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4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsumg HLT6756WX HPTVWhite dots on the Samsumg HLT6756WX /XAA screen is a sign the DLP chip needs replacing

Replace your 4719-001997 DLP Chip for under $300 and get rid of those white dots

Note: These instructions can also be used for the following Samsung models: 


Find this New Mitsubishi/Toshiba 4719-001997 DLP Chip 1910-6143W on Amazon.

Equipment needed

    • Electric Philips screwdriver
    • needle nose pliers or a 5mm nut driver
    • antistatic gloves OR plastic gloves used with an antistatic wrist band
    • soft cloth or brush

Replacing the 4719-001997 DLP Chip

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 1

Step 1: Put on the plastic gloves. Loosen all the screws found on the back panel. Put the screws to one side and remove the back panel.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 2

Step 2: Loosen the two screws holding the lamp bracket in place.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 3

Step 3: Remove the 4 screws holding the lamp engine in place. Disconnect all the connectors. Important: don’t yank any cables.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 4

Step 4: Carefully remove light engine from the cabinet.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 5

Step 5: Remove the 2 screws holding the color wheel protective cover in it place. Avoid touching any of the optical components as this can affect the quality of your picture.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6176SX RPTV

Step 6

Step 6: Carefully disconnect the cables between the terminal board and lamp.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 7

Step 7: Disconnect the clip connecting the cooling unit.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 8

Step 8: Remove the cooling unit and terminal board.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 9

Step 9: Remove the terminal board.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 10

Step 10: Loosen the 7 screws holding the terminal cover in place. (Good time to dust this section).

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 11

Step 11: Carefully pop the terminal out of its holder.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 12

Step 12: Unlock the old DLP Chip from the terminal. You may need to use a flat edged screwdriver to pop it out.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 13

Step 13: Place the new DLP chip into place. Handle the DMD DLP CHIP only by the edges because it is very sensitive to static electricity.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 14

Step 14: Put the terminal back into its holder.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 15

Step 15: Tighten the 7 screws holding the terminal in place.


4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 16

Step 16: Replace the terminal board’s cover.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 17

Step 17: Reconnect the clip holding the cooling unit.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 18

Step 18: Re-connect the cables between the terminal board and lamp.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 19

Step 19: Tighten the 2 screws holding the color wheel protective cover in it place. Avoid touching any of the optical components as this can affect the quality of your picture.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 20

Step 20: Carefully replace the light engine back into the cabinet.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 21

Step 21: Replace and tighten the 4 screws holding the lamp engine in place. Re-connect all the connectors.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 22

Step 22: Put the light engine back into the RPTV. Tighten both screws that keep the back bracket in place.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 23

Step 23: Put the back panel back onto the TV. Put the screws back into place and tighten them. Enjoy the crisp, clear picture on your Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV.

Learn more about your Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV:

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Epson EH-TW3500 warning light, Epson ELPLP49 lampThat orange blinking light means it’s time for a new Epson EH TW3500 projector lamp

When it’s time to replace your Epson EH-TW3500 projector lamp a replacement warning message will also appear on screen. Replace the lamp immediately and don’t wait. Follow this guide to install an new projector lamp.

Epson EH-TW3500 projector, Epson ELPLP49 lampGet the right lamp

You can expect 3900 hours of lamp from the lamp depending on the settings and usage of the Epson EH-TW3500 and whether you have bought an authentic lamp. You’ll need model Epson ELPLP49.

The Internet has been flooded with generic lamps stating they are “compatible” with Epson projectors. However most generics have a shorter lamp life than original lamps. Most compatible “generic” lamps from overseas are created with toxic materials and carcinogenic parts including Krypton-85.

Buying from an authentic manufacturer guarantees a projector lamp that works properly with your Epson EH-TW3500. Too often generic lamps damage the sensitive electronics in your projectors and since installing them voids your warranty you have no recourse.

Buy authentic and get a better product plus better customer care.

Find this authentic lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Installing the Epson ELPLP49 lamp

Before installation:

  • Turn off the projector and unplug the AC cord.
  • Allow the Epson EH-TW3500 to cool for one hour – it should be cool to the touch. Inside of the projector can be very hot since these machines operator under high temperatures and you run the risk of being burned if the projector has not cooled down.
  • Do not operate the projectors while any of the lamps are removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Caution: Don’t touch the screen or the actual bulb with your finger since the oil from your skin can cause a black spot on the bulb.


Epson EH-TW3500 lamp cover, Epson ELPLP49 lamp1. The lamp cover for the Epson EH-TW3500 is found on top of the projector. Take the screwdriver that came with the projector and put it into opening on the lamp cover to release the cover switch. Remove the lamp cover.

Epson EH-TW3500 remove lamp, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

2. Remove the two screws on either side of Epson ELPLP49 lamp. Place the screws to either side.


Epson EH-TW3500 remove lamp, Epson ELPLP49 lamp


3. Pull the lamp out using the top handle. Be sure to pull it out straight. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP49 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! 


Epson EH-TW3500 install lamp, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

4, Take the new Epson ELPLP49 lamp by the handle and gently put it into place making sure the lamp is facing in the right direction.


Epson EH-TW3500 tighten lamp screws, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

5. Replace the Epson ELPLP49 screws on the newly installed lamp.



 Epson EH-TW3500 projetor cover on, Epson ELPLP49 lamp


6. Re-connect the lamp cover. Tighten the screws on the cord and turn on the Epson EH-TW3500 projector.

7. Re-attach the power cord. Turn the projector on and let it warm up.

8. Reset the Lamp Operating time.

Step 3: Reset the Epson EH-TW3500 Lamp Timer

Reset the Epson EH-TW3500 Lamp Replacement Counter only when the Epson ELPLP49 lamp has been replaced.

 Epson EH-TW3500 lamp reset timer, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • Turn the Epson EH-TW3500 projector on.
  • Press MENU to display the configuration menu.
  • Press the down arrow to move down the menu to the Reset option.


Epson EH-TW3500 lamp reset second screen, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • Press Enter to enter the Reset Menu.
  • Press the down arrow to move down the menu to the Reset Lamp Hours option.
  • Press Enter.


Epson EH-TW3500 lamp reset third screen, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • When the Reset Lamp Hour option has been chosen the Reset Lamp Hours message will appear.
  • Use the cursor to move to the YES option.
  • Press Enter to reset the lamp hours to zero.

Prolong the life of the Epson ELPLP49 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP49 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EH-TW3500 and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life


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Follow our 3-step guide to install a new Epson ELPLP49 projector lamp in your Epson EH-TW2900 projector.

Epson EH-TW2900 warning light, Epson ELPLP49 lampEpson EH-TW2900 projector, Epson ELPLP49 lampWhen it’s time to replace the Epson EH-TW2900 projector lamp you’ll see the orange warning light begin to blink

A replacement warning message will also appear on screen. You can expect 3900 hours of lamp from the lamp depending on the settings and usage of the Epson EH-TW2900.

Step 1: Buy authentic

The Internet has been flooded with generic lamps stating they are “compatible” with Epson projectors. You must considered the source before purchasing. Look for a registered OEM manufacturer who is building the compatible lamps in North America and using the correct materials and specifications. Compatible lamps from overseas, particularly from China, have a whole list of problems. They may have a cheaper price tag but in the long run cost more.

Your Epson EH-TW2900 is a sophisticated machine with sensitive electronic components. The Epson ELPLP49 projector lamp has been designed specifically to keep your projector operating at optimum levels.

Find this authentic lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

6 reasons to avoid generics from overseas:

Learn the How to buy an authentic lamp.

Step 2: Install a new Epson ELPLP49 lamp

Before installation:

  • Turn off the projector and unplug the AC cord.
  • Allow the Epson EH-TW2900 to cool for one hour – it should be cool to the touch. Inside of the projector can be very hot since these machines operator under high temperatures and you run the risk of being burned if the projector has not cooled down.
  • Do not operate the projectors while any of the lamps are removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Caution: Don’t touch the screen or the actual bulb with your finger since the oil from your skin can cause a black spot on the bulb.


Epson EH-TW2900 lamp cover, Epson ELPLP49 lamp1. The lamp cover for the Epson EH-TW2900 is found on top of the projector. Take the screwdriver that came with the projector and put it into opening on the lamp cover to release the cover switch. Remove the lamp cover.

Epson EH-TW2900 remove lamp, Epson ELPLP49 lamp


2. Remove the two screws on either side of Epson ELPLP49 lamp. Place the screws to either side.

Epson EH-TW2900 remove lamp, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

3. Pull the lamp out using the top handle. Be sure to pull it out straight. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP49 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! 

Epson EH-TW2900 install lamp, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

4, Take the new Epson ELPLP49 lamp by the handle and gently put it intoplace making sure the lamp is facing in the right direction.


Epson EH-TW2900 tighten lamp screws, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

5. Replace the Epson ELPLP49 screws on the newly installed lamp.


 Epson EH-TW2900 projetor cover on, Epson ELPLP49 lamp




6. Re-connect the lamp cover. Tighten the screws on the cord and turn on the Epson EH-TW2900 projector.

7. Re-attach the power cord. Turn the projector on and let it warm up.

8. Reset the Lamp Operating time.

Step 3: Reset the Epson EH-TW2900 Lamp Timer

Reset the Epson EH-TW2900 Lamp Replacement Counter only when the Epson ELPLP49 lamp has been replaced.


 Epson EH-TW2900 lamp reset timer, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • Turn the Epson EH-TW2900 projector on.
  • Press MENU to display the configuration menu.
  • Press the down arrow to move down the menu to the Reset option.




Epson EH-TW2900 lamp reset second screen, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • Press Enter to enter the Reset Menu.
  • Press the down arrow to move down the menu to the Reset Lamp Hours option.
  • Press Enter.




Epson EH-TW2900 lamp reset third screen, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • When the Reset Lamp Hour option has been chosen the Reset Lamp Hours message will appear.
  • Use the cursor to move to the YES option.
  • Press Enter to reset the lamp hours to zero.


Prolong the life of the Epson ELPLP49 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP49 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EH-TW2900 and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life


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Epson EH-TW4000 projector, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

Here is your D.I.Y. guide to installing a new Epson EH-TW4000 projector lamp

Epson EH-TW2800 warning light, Epson ELPLP49 lampWhen it’s time to replace the Epson EH-TW4000 projector lamp you’ll see the orange warning light blinking.

A replacement warning message will also appear on screen. You can expect 3900 hours of lamp from the lamp depending on the settings and usage of the Epson EH-TW4000.

Buy authentic

Your Epson EH-TW4000 is a sophisticated machine with sensitive electronic components. The Epson ELPLP49 projector lamp has been designed specifically to keep your projector operating at optimum levels.

You’ll want to install an authentic Epson ELPLP49 lamp to keep your Epson EH-TW4000 projector working properly and to get the best picture quality. Although cheaper at first, generic knock-off lamps are actually not that great a bargain. These so-called “compatible” lamps are prone to explosion, have poor illumination, a shorter lamp life and can cause permanent damaged to the sensitive electronic components in your Epson EH-TW4000 projector.

Find this authentic lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

6 reasons to avoid generics

Learn the 7 Ways to spot a counterfeit lamp.

Install a new Epson ELPLP49 lamp

Before installation:

  • Turn off the projector and unplug the AC cord.
  • Allow the Epson EH-TW4000 to cool for one hour – it should be cool to the touch. Inside of the projector can be very hot since these machines operator under high temperatures and you run the risk of being burned if the projector has not cooled down.
  • Do not operate the projectors while any of the lamps are removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Caution: Don’t touch the screen or the actual bulb with your finger since the oil from your skin can cause a black spot on the bulb.


Epson EH-TW4000 lamp cover, Epson ELPLP49 lamp1. The lamp cover for the Epson EH-TW4000 is found on top of the projector. Take the screwdriver that came with the projector and put it into opening on the lamp cover to release the cover switch. Remove the lamp cover.

Epson EH-TW4000 screws removed, Epson ELPLP49 lamp


2. Remove the two screws on either side of Epson ELPLP49 lamp. Place the screws to either side.


Epson EH-TW4000 remove lamp, Epson ELPLP49 lamp


3. Pull the lamp out using the top handle. Be sure to pull it out straight. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP49 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! 


Epson EH-TW4000 projector, Epson ELPLP49 lamp


4, Take the new Epson ELPLP49 lamp by the handle and gently put it into place making sure the lamp is facing in the right direction.

Epson EH-TW4000 tighten screws, Epson ELPLP49 lamp
5. Replace the Epson ELPLP49 screws on the newly installed lamp.
Epson EH-TW4000 lamp cover reinstalled, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

6. Re-connect the lamp cover. Tighten the screws on the cord and turn on the Epson EH-TW4000 projector.

7. Re-attach the power cord. Turn the projector on and let it warm up.

8. Reset the Lamp Operating time.

Syep 3: Reset the Epson EH-TW4000 Lamp Timer

Reset the Epson EH-TW4000 Lamp Replacement Counter only when the Epson ELPLP49 lamp has been replaced.


Epson EH-TW4000 reset lamp timer, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • Turn the Epson EH-TW4000 projector on.
  • Press MENU to display the configuration menu.
  • Press the down arrow to move down the menu to the Reset option.

Epson EH-TW4000 reset menu, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • Press Enter to enter the Reset Menu.
  • Press the down arrow to move down the menu to the Reset Lamp Hours option.
  • Press Enter.



Epson EH-TW4000 lamp reset, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • When the Reset Lamp Hour option has been chosen the Reset Lamp Hours message will appear.
  • Use the cursor to move to the YES option.
  • Press Enter to reset the lamp hours to zero.

Prolong the life of the Epson ELPLP49 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP49 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EH-TW4000 and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life


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Epson EH-TW3000 projector, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

Follow our easy 3-step guide to install a replacement Epson EH-TW3000 projector lamp

The orange blinking light on your Epson EH-TW3000 projector means it’s time to replace Epson ELPLP49 projector lamp.

Epson EH-TW3000 warning light, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

You can expect 3900 hours of lamp from the lamp depending on the settings and usage of the Epson EH-TW3000. When it’s time to replace the Epson ELPLP49 projector lamp you’ll see the orange warning light begin to blink. A replacement warning message will also appear on screen.

Step 1: Buy authentic

Your Epson EH-TW3000 is a sophisticated machine with sensitive electronic components. The Epson ELPLP49 projector lamp has been designed specifically to keep your projector operating at optimum levels.

You’ll want to install an authentic Epson ELPLP49 lamp to keep your Epson EH-TW3000 projector working properly and to get the best picture quality. Although cheaper at first, generic knock-off lamps are actually not that great a bargain. These so-called “compatible” lamps are prone to explosion,  have poor illumination, a shorter lamp life and can cause permanent damaged to the sensitive electronic components in your Epson EH-TW3000 projector.

Copy-cat manufacturers simply don’t have the parts or the know-how to create a proper projector lamp so create their lamps using toxic substances such as Krypton-85. Don’t compromise your health and void your warranty to save a few extra dollars. Go with an authentic Epson ELPLP49 OEM lamp sold by a dependable seller and keep your Epson EH-TW3000 projector working.

Learn the 7 Ways to spot a counterfeit lamp.

Find this authentic lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Step 2: Install a new Epson ELPLP49 lamp

Before installation:

  • Turn off the projector and unplug the AC cord.
  • Allow the Epson EH-TW3000 to cool for one hour – it should be cool to the touch. Inside of the projector can be very hot since these machines operator under high temperatures and you run the risk of being burned if the projector has not cooled down.
  • Do not operate the projectors while any of the lamps are removed as this may result in malfunctions, fire hazard and other accidents.

Caution: Don’t touch the screen or the actual bulb with your finger since the oil from your skin can cause a black spot on the bulb.


Epson EH-TW3000 lamp cover, Epson ELPLP49 lamp1. The lamp cover for the Epson EH-TW3000 is found on top of the projector. Take the screwdriver that came with the projector and put it into opening on the lamp cover to release the cover switch. Remove the lamp cover.


Epson EH-TW3000 screws removed, Epson ELPLP49 lamp



2. Remove the two screws on either side of Epson ELPLP49 lamp. Place the screws to either side.


Epson EH-TW3000 remove lamp, Epson ELPLP49 lamp


3. Pull the lamp out using the top handle. Be sure to pull it out straight. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP49 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the lamp for you at no extra cost (another reason to buy authentic lamps).

Epson EH-TW3000 projector, Epson ELPLP49 lamp



4, Take the new Epson ELPLP49 lamp by the handle and gently put it into place making sure the lamp is facing in the right direction.



Epson EH-TW3000 tighten screws, Epson ELPLP49 lamp



5. Replace the Epson ELPLP49 screws on the newly installed lamp.



Epson EH-TW3000 lamp cover reinstalled, Epson ELPLP49 lamp




6. Re-connect the lamp cover. Tighten the screws on the cord and turn on the Epson EH-TW3000 projector.

7. Re-attach the power cord. Turn the projector on and let it warm up.

8. Reset the Lamp Operating time.


Step 3: Reset the Epson EH-TW3000 Lamp Timer

Reset the Epson EH-TW3000 Lamp Replacement Counter only when the Epson ELPLP49 lamp has been replaced.

Epson EH-TW3000 reset lamp timer, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • Turn the Epson EH-TW3000 projector on.
  • Press MENU to display the configuration menu.
  • Press the down arrow to move down the menu to the Reset option.



Epson EH-TW3000 reset menu, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • Press Enter to enter the Reset Menu.
  • Press the down arrow to move down the menu to the Reset Lamp Hours option.
  • Press Enter.




Epson EH-TW3000 lamp reset, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • When the Reset Lamp Hour option has been chosen the Reset Lamp Hours message will appear.
  • Use the cursor to move to the YES option.
  • Press Enter to reset the lamp hours to zero.


Prolong the life of the Epson ELPLP49 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP49 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EH-TW3000 and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life


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Epson EH-TW2800 projector, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

Use this guide to replace the Epson EH-TW2800 projector lamp

When it’s time to change your Epson EH-TW2800 projector lamp, you’ll see a replacement warning message on the screen. You’ll also notice an orange blinking light on the projector.

Epson EH-TW2800 warning light, Epson ELPLP49 lamp This is the lamp replacement indicator letting you know it’s to replace your Epson ELPLP49 projector lamp.

You can expect 3900 hours of lamp from the lamp depending on the settings and usage of the Epson EH-TW2800.

The importance of authentic lamps

When it’s time to change your Epson ELPLP49 projector lamp, it’s important to buy only a genuine lamp to replace the old lamp. The price of counterfeit knock-off lamps may be tempting but can cost you more money in the long run. Counterfeit lamps are not manufactured according to Epson’s specifications and can damage the sensitive (and expensive) mechanisms in your Epson EH-TW2800 projector.

Buy a Epson ELPLP49 lamp from a recognized dealer to get a far superior product with a replacement guarantee and tech support. Learn the 7 Ways to spot a counterfeit lamp.

Find this authentic lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

6 reasons to avoid generics

Step-by-step instructions for replacing the Epson ELPLP49 lamp

Before installation:

  • Turn off the projector and unplug the AC cord.
  • Allow the Epson EH-TW2800 to cool for one hour – it should be cool to the touch. Inside of the projector can be very hot since these machines operator under high temperatures and you run the risk of being burned if the projector has not cooled down.
  • Do not operate the projectors while any of the lamps are removed as this may result in malfunctions,  fire hazard and other accidents.

Caution: Don’t touch the screen or the actual bulb with your finger since the oil from your skin can cause a black spot on the bulb.


Epson EH-TW2800 projector lid off, Epson ELPLP49 lamp1. The lamp cover for the Epson EH-TW2800 is found on top of the projector. Take the screwdriver that came with the projector and put it into opening on the lamp cover to release the cover switch. Remove the lamp cover.

Epson EH-TW2800 remove screws projector, Epson ELPLP49 lamp


2. Remove the two screws on either side of Epson ELPLP49 lamp. Place the screws to either side.

Epson EH-TW2800 remove lamp, Epson ELPLP49 lamp


3. Pull the lamp out using the top handle. Be sure to pull it out straight. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.

NOTE: The Epson ELPLP49 lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! 

Epson EH-TW2800 projector, Epson ELPLP49 lamp



4, Take the new Epson ELPLP49 lamp by the handle and gently put it into place making sure the lamp is facing in the right direction.

Epson EH-TW2800 tighten screws, Epson ELPLP49 lamp



5. Replace the Epson ELPLP49 screws on the newly installed lamp.


Epson EH-TW2800 lamo cover reinstalled, Epson ELPLP49 lamp


6. Re-connect the lamp cover. Tighten the screws on the cord and turn on the Epson EH-TW2800 projector.

7. Re-attach the power cord. Turn the projector on and let it warm up.

8. Reset the Lamp Operating time.

Resetting the Epson EH-TW2800 Lamp Operating Time

Reset the Epson EH-TW2800 Lamp Replacement Counter only when the Epson ELPLP49 lamp has been replaced.

Epson EH-TW2800 reset lamp timer, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • Turn the Epson EH-TW2800 projector on.
  • Press MENU to display the configuration menu.
  • Press the down arrow to move down the menu to the Reset option.




Epson EH-TW2800 reset menu, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • Press Enter to access the
  • Reset Menu.
  • Press the down arrow to move down the menu to the Reset Lamp Hours option.
  • Press Enter.



Epson EH-TW2800 lamp reset, Epson ELPLP49 lamp

  • When the Reset Lamp Hour option has been chosen the Reset Lamp Hours message will appear.
  • Use the cursor to move to the YES option.
  • Press Enter to reset the lamp hours to zero.


Prolong the life of the Epson ELPLP49 lamp:

Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP49 with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Turn off the Epson EH-TW2800 and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
  • Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life


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4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTVWhite dots on your Samsung HLT6189SX/XAA? Replace the DLP Chip and banish those white dots!

Replace your 4719-001997 DLP Chip for under $300 and get your screen back.

Note: These instructions can also be used for the following Samsung models:


Find this New Mitsubishi/Toshiba 4719-001997 DLP Chip 1910-6143W on Amazon.

Equipment needed

    • Electric Philips screwdriver
    • needle nose pliers or a 5mm nut driver
    • antistatic gloves OR plastic gloves used with an antistatic wrist band
    • soft cloth or brush

Replacing the 4719-001997 DLP Chip

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 1


Step 1: Put on the plastic gloves. Loosen all the screws found on the back panel. Put the screws to one side and remove the back panel.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 2

Step 2: Loosen the two screws holding the lamp bracket in place.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 3

Step 3: Remove the 4 screws holding the lamp engine in place. Disconnect all the connectors. Important: don’t yank any cables.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HHLT6189SX RPTV

Step 4

Step 4: Carefully remove light engine from the cabinet.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 5

Step 5: Remove the 2 screws holding the color wheel protective cover in it place. Avoid touching any of the optical components as this can affect the quality of your picture.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 6

Step 6: Carefully disconnect the cables between the terminal board and lamp.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 7

Step 7: Disconnect the clip connecting the cooling unit.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 8

Step 8: Remove the cooling unit and terminal board.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 9

Step 9: Remove the terminal board.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 10

Step 10: Loosen the 7 screws holding the terminal cover in place. (Good time to dust this section).

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 11

Step 11: Carefully pop the terminal out of its holder.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 12

Step 12: Unlock the old DLP Chip from the terminal. You may need to use a flat edged screwdriver to pop it out.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 13

Step 13: Place the new DLP chip into place. Handle the DMD DLP CHIP only by the edges because it is very sensitive to static electricity.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 14

Step 14: Put the terminal back into its holder.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 15

Step 15: Tighten the 7 screws holding the terminal in place.


4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 16

Step 16: Replace the terminal board’s cover.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 17

Step 17: Reconnect the clip holding the cooling unit.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 18

Step 18: Re-connect the cables between the terminal board and lamp.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 19

Step 19: Tighten the 2 screws holding the color wheel protective cover in it place. Avoid touching any of the optical components as this can affect the quality of your picture.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 20

Step 20: Carefully replace the light engine back into the cabinet.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 21

Step 21: Replace and tighten the 4 screws holding the lamp engine in place. Re-connect all the connectors.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 22

Step 22: Put the light engine back into the RPTV. Tighten both screws that keep the back bracket in place.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6189SX RPTV

Step 23

Step 23: Put the back panel onto the TV. Put the screws back into place and tighten them. Enjoy the crisp, clear picture on your Samsung HLT6189SX/XAA RPTV.

Learn more about your Samsung HLT6189SX/XAA RPTV:

Shop on Amazon for this chip.

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Learn how to replace the BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lampBenQ_CS.5J0DJ.001_Projector_Lamp.

Watch for the warning messages that the BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 lamp is approaching end of life:

  • The picture looks faded on screen.
  • The Lamp Indicator blinks red.
  • Warning Messages about the lamp appear on screen.

Finding the correct lamp

It can be confusing finding the correct BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp for your BenQ projector.

There are hundreds of website selling projector lamps but most of there lamps are knock-off generic lamps that you should avoid at all costs.

6 good reasons to avoid generics

The few dollars you save with generic “compatible” lamps is not worth it in the long run. Save yourself unnecessary headaches — buy a BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp from a recognized dealer. You’ll be getting a far superior product with a replacement guarantee plus tech support.

Learn the 7 Ways to spot a counterfeit lamp.

Compatible Projectors

The BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp is compatible with the BenQ SP820.

BenQ SP820 projector, BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 lamp

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to change the BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp for the BenQ SP820 projector.

Make your newly installed BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp life last longer with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Use the Lamp Power option on the BenQ SP820 projector and set to Economic Mode to reduce the amount of power used but extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

A greener option



The BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp offers the option of replacing only the bulb and reusing the plastic lamp cage. This can reduce and recycle. Watch our training video to learn how easy it is to go green with this projector lamp.



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BenQ_SP820_projector_BenQ_CS.5J0DJ.001_projector_lampFollow our guide to replace the BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp in your BenQ SP820 projector.

You can have a new BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp installed in 3 easy steps.

Step 1: Know when to replace

When it’s time to replace your BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp the READY light on the BenQ SP820 be will flashing orange. (The READY light is found on the left hand side of the POWER light.)

When the light is flashing, replace the BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp immediately as the projector will soon be shutting down. Using the projector when the lamp is approaching end of lamp can damage your projector.

Step 2: Buy authentic

Your BenQ SP8220 projector is a sophisticated machine with sensitive electronic components. The BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp has been designed specifically to keep your projector operating at optimum levels. Generic “compatible” lamps are made with copycat technology that use inferior and often toxic materials.

Knock-off manufacturers don’t possess the proper technology to create these lamps and as a result these lamps have a shorter lamp life, are prone to explosions and can seriously damage your projector. Installing them cancels your warranty leaving your vulnerable should anything go wrong. It’s not worth the small savings. Protect yourself from buying a knock-off counterfeit compatible generic lamp.

 Step 3: Replace the BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp

Before changing the lamp:
  • Reduce the risk of electrical shock by disconnecting the power cord on the BenQ SP820 projector.
  • Reduce the risk of severe burns by allowing the projector to cool for at least 45 minutes. The BenQ SP820 operates under high heat.

BenQ_SP820_lamp_screws_BenQ_CS.5J0DJ.001_projector_ lamp

  • The lamp cover is found on the top of the projector. Using a magnetic screwdriver remove both screws and put them to one side.

BenQ_SP820_lamp_cover_open_ BenQ_CS.5J0DJ.001_projector_lamp




BenQ_SP820_lamp_screws_BenQ_CS.5J0DJ.001_projector_ lamp



BenQ_SP820_projector_lamp_removal_BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001_projector_ lamp

  • Grab the wire handle on the BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp so it lifts up. Slowly and gently pull the  lamp out of the projector. Pulling too quickly can cause the bulb to shatter. Learn what to do should the bulb shatter.
  • Avoid touching the optical components inside the projector as this can leave marks on the lenses causing image distortion and unwanted color changes.
  • Tighten the two screws on the new BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001  lamp.
  • Close the lid. Tighten the two screws on the lamp cover.
  • You are now ready to reset the lamp timer.

NOTE: The BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp contains mercury and should not be thrown into regular garbage. Recycle your used lamps! If you bought from an authentic manufacturer they will recycle the projector lamp for you at no extra cost (another reason to buy authentic lamps).

Reset the lamp counter

It’s important to only reset the lamp timer when the BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp has been replaced. Resetting the lamp timer without changing the BenQ 59.J8101.CG1 projector lamp can cause significant harm to your BenQ SP820 projector.



  • Press the Menu button to open the Main menu.
  • Press the cursor down arrow button to move to the Status menu.
  • Press the cursor up arrow button to move down to Lamp Hour Reset.
  • Press the right cursor or Enter button to get the Lamp Hour Reset message.
  • Press the cursor buttons in this order:  Down arrow button/ Up arrow button/Left arrow button/ Right arrow button
  • The Status menu will appears again showing the Lamp Hours reset to zero.



Make your newly installed BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 lamp life last longer with the following tips:

  • Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
  • Use the Lamp Power option on the BenQ SP820 projector and set to Economic Mode to reduce the amount of power used but extend lamp life.
  • Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.

A greener option



The BenQ CS.5J0DJ.001 projector lamp offers the option of replacing only the bulb and reusing the plastic lamp cage. This can reduce and recycle. Watch our training video to learn how easy it is to go green with this projector lamp.






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4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX Is your Samsung HLT6187SX/XAA ruined by white dots? The simple fix is a new 4719-001997 DLP Chip

Replace your 4719-001997 DLP Chip for under $300 and get rid of those white dots.

Note: These instructions can also be used for the following Samsung models:


Find this New Mitsubishi/Toshiba 4719-001997 DLP Chip 1910-6143W on Amazon.

Equipment needed

    • Electic Philips screwdriver
    • needle nose pliers or a 5mm nut driver
    • antistatic gloves OR plastic gloves used with an antistatic wrist band
    • soft cloth or brush

Replacing the 4719-001997 DLP Chip

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 1

Step 1: Put on the plastic gloves. Loosen all the screws found on the back panel. Put the screws to one side and remove the back panel.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 2

Step 2: Loosen the two screws holding the lamp bracket in place.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 3

Step 3: Remove the 4 screws holding the lamp engine in place. Disconnect all the connectors. Important: don’t yank any cables.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 4

Step 4: Carefully remove light engine from the cabinet.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 5

Step 5: Remove the 2 screws holding the color wheel protective cover in it place. Avoid touching any of the optical components as this can affect the quality of your picture.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 6

Step 6: Carefully disconnect the cables between the terminal board and lamp.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 7

Step 7: Disconnect the clip connecting the cooling unit.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 8

Step 8: Remove the cooling unit and terminal board.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 9

Step 9: Remove the terminal board.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 10

Step 10: Loosen the 7 screws holding the terminal cover in place. (Good time to dust this section).

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 11

Step 11: Carefully pop the terminal out of its holder.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 12

Step 12: Unlock the old DLP Chip from the terminal. You may need to use a flat edged screwdriver to pop it out.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 13

Step 13: Place the new DLP chip into place. Handle the DMD DLP CHIP only by the edges because it is very sensitive to static electricity.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 14

Step 14: Put the terminal back into its holder.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 15

Step 15: Tighten the 7 screws holding the terminal in place.


4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 16

Step 16: Replace the terminal board’s cover.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 17

Step 17: Reconnect the clip holding the cooling unit.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 18

Step 18: Re-connect the cables between the terminal board and lamp.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 19

Step 19: Tighten the 2 screws holding the color wheel protective cover in it place. Avoid touching any of the optical components as this can affect the quality of your picture.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 20

Step 20: Carefully replace the light engine back into the cabinet.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6756WX RPTV

Step 21

Step 21: Replace and tighten the 4 screws holding the lamp engine in place. Re-connect all the connectors.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 22

Step 22: Put the light engine back into the RPTV. Tighten both screws that keep the back bracket in place.

4719-001997 DLP Chip, Samsung HLT6187SX RPTV

Step 23

Step 23: Put the back panel onto the TV. Put the screws back into place and tighten them. Enjoy the crisp, clear picture on your Samsung HLT6187SX/XAA RPTV.

Learn more about your Samsung HLT6187SX/XAA RPTV:

Shop on Amazon for this chip.

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