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Tag: authentic projector lamps

Wondering when to replace the ASK Proxima UltraLight LX2 projector lamp? Watch for these signs: The LAMP REPLACEMENT indicator on the projector lights yellow Images appear dark Images have unnatural color Warning message about the lamp life appear on the …

DIY for a new ASK Proxima UltraLight LX2 projector lamp Read More »

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The LAMP REPLACEMENT indicator on your ASK Proxima UltraLight LS2 projector will light up yellow when it’s time for a new lamp. Images that appear dark or with unnatural color are also warning signs that the ASK LAMP-019, (POA-LMP21J service …

Replacing the ASK Proxima UltraLight LS2 projector lamp Read More »

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The ASK Proxima LAMP-016 lamp should have a life that lasts between 1500 -2000 hours before needing to be replaced. When it’s reaching its end of life, The Lamp Replacement Indicator on the projector’s panel will light up orange. Also install …

When to replace the ASK Proxima LAMP-016 projector lamp Read More »

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Follow our 3-step guide to a new ASK Proxima DP-9260 projector lamp! STEP ONE: Finding the correct lamp When the ASK Proxima LAMP-016 is reaching end of life the Lamp Replacement Indicator on the front panel will light up orange. Replace …

Changing the ASK Proxima DP-9260 projector lamp Read More »

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When it’s time to replace the ASK Proxima DP-9250 projector lamp, the Lamp Replacement Indicator on the front panel will light up orange. Lamp life will vary depending on the usage and maintenance. You can expect between 1500 to 2,000 …

The easy way to replace the ASK Proxima DP-9250 projector lamp Read More »

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How to replace the ASK C2 Compact/C6 Compact projector lamp Follow our 3-step guide to install a replacement ASK C2 Compact/C6 Compact projector lamp. Lamp Replacement Warnings The ASK C2 Compact/C6 Compact makes it easy to know when the ASK LAMP-013 is …

3 Steps to a new ASK C2 Compact/C6 Compact projector lamp Read More »

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Install a ASK A6 Compact projector lamp The ASK A6 Compact projector lampshas between 1500 to 2500 hours of lamp life, depending on usage and maintenance. A warning message When it’s time to replace the ASK LAMP-013 in your ASK A6 Compact …

How to replace the ASK A6 Compact projector lamps Read More »

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Install a new ASK A4 Compact projector lamp in 3 easy steps When it’s time ASK A4 Compact projector lamp a warning message will appear on screen and the ALARM indicator located on the right side of the projector will flash red.   …

3 Steps to a new ASK A4 Compact projector lamp Read More »

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The ASK LAMP-001 projector lamp will run for approximately 1500 -2000 hours before needing to be replaced.   It’s critical to buy and install a genuine ASK LAMP-001 rather than a generic lamps. Although lower in price initially, these copy cat …

When to replace the ASK LAMP-001 projector lamp Read More »

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The projector lamp for the ASK Impression A9 projector lamp will run for approximately 500 hours before needing to be replaced. When the lamp is approaching end of life the Lamp Replacement Indicator will light up red. To track the …

Your quick guide to a new ASK Impression A9 projector lamp Read More »

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