actual bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP15 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!


Epson_EMP_811P_tighten_screws_Epson_ELPLP15_lampHold the lamp so it faces the correct way and insert the Epson ELPLP15 lamp until it clicks into place. Tighten the screws. Be sure not to touch the actual glass bulb as the oil from your fingers will cause a black spot to appear when the lamp heats up.



Insert the cover tabs into the Epson EMP-811P projector. Press the other side of the cover until it clicks into place. You are ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson EMP-600P lamp timer

The lamp timer will need to be reset after replacing the Epson ELPLP15. Only reset the Epson EMP-811P lamp timer when a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp has been installed, otherwise the projector will NOT know when it’s time to replace the lamp. You run the risk of damaging your projector.


  • Press the MENU button on either projector’s control panel or on the remote control.
  • The MAIN MENU will be shown.
  • Using the arrow keys scroll to Reset Lamp Timer from the ABOUT menu.
  • Press the ENTER key.


  • A second prompt screen will be displayed.
  • Select YES to EXECUTE.
  • Press the ENTER button.
  • The lamp hours will be rest to zero.

Extend the life of the Epson ELPLP15 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP15 with the following tips:

  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the pson EMP-811Pprojector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-811P projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


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Epson_EMP-820_projector_Epson_ELPLP15_lampFollow this D.I.Y. guide for replacing the Epson EMP-820 projector lamp

It’s just three quick and easy steps to replace Epson EMP-820 projector lamp.

Step 1: Watch for warning signs

The Epson ELPLP15 has an expected life of 1400 hours but this may vary depending how much the Epson EMP-820 is used. Keep an extra Epson ELPLP15 on hand to be ready the lamp should any of the warning signs appear.

Watch for the warning signs:


  • The lamp indicator on the projector flashes orange or lights up red.
  • The message “Lamp Replace” appears on the screen for 30 seconds when the projection starts.
  • The user’s logo is replaced by the lamp replacement message appears instead.
  • The colour starts to deteriorate or the image gets dark and dim.

Step 2: Be ready with the correct lamp

Your Epson EMP-820 is equipped with highly sensitive optics. You’ll want to keep them working at their optimum levels and not incur expensive repair bills. Buying genuine Epson ELPLP15 lamps that have been manufactured to meet the needs of the Epson EMP-820 will guarantee a long life for the projector.

Why avoid generic lamps?

Buyer Beware of generic lamps:

Learn how to spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Step 3: Installing a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp

Before installation:


  • Turn off the projector power and give a two-minute cool-down period before disconnecting the power cord.
  • Give the Epson EMP-820 projector enough time to cool down — wait at least 30 minutes to one hour. These projector operates under high heat. Be sure it’s cool the the touch before opening it up.
  • Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Place the screwdriver provided  into the slot on the lamp cover. Lift it up and slide off the lamps cover on the Epson EMP-820 lamp cover until the hinges release. Place the cover to one side. Loosen the two screw holding the Epson ELPLP15 lamp in place.


Grab lamp by it side and pull straight up from the projector. Take care not knock the actual bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP15 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!


Hold the lamp so it faces the correct way and insert the Epson ELPLP15 lamp until it clicks into place. Don’t touch the actual glass bulb as your fingerprints will leave marks that will gradually cause a black dot on the screen when the projector heats ups. Tighten the screws.




Insert the cover tabs into the Epson EMP-820 projector, making sure they line up properly with the tabs. Press the other side of the cover down until it clicks into place.

Be sure the lamp cover is on properly or the projector will not turn on.

You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson EMP-820 lamp timer

After installing a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp, the lamp timer will need to be reset in order for the Epson EMP-820 to properly track the lamp life. You run the risk of damaging your projector should the lamp be used beyond the recommended 1900 hours, so only reset the lamp hours when a new lamp has been installed.


  • Press the MENU button on either projector’s control panel or on the remote control.
  • The MAIN MENU will be shown.
  • Using the arrow keys scroll to Reset Lamp Timer from the ABOUT menu.
  • Press the ENTER key.



A second prompt screen will be displayed.
Select YES to EXECUTE.
Press the ENTER button.
The lamp hours will be rest to zero.

Extend the life of the Epson ELPLP15 lamp

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP15 with the following tips:

  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-820 and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.



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Epson_EMP-811_projector_Epson_ELPLP15_lampFollow this quick step guide to replacing your Epson EMP-811 projector lamp in three easy steps.

Know when the Epson EMP-811 projector lamp needs to be replaced. The Epson EMP-811 projector uses the Epson ELPLP15 projector lamp.

Step 1: Be prepared

Your projector won’t work without a working lamp so it’s important to know when to replace the Epson EMP-811 projector lamp. Protect your projector  by installing an original OEM lamp and by avoiding any generic or “compatible” lamps. Only genuine Epson ELPLP15 lamps have been manufactured to meet the specifications of the Epson EMP-811 projector.

Despite their bargain prices, knock-off lamps have a shorter life and can damage the sensitive mechanisms in your Epson EMP-811 projector projector. They are also prone to explosions and actually have a much shorter working life that authentic lamps due to the inferior materials used during their production. Even more troubling are the toxic, carcinogenic materials used to create these copycat lamps. you are being exposed to after installing one of these generic lamps.

Avoid hassles and buy authentic. Learn 7 Ways to spot a counterfeit lamp.

Step 2: Know when to replace

The Epson ELPLP15 has an expected life of 1400 hours. You may have less lamp life left if your Epson EMP-811 projector will reduce the expected hours. Watch for the warning signs:


  • The lamp indicator flashes orange or lights red.
  • The message “Lamp Replace” appears on the screen for 30 seconds when the projection starts.
  • The user’s logo disappears on screen and the lamp replacement message appears instead.
  • The images gets darker or starts to deteriorate
  • Have an extra lamp on hand since some lamps may stop before 1400 hours.

Installing a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp

Before installation:


  • Turn off the projector power. Let it cool for down for two minutes before removing the power cord.
  • Wait another 45 minutes to one hour for the Epson EMP-811 projector to cool internally before opening it up. It should be cool to the touch. This projector operates under high temperatures and you can burn yourself badly if you don’t wait until it has cooled.
  • Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Use the screwdriver provided and place it into the slot so the Epson EMP-811 lamp cover lifts up. Hold the raised section of the lamp cover to slide it forward and remove it from the Epson EMP-811 projector.





Loosen the two screw holding the Epson ELPLP15 lamp in place.






Grab the two indents on the other sides of the lamp and pull from the projector. Take care not knock the actual bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP15 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!




Hold the lamp so it faces the correct way and insert the Epson ELPLP15 lamp until it clicks into place. Tighten the screws.





Insert the cover tabs into the Epson EMP-811 projector. Press the other side of the cover until it clicks into place.

You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson EMP-811 lamp timer

After replacing theEpson ELPLP15 lamp you’ll need to reset the lamp timer in order for the Epson EMP-811 to properly track the lamp life. Only reset the Epson EMP-811 lamp timer when a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp has been installed, otherwise the projector will NOT know when it’s time to replace the lamp.

Epson_EMP-811_reset_options_Epson_ELPLP15_lampTo start press the menu button of either the remote control or on the Epson EMP-811 front panel in order to activate the Main Menu.






  • The MAIN MENU will be shown.
  • Using the arrow keys scroll to Reset Lamp Timer from the ABOUT menu.
  • Press the ENTER key.



A second prompt screen will be displayed.
Select YES to EXECUTE.
Press the ENTER button.
The lamp hours will be rest to zero.

How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP15 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP15 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-811 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.



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Epson-ELPLP_34_projector_lampWhich projectors are compatible with the Epson ELPLP34 lamp

There are approximately 3000 hours in the typical Epson ELPLP34 lamp. Look for the seal of approval when you buy from an authentic manufacturer. Save yourself unnecessary headaches and avoid generic lamps.

When you buy authentic you’ll be getting a far superior product with a replacement guarantee and tech support.

6 reasons to buy authentic and avoid generics

Protect yourself from tricked into purchasing counterfeit “generic-compatible” lamps.

When to replace the Epson ELPLP34 lamp

When it’s approaching end of life there will be some very distinct signs that the Epson needs a new lamp. Watch for the following telltale signs:

  • Dark image
  • Image that has deteriorated
  • “Replace the Lamp” warning message appears on screen
  • Lamp light flashes orange

Compatible projectors with the Epson ELPLP34 lamp

The Epson ELPLP34 lamp can be used with the following projectors:

Epson EMP-62, Epson EMP-82, Epson EMP-X3, Epson PowerLite 62C, Epson PowerLite 76c. Epson PowerLite 82c.

For step-by-step instructions on replacing your Epson ELPLP34 lamp, click on your projector listed below:




Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP34 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-62 projector.








Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP34 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-82 projector.







Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP34 projector lamp for the Epson EMP-X3 projector.








Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP34 projector lamp for the Epson PowerLite 62C projector.









Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP34 projector lamp for the Epson PowerLite 76c projector.



Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP34 projector lamp for the Epson PowerLite 82c projector.

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP34 with the following tips:

  • Blocked air filters can cause your projector to overheat and shorten the lamp life.
  • Turning off the Epson projector for at least one hour per day and limiting use to 5 hours of daily usage will prolong lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted. The projector overheating can shorten the lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.








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Epson_EMP_810P_projectorFollow our step-by-step guide for an easy installation of your Epson EMP-810P projector  lamp

The Epson EMP-810P projector lamp has an expected life of 1400 hours. You should keep an extra lamp on hand since lamp life will vary.

When it’s time to replace the Epson EMP-810P projector, you’ll notice the following warning signs:



  • The lamp indicator flashes orange or lights red.
  • The message “Lamp Replace” appears on the screen for 30 seconds when the projection starts.
  • The user’s logo disappears on screen and the lamp replacement message appears instead.
  • The images gets darker or starts to deteriorate
  • Have an extra lamp on hand since some lamps may stop before 1400 hours.

Keep your projector working

Genuine Epson ELPLP15 lamp are the only lamps that will keep your Epson EMP-810P projector working at its optimum levels. These OEM authentic Epson ELPLP15 lamps have been manufactured to meet the specifications of the Epson EMP-810 projector.

Counterfeit lamps can damage the sensitive and expensive mechanisms in your Epson EMP-810P projector projector and actually have a much shorter lamp life. They are also more prone to explosions due to the inferior materials used during their production.

Look for the seal of approval and buy from an authentic manufacturer. Learn how to protect yourself from counterfeit manufacturers.

Step-by-step: Installing Epson ELPLP15 lamp


Epson_EMP-810P-remove-power-cord_Epson_ELPLP15_lamp1. Turn off the projector power and wait for the cool-down period which is about two minutes. Disconnect the power cord after the two minutes is over.

2. Wait at least 30 minutes to one hour for the Epson EMP-810P projector to cool internally before opening it up. It should be cool to the touch.

NOTE: Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.



Use the screwdriver provided and place it into the slot so the Epson EMP-810P lamp cover lifts up. Hold the raised section of the lamp cover to slide it forward and remove it from the Epson EMP-810P projector.






Loosen the two screw holding the Epson ELPLP15 lamp in place.








Grab the two indents on the other sides of the lamp and pull from the projector. Take care not knock the actual bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP15 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost (another reason to buy authentic lamps).





Hold the lamp so it faces the correct way and insert the Epson ELPLP15 lamp until it clicks into place. Tighten the screws.







Insert the cover tabs into the Epson EMP-810P projector. Press the other side of the cover until it clicks into place.

A spare air filters comes with this lamp and should be replaced at the same. You can also reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson EMP-810P lamp timer

The lamp timer will need to be reset after replacing theEpson ELPLP15. This timer helps the Epson EMP-810P proiector to properly track the lamp life. Only reset the Epson EMP-810 lamp timer when a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp has been installed, otherwise the projector will NOT know when it’s time to replace the lamp. You run the risk of damaging your projector.


  • Press the MENU button on either projector’s control panel or on the remote control.
  • The MAIN MENU will be shown.
  • Using the arrow keys scroll to Reset Lamp Timer from the ABOUT menu.
  • Press the ENTER key.
  • A second prompt screen will be displayed.
  • Select YES to EXECUTE.

Press the ENTER button.
The lamp hours will be rest to zero.

How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP15 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP15 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-810P projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


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Epson_EMP_800P_projectorThis guide shows how to replace the Epson EMP-800P projector lamp

Do these 3 easy steps to replace the Epson EMP-800P projector lamp.

Step 1: Know when to replace

The Epson EMP-800P projector lamp has an expected life of 1400 hours but this may vary depending how much the projector is used. Keep and extra Epson ELPLP15 on hand to be ready the lamp should any of the warning signs appear.

Watch for the warning signs:


  • The lamp indicator on the projector flashes orange or lights up red.
  • The message “Lamp Replace” appears on the screen for 30 seconds when the projection starts.
  • The user’s logo is replaced by the lamp replacement message appears instead.
  • The colour starts to deteriorate or the image gets dark and dim.


Step 2: Be ready with the correct lamp

Your Epson EMP-800P needs to operate using the best possible lamp. This is a sophisticated machine with highly sensitive optics. In order to keep your Epson EMP-800 projector working at its optimal level, you’ll need to  install only genuine Epson ELPLP15 lamps. These  OEM Epson ELPLP15 lamps have been manufactured to meet the needs of the Epson EMP-800P projector.

Why avoid generic lamps?

Knock-off lamps may seem like a bargain due to their low prices but these counterfeit lamps present more problems than solutions. In the long run they end up costing you more. Here are 6 good reason to avoid generics:

Do you know the 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp?

Step 3: Installing a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp

Before installation:


  • Turn off the projector power and wait for the cool-down period which is about two minutes. Disconnect the power cord after the two minutes is over.
  • The Epson EMP-800P operates using high temperatures. Don’t get burned! Wait at least 30 minutes to one hour for projector to cool internally before opening it up. When it’s cool to the touch it’s safe to change the lamp.
  • Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents,Epson_EMP-800P_remove-cover-Epson_ELPLP15_lamp

Use the screwdriver provided and place it into the slot to lift up the Epson EMP-800P lamp cover. Slide the raised section of the cover up and slide it forward to take it off its hinges.



Loosen the two screw holding the Epson ELPLP15 lamp in place.



Grab the two indents on the other sides of the lamp and pull from the projector. Take care not knock the actual bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP15 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!

Hold the lamp so it faces the correct way and insert the Epson ELPLP15 lamp until it clicks into place. Tighten the screws.





Insert the cover tabs into the Epson EMP-800P projector, making sure they line up properly with the tabs. Press the other side of the cover down until it clicks into place.

Be sure the lamp cover is on properly or the projector will not turn on.

You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson EMP-800P lamp timer

After installing a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp, the lamp timer will need to be reset in order for the Epson EMP-800P to properly track the lamp life. You run the risk of damaging your projector should the lamp be used beyond the recommended 1900 hours. Reset s the lamp hours when a new lamp has been installed.

  • Press the MENU button on either projector’s control panel or on the remote control.
  • The MAIN MENU will be shown.
  • Using the arrow keys scroll to Reset Lamp Timer from the ABOUT menu.
  • Press the ENTER key.


  • A second prompt screen will be displayed.
  • Select YES to EXECUTE.
  • Press ENTER.
  • The lamp hours are set to zero.


Extend the life of the Epson ELPLP15 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP15 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-800P and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


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Epson_EMP-600P_projectorEasy replacement of the Epson EMP-600P projector lamp

This guide shows how to replace the Epson EMP-600P projector lamp

Step 1: Knowing when to replace

The Epson ELPLP15 has an expected life of 1500 hours. You should keep an extra lamp on hand since lamp life will vary. Heavy use of the Epson EMP-600P projector will reduce the expected hours. Watch for the warning signs:


  • The lamp indicator flashes orange or lights red.The message “Lamp Replace” appears on the screen for 30 seconds when the projection starts.
  • The user’s logo disappears on screen and the lamp replacement message appears instead.
  • The images gets darker or starts to deteriorate
  • Have an extra lamp on hand since some lamps may stop before 1400 hours.

Step 2:  Finding the correct lamp

Protect your investment and buy genuine Epson ELPLP15 lamps for your Epson EMP-600P projector.  OEM authentic Epson ELPLP15 lamps have been manufactured to meet the specifications of the Epson EMP-600P and will it working the way it was intended to work.

You can find plenty of bargain generic lamps sold over the Internet. But Buyer Beware! These lamps can damage the sensitive and expensive mechanisms in your Epson EMP-600P projector projector.   They are also more prone to explosions due to the inferior materials and have a shorter life.

Even more troubling are the toxic, carcinogenic materials you are exposed to after installing one of these generic lamps. Installing a knock-off lamp will also void the guarantee on your Epson EMP-600P projector leaving you unprotected should anything happen after installation. Avoid hassles and buy authentic. Look for the seal of approval and buy from an authentic manufacturer. Learn how to protect yourself from counterfeit manufacturers.

Step 3:  Installing a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp

Pre-installation preparation:

1. Turn off the projector power and wait for the cool-down period which is about two minutes. Disconnect the power cord after the two minutes is over.

2. Wait at least 30 minutes to one hour for the Epson EMP-600P projector to cool internally before opening it up. It should be cool to the touch.

NOTE: Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

 To install:

Use the screwdriver provided and place it into the slot so the Epson EMP-600P lamp cover lifts up. Hold the raised section of the lamp cover to slide it forward and remove it from the Epson EMP-600P projector.



Loosen the two screw holding the Epson ELPLP15 lamp in place.



Grab the two indents on the sides of the Epson ELPLP15 lamp and pull from the projector. Take care not knock the actual bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.


NOTE: The Epson ELPLP15 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!



Hold the lamp so it faces the correct way and insert the Epson ELPLP15 lamp until it clicks into place. Tighten the screws.



Insert the cover tabs into the Epson EMP-600P projector. Press the other side of the cover until it clicks into place. You are ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson EMP-600P lamp timer

The lamp timer will need to be reset after replacing the Epson ELPLP15. This timer helps the Epson EMP-600P proiector to properly track the lamp life. Only reset the Epson EMP-600P lamp timer when a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp has been installed, otherwise the projector will NOT know when it’s time to replace the lamp. You run the risk of damaging your projector.


  • Press the MENU button on either projector’s control panel or on the remote control.
  • The MAIN MENU will be shown.
  • Using the arrow keys scroll to Reset Lamp Timer from the ABOUT menu.
  • Press the ENTER key. Epson_600P_800P_810P_reset_lamp_timer_ELPLP15
  • A second prompt screen will be displayed.
  • Select YES to EXECUTE.
  • Press the ENTER button.
  • The lamp hours will be rest to zero.

Extend the life of the Epson ELPLP15 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP15 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-600P projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


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Epson_EMP-810_projector_Epson_ELPLP15_lampReplacement guide to Epson EMP-810 projector lamp

Wondering how to replace the lamp in your Epson EMP-810 projector?  Follow this easy step-by-step guide to a new Epson EMP-810 projector lamp

Why buy authentic?

Genuine Epson ELPLP15 lamp are the only lamps that will keep your Epson EMP-810 projector working at its optimum levels.  These OEM authentic Epson ELPLP15 lamps have been manufactured to meet the specifications of the Epson EMP-810 projector while generic lamps have not been properly calibrated.

Counterfeit lamps can damage the sensitive and expensive mechanisms in your Epson EMP-810 projector projector and actually have a much shorter lamp life.  They are also more prone to explosions due to the inferior materials used during their production.

Even more troubling are the toxic, carcinogenic materials you are  exposed to after installing one of these generic lamps. Installing a knock-off lamp will also void the guarantee on your Epson EMP-810 projector leaving you unprotected should anything happen after installation. Avoid hassles and buy authentic. Look for the seal of approval and buy from an authentic manufacturer. Learn how to protect yourself from counterfeit manufacturers.

When to replace the Epson ELPLP15 lamp

The Epson ELPLP15 has an expected life of 1400 hours. You should keep an extra lamp on hand since lamp life will vary. Heavy use of the Epson EMP-810 projector will reduce the expected hours. Watch for the warning signs:


  • The lamp indicator flashes orange or lights red.
  • The message “Lamp Replace” appears on the screen for 30 seconds when the projection starts.
  • The user’s logo disappears on screen and the lamp replacement message appears instead.
  • The images gets darker or starts to deteriorate
  • Have an extra lamp on hand since some lamps may stop before 1400 hours.

Installing a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp

Before installation:

Epson_EMP-810-remove-power-cord_Epson_ELPLP15_lamp1. Turn off the projector power and wait for the cool-down period which is about two minutes. Disconnect the power cord after the two minutes is over.

2. Wait at least 30 minutes to one hour for the Epson EMP-810 projector to cool internally before opening it up. It should be cool to the touch.

NOTE: Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.


Use the screwdriver provided and place it into the slot so the Epson EMP-810 lamp cover lifts up. Hold the raised section of the lamp cover to slide it forward and remove it from the Epson EMP-810 projector.



Loosen the two screw holding the Epson ELPLP15 lamp in place.




Grab the two indents on the other sides of the lamp and pull from the projector. Take care not knock the actual bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP15 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!


Epson_EMP-810_tighten_screws_Epson_ELPLP15_lampHold the lamp so it faces the correct way and insert the Epson ELPLP15 lamp until it clicks into place. Tighten the screws.





Insert the cover tabs into the Epson EMP-810 projector. Press the other side of the cover until it clicks into place.

A spare air filters comes with this lamp and should be replaced at the same. You can also reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson EMP-810 lamp timer

The lamp timer will need to be reset after  replacing theEpson ELPLP15. This timer helps the Epson EMP-810 proiector to properly track the lamp life. Only reset the Epson EMP-810 lamp timer when a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp has been installed, otherwise the projector will NOT know when it’s time to replace the lamp. You run the risk of damaging your projector.



  • Press the MENU button on either projector’s control panel or on the remote control.
  • The MAIN MENU will be shown.
  • Using the arrow keys scroll to Reset Lamp Timer from the ABOUT menu.
  • Press the ENTER key.





A second prompt screen will be displayed.
Select YES to EXECUTE.
Press the ENTER button.
The lamp hours will be rest to zero.

How to extend the life of the Epson ELPLP15 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP15 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-810 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.


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Epson_ELPLP39_projector_lampWhich projectors are compatible with the Epson ELPLP39 projector lamp?

Scroll down for a list of projectors that use the Epson ELPLP39 projector lamp and find step-by-step instructions for installing new lamps.

The importance of authentic Epson ELPLP39 lamps

Extremely low priced lamps often selling at way below market level are sometimes advertised as “compatible.” If the price is too good to believe, then the lamp is a  counterfeit and inferior to genuine OEM compatible lamps.

Authentic vs generic:

Replacement warning signs

The life span of the Epson ELPLP39 lamp ranges from approximately 3000 hours in HIGH brightness mode to about 4000 hours in LOW brightness mode.

Watch for the signs that it’s time to replace the Epson ELPLP39 projector lamp:

  • the image on screen gets darker and starts to deteriorate.
  • projector warning lamp flashes red and keeps flashing
  • a warning message “REPLACE THE LAMP” appears on screen.

The Epson ELPLP39 lamp lasts up to 3000 hours IF you are doing regular maintenance on your projector and not overusing it.

Compatible Projectors

The Epson ELPLP39 projector lamp is compatible with:

Powerlite Home Cinema 1080, PowerLite Home Cinema 1080 UB, PowerLite Home Cinema 720, EMP-TW700, EMP-TW980, EMP-TW2000, EMP-TW1000, Ensemble HD 1080, Ensemble HD 720, PowerLite Pro Cinema 810, PowerLite Pro Cinema 810 HQV, PowerLite Pro Cinema 1080, PowerLite Pro Cinema 1080 HQV, PowerLite Pro Cinema 1080 UB, V11H244020, V11H245020MB, V11H289020.

For step-by-step instructions on replacing your Epson ELPLP39 projector lamp, click on your projector listed below:




Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP39 projector lamp for the PowerLite Pro Cinema 1080 UB projector.





Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP39 projector lamp for the V11H244020 projector.






Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP39 projector lamp for the V11H245020MB projector.






Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the Epson ELPLP39 projector lamp for the V11H289020 projector.





Prolong the life of the Epson ELPLP39 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP39 with the following tips:

  • Cleaning your air filters clean will stop the projector from overheating which puts stress on the lamp.
  • Turn off the Epson projector and let it stand for at least one hour unused every day. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted. Without proper airflow, the lamp can overheat.
  • Using the Eco Mode or setting the Brightness Mode to low can extend the lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life



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Epson_EMP-800_projector_Epson_ELPLP15_lamp3 easy steps to a new Epson EMP-800 projector lamp

Follow our handy step-by-step guide for a hassle free installation of your replacement Epson EMP-800 projector lamp.

Step 1: Knowing when to replace

The Epson EMP-800 projector lamp has an expected life of 1400 hours but this may vary depending how much the projector is used. Your Epson EMP-800 projector needs the Epson ELPLP15 replacement lamp model.

Watch for the warning signs:


  • The lamp indicator on the projector flashes orange or lights up red.
  • The message “Lamp Replace” appears on the screen for 30 seconds when the projection starts.
  • The user’s logo is replaced by the lamp replacement message appears instead.
  • The colour starts to deteriorate or the image gets dark and dim.


 Step 2: Be ready with the correct lamp

Your Epson EMP-800 is a sophisticated machine with highly sensitive optics. You’ll want to install only genuine Epson ELPLP15 lamps in order to keep your Epson EMP-800 projector working at its optimal level. OEM Epson ELPLP15 have been manufactured to meet the needs of the Epson EMP-800 projector.

Why avoid generic lamps?

Knock-off lamps may seem like a bargain due to their low prices but these counterfeit lamps present more problems than solutions. In the long run they end up costing you more. Read about their problems and the decide if they are worth the savings or not:

Learn how to spot the copycat fake lamps with 7 Ways to Spot a Counterfeit Lamp.

Step 3: Installing a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp

Before installation:


  • Turn off the projector power and wait for the cool-down period which is about two minutes. Disconnect the power cord after the two minutes is over.
  • The Epson EMP-800 operates using high temperatures. Don’t get burned! Wait at least 30 minutes to one hour for  projector to cool internally before opening it up. When it’s cool to the touch it’s safe to change the lamp.
  • Do not operate the projectors while the lamp is removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Use the screwdriver provided and place it into the slot to lift up the Epson EMP-800 lamp cover. Slide the raised section of the cover up and slide it forward to take it off its hinges.

Epson_EMP-800_loosen_screws_Epson_ELPLP15_lampLoosen the two screw holding the Epson ELPLP15 lamp in place.



Grab the two indents on the other sides of the lamp and pull from the projector. Take care not knock the actual bulb as it may break. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP15 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps!

Hold the lamp so it faces the correct way and insert the Epson ELPLP15 lamp until it clicks into place. Tighten the screws.

Epson_ELPLP15_install_cover_Epson_ELPLP15_lampInsert the cover tabs into the Epson EMP-800 projector, making sure they line up properly with the tabs. Press the other side of the cover down until it clicks into place.

Be sure the lamp cover is on properly or the projector will not turn on. You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

Resetting the Epson EMP-800 lamp timer

After installing a new Epson ELPLP15 lamp, the lamp timer will need to be reset in order for the Epson EMP-800 to properly track the lamp life. You run the risk of damaging your projector should the lamp be used beyond the recommended 1900 hours, so only reset the lamp hours when a new lamp has been installed.


  • Press the MENU button on either projector’s control panel or on the remote control.
  • The MAIN MENU will be shown.
  • Using the arrow keys scroll to Reset Lamp Timer from the ABOUT menu.
  • Press the ENTER key.





A second prompt screen will be displayed.
Select YES to EXECUTE.
Press the ENTER button.
The lamp hours will be rest to zero.



Extend the life of the Epson ELPLP15 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP15 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EMP-800 and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Set the Brightness Mode to low or Econo Mode to extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.
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