Fix Your DLP Wizard

There is false color on my television set.

False colors can mean a few things in the DLP world. Check your television menu and color settings first. If everything is correct, check for these symptoms:

  • Poor color, undersaturated or over saturated
  • The picture is in black & white
  • The picture is intermittently in color and black & white
  • The picture is showing the wrong color (ie skin tones are pink or green).

These are classic symptoms of a failing or failed color wheel. The colorwheel spins at a high revolution and anything to distrupt the motion, such as failing or stuck ball-barings, will cause the color to be "off."

If you are not hearing any screeching, whining, or winding sounds normally associated with a faulty color wheel, it may be in its early stages of failure. It is hard to tell when this component will fail, but typically color wheels can go out within the first few years.

Known television makes with this issue are RCA and Samsung.

If you have an LCD projection, such as a Sony or Hitachi, please click here. LCD projection televisions do not feature a color wheel device.

Philips UHP lamps only fail about .03% of the time out of the factory. That's 3 in 10,000! If you've already purchased a lamp, give us a call and we'll do our best to help you. For color wheels and other components for DLPs click here, or click continue to shop for a lamp from

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