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Author: Shelagh McNally

Follow our guide to a hassle-free replacement of your Optoma EP715H projector lamp. When the Optoma EP715H projector lamp is reaching end of life, you will see the Lamp Replacement message. You have 30 hours or less before the projector shuts …

Replacement instructions for the Optoma EP715H projector lamp Read More »

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Wondering when and how to replace the Optoma DS316 projector lamp? Follow this easy how-to guide and learn more. When to replace the projector lamp When it’s time to replace the Optoma DS316 projector lamp you’ll see lamp replacement message flash …

Replacing the Optoma DS316 projector lamp Read More »

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Treat your Ask Proxima projector properly and it will last much longer. Here are some tips to keep your Ask Proxima projector working at optimal levels. Make sure you have the right environment for your projector. High humidity, dust or …

Ask Proxima projector maintenance tips Read More »

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Find out which projectors are compatible with the Optoma BL-FP230A lamp Learn how to install the Optoma BL-FP230A lamp into your compatible Optoma projector.   Before purchasing look for the seal of approval that lets you know you are buying from …

Which projectors use the Optoma BL-FP230A lamp Read More »

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Replacing the Optoma DX608 projector lamp is easy when you follow our guide. Go with OEM authentic lamps When the Optoma DX608 projector lamp has reached end of life, the Lamp Replacement message will appear on screen. You should prepare to …

How to replace the Optoma DX608 projector lamp Read More »

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Replacing the Optoma EP7479 projector lamp isn’t difficult when you follow our step-by-step guide. Step 1: Finding the correct lamp When the Optoma EP7479 projector lamp is reaching end of life, the Lamp Replacement message will appear on screen. You should …

How to replace the Optoma EP7479 projector lamp Read More »

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Replacing your Optoma EP750 projector lamp is simple when you follow our installation guide. When to replace Your Optoma EP750 projector tracks the number of hours of lamp life and when it is approaching 1500 hours, will flash as warning …

How to replace the Optoma EP750 projector lamp Read More »

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Our quick guide shows how to replace your Optoma EP7477 projector lamp. Step 1: Let’s discuss generics Your Optoma EP7477 needs an Optoma BL-FP230A (SP.83R01G001)  lamp. There are lots of choices out there on the Internet but since selling online …

Replace the Optoma EP7477 projector lamp Read More »

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Follow this 3-step guide to install an Optoma H57 projector lamp. Step 1: Knowing when to replace The projector will detect the lamp life and when the Optoma H57 projector lamp approaches 1500 hours a warning message will flash on …

D.I.Y. guide to replacing the Optoma H57 projector lamp Read More »

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Make your PowerPoint presentations soar with this simple rule Advice from Guy Kawasaki Make your PowerPoint presentation a hit and prevent audience paralysis by following Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule. Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon Valley author, speaker, investor and business …

The 10/20/30 rule for projector PowerPoint presentations Read More »

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