Samsung SP50 L6HX DLP

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Samsung SP50 L6HX DLP

Postby xxxtglxxx » Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:27 pm

Hi there,

I have trawled lots of posts on this board trying to avoid wasting anyones time with a duplicate problem, but its now fried my brain! :D LOL

I was looking for something relevant to my model number, but now I am thinking maybe its a UK prefix?

Anyway, above tv is over 3 yrs old, and had developed recently increasingly loud fan noises. It progressed over 3 weeks to an intolerable level, so in a humph I turned it off yesterday, (I thought to let it cool down) and now its dead!! :o

Now when we switch on we get the click, and then the green lamp light flashes for about 30 seconds before the 'angry face' of 3 lights. They just flash.

My husband had the back off to clean the fans when we first noticed the noise, but it didnt fix it. After reading many of the responses on this forum we are guessing that the colour wheel is the problem? The parts in the UK are quite expensive, so without jumping headfirst into buying a colour wheel or lamp I was looking for some reassurance or advice that its probably the case, and is kind of straightforward? And also, as I cant find our model number anywhere on this forum what model number is it alternatively known as? :)

And are there any 'reputable' dealers in the UK?

Many thanks if someone has time to reply.

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Re: Samsung SP50 L6HX DLP

Postby Angel » Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:21 pm

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Re: Samsung SP50 L6HX DLP

Postby xxxtglxxx » Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:06 am

Wow, thank you NEhelp :)

That link is great! Step by step - who could ask for more! :D

We have sourced a colour wheel from Samsung UK (£109.99 + shipping!) but at least we can make sure its the right part ;)
It says next day delivery, so if we get it before friday, OH will probably tackle it on the weekend (I will be on cuppa T duty!) I will post back with results. :P

Again, thanks so much for a speedy reply, it is much appreciated.

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Re: Samsung SP50 L6HX DLP

Postby Angel » Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:54 pm

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Re: Samsung SP50 L6HX DLP

Postby xxxtglxxx » Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:36 pm

Hi there :)

Well we got the part, but it was the wrong one :( £67 it cost, with no refund.

Anyway my OH swapped the housing so it would fit, but it still made the same noise, and didnt fix the problem.
Last weekend whilst waiting for the part he cleaned it all up, and it actually worked for about 2 hrs, then died completely. After that when it was switched on other than the clicking noise it was completely dead.

Any advice?

thanks for your time

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